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Most important CHINESE Dynasties

Most important Chinese dynasties

China is one of the oldest nations in the world and one of the largest even today, having a large area and one of the highest population numbers. For centuries, its history has been divided by dynasties, these being the ones that separate the different stages of the Asian nation, although it is a system that was used a lot in various Asian countries and not only in this country.

To talk about these lines of succession that forever change the history of China and help us understand its evolution, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the most important Chinese dynasties, you will see a list with their names and a summary with their most important characteristics.

It is considered as Ancient Era to the stage of China that begins with the appearance of non-legendary historical textual sources that allow us to know the chinese history and that ends with the arrival of the Qin dynasty. Therefore, in this section we must talk about the numerous Chinese dynasties during the Ancient Era:

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Xia dynasty

It is the stage that occurred between 2700 BC. C. and 1600 a. C. and that is considered as the first dynasty in Chinese history. He had about 17 kings we know and little data on this dynasty, but we do have data on its hereditary nature and that its disappearance was due to the mismanagement of King Jié. To this day it is not certain that their existence is true, since the data we have about them is considered by many to be mythological and legendary.

Shang dynasty

The Shang dynasty emerged in 1600 BC. C. and ended in the year 1046 BC. C. Its end was due to the tyranny of its monarchs and it is the China's first dynasty of which we are sure of its existence, since we have an enormous amount of historical sources that demonstrate its facts. It was a civilization with great evolution, dominating a complex writing, domination of bronze and terracotta and a social class system similar to that of European countries. This dynasty was a group of different tribes united by the supreme political and religious figure represented by the king.

Zhou dynasty

Located between the years 1046 a. C. and 256 a. C., the Zhou dynasty was a stage marked by the appearance of artistic techniques to communicate with the dead. The feudal system of the Zhou It was one of the causes of the increasing division of the nation, ending with the division of China into different areas. The Zhou stage was marked by the appearance of the Confucius thinker, who was key to the thought of China until today, and for the modernization in aspects such as agriculture or crafts.

Most Important Chinese Dynasties - Ancient Era Dynasties

Image: SlidePlayer

To continue this lesson on most important Chinese dynasties We must talk about those belonging to the stage or Imperial Era, being when the king was called emperor and the region gradually occupied everything that we know today as China. It was at this stage that the great dynasties arose and what we understand as the Imperial china.

Qin dynasty

Located between 221 a. C. and 206 a. C., the Qin dynasty is considered the first imperial dynasty And thus it is the first time that China's authority figure has been called an emperor. The Emperor Qin Shi Huang It was the most relevant of this stage and it was because it was able to unify the entire Empire under his power. Among the greatest feats of this dynasty is the beginning of the construction of the Great wall china and the unification of the customs of all China.

Han Dynasty

Located between 206 a. C. and 220 d. C., this was the dynasty that managed to increase the China expansion beyond the Yangtze River. After a period in which religion and philosophy were frowned upon, this era was marked by the growing influence of Confucianism and the creation of a key element for the future of humanity as it was paper.

Sui dynasty

It was a short dynasty, between the years 581 and 618, whose greatest triumphs were the expansion of the Great Wall of China, the creation of the Grand Canal that was key to the trade expansion of the region and the increasing promotion of Buddhist religion.

Tang dynasty

Located between 618 and 907, this was a dynasty with serious crises, having a very irregular government in which there were many revolts throughout the nation. Among his greatest contributions are the reopening of the Silk Road, the contact with other Asian nations, the conquest of new regions in the west or the appearance of some exams that allowed to enter the bureaucracy of the imperial system.

Song dynasty

Located between the year 960 and the year 1279, the Song dynasty was in which culture had an enormous presence, living an exceptional stage for art, the landscaping being especially relevant. It was a time marked by the continuous attacks of the steppe tribes, ending the stage with the Mongol invasion.

Yuan Dynasty

Located between 1234 and 1368, this was a stage marked by the Mongol invasion of China, since the enormous expansion of Genghis Khan caused China to be defeated by these, causing a few years marked by a strong crisis that was further aggravated by the appearance from Plague.

Ming dynasty

The end of the Mongol government brought with it the appearance of this dynasty between the years 1368 and 1644, being a return to the government of people of Chinese origin compared to the years of government Mongolian. During this stage, China was considered the most advanced nation in the world, evolving in all aspects and becoming the most powerful maritime nation in the world.

Qing dynasty

Located between 1644 and 1911, the Qing dynasty was the last dynasty in Chinese history, being the first rulers of Manchu origin. The history of the Qing was that of a government with great crises, many repressions, clashes with other nations and a series of inequalities that ended with the last dynasty.

In this other lesson you can learn more about Ancient civilizations of China and in this video you can see a summary of Chinese civilization.

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