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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Almagro (Madrid)

The Institute of Psychode Psychology It serves people of all ages for any type of disorder, mainly those of an emotional nature and also in processes of development and personal growth, since 2006.

The professionals at this clinic are specialized in applying an integrated cognitive-behavioral therapy with other guidelines of proven effectiveness to address all kinds of demands, both in person and on-line. In addition to that, his intervention is characterized by providing useful tools and techniques for the demanding from the first day of therapy, so that the process of evolution and change begins as soon as possible personal.

Thus, the main intervention specialties of the Psicode Institute are anxiety and depression disorders, obsessions, drug addiction cases, divorce processes in the couple, infertility cases and conduct disorders sexual.

The Cepsim Madrid Psychological Center has professionals specialized in treating any type of disorder in people of all ages ages and also couples through the application of the best therapies adapted to each particular case.

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There are many intervention specialties at the Cepsim center, among the main ones are cases of depression and anxiety, phobias, emotional dependence and sexual dysfunctions.

The psychologist Gerardo Castaño Recuero runs his own therapy center: Our Psychologist in Madrid, where he offers psychotherapy for children, adolescents, adults and also couples and where he treats a wide variety of different disorders.

Thus, in his consultation he attends through an integrative approach of the dynamic orientation with the humanist, and mainly in cases such as disorders of anxiety, mood disorders such as depression, eating disorders, sleep disturbances and also drug addictions all.

The team of professionals at the therapy center Psycho3 has extensive experience attending any type of demand in people of all ages who may need it, as well as in couples. The center also offers an emotional coaching service for adults and in the same way a service of expert opinions and psychological evaluations to present in legal proceedings.

The psychological intervention of Psico3 professionals is offered both in person and online, some of which are his specialties include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and addictions.

In the clinic Luria Psychology Expert professionals work in addressing all types of disorders in people of any age, as well as in couples and families. In addition to that, the center also offers a support and intervention service in companies to solve any type of problem they may have.

Thus, the main specialties of this clinic are anxiety disorders, sexual behavior disorders, family problems and organizational problems in companies.

The center Paradigm XXI has been serving for more than 20 years any type of demand in people of all ages, whether they are specific clinical cases or vital problems that the person cannot overcome on their own.

Among the specialties of the center's professionals, cases of fear and phobias, deficits in social skills, workplace harassment and relationship problems can be highlighted.

The Psychology Center Cipap has more than 30 years serving people of all ages, also couples and families. It is currently made up of a team of highly qualified and experienced multidisciplinary professionals.

The intervention of these professionals is characterized by offering the best services to each consultant in a personalized way and using the therapies that best suit each case.

The psychological cabinet Aesthesis has a large therapeutic team specialized in addressing any type of problem in children and adults, both in person and online.

Thus, the main specialties addressed by the professionals of the center are the cases of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder and problems with partner.

The center Aye Psychology offers a specialized service in sexual and couples therapy by the hand of two psychologists specialized in addressing any query related to this area.

In the center, any query or problem derived from identity, sexual orientation or sexual behavior is treated in a professional manner.

In the clinic Psychologists Kairós Professionals specialized in serving and guiding people of all ages work for both emotional, cognitive or behavioral demands.

Problems at work, obsessions, eating disorders or sexual behavior disorders are some of the demands that are addressed in this cabinet.

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