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The 12 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Logroño

The psychologist Anne Guilbeau She is one of the most outstanding professional couples therapy specialists in Logroño and in her private practice she attends both in person and online.

This professional has been trained in various European universities and currently her intervention is based on a eclectic approach in which various therapies of proven efficacy intervene, adapted to the needs of each client.

On top of that, some of the areas that she successfully tackles are anxiety and depression, emotional and relational problems, infidelities, jealousy, breakups, stress and divorces.

The Institute of Psychode Psychology is one of the reference centers in our country in the field of couples therapy and its Services are offered both in person and online, depending on the needs of the customers.

For more than 15 years, the team of professionals at this center is specialized in treating any type of disorder or consult either on an individual level or in the sphere of the couple, applying the best therapies for each specific case.

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All the therapies applied in this center are based on the scientific method and with them its professionals successfully address the relationship or communication problems, infidelities, family conflicts, sexual difficulties, depression or trauma.

At the psychologist's office Ana Rosa Sáenz Latorre specialized psychological care is also provided in all those obstacles that may appear in life as a couple and make it difficult to coexist or any other area of ​​life shared.

This professional offers an online consultation in which we can obtain therapy to overcome, among others problems, generalized anxiety disorders, depression and communication problems, in general.

The psychologist Natalia Bacaicoa She is one of the greatest experts in the field of couples therapy in Logroño and has extensive experience and professional experience. in the intervention of all kinds of disorders and problems that may interfere with the well-being of the couple and their life intimate.

Through a online therapy in which different psychological therapies are applied adapted to the characteristics of each couple, this professional will address, among others consultations, emotional dependence problems, addictive disorders, anxiety during pregnancy and communication problems of all.

The psychologist Maria Martin Pinero She offers an online therapy aimed at couples who have a crisis and based on applying the therapy that best suits the characteristics of the members of the same, of all those that she masters.

The main reasons for consultation in which she has specialized throughout her career are, among others, conduct disorders, phobias, especially social phobia and agoraphobia and also dysfunctions sexual.

At the psychologist's office Nerea Reinares Cerro We will find a specialized intervention in perinatal psychology and also in couples therapy by a qualified and experienced professional.

This psychologist also offers online therapy, being her main intervention specialties, anxiety during pregnancy, maternity counseling and postpartum depression.

The General Health Psychologist Clara Martinez She offers both individual therapy sessions and online couples therapy to solve problems that interfere with her well-being.

The main queries that this professional will resolve are mainly related to resolving conflicts derived from parenting of the children, with the advice through exercises that improve the relationship and with which the communication and the wellness.

The psychologist Monica Torreiro Varela He is a specialist in couples therapy, so he will offer a professional intervention for any problem that may arise.

Anxiety attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder and exercises to improve the couple's relationship are some of the specialties of this professional.

The psychologist Ana Isabel Fernández Nieto She also offers a specialized consultation in solving problems in the couple, whatever they may be.

In her consultation we can go if we need professional intervention to overcome vital crises in the relationship, communication problems, infidelities, sexual problems or break-up processes.

At the psychologist's office Veronica Arraiz We will also find a professional couples therapy by the hand of a specialist in family mediation.

Her specialties are impulse control problems, cases of gender-based violence, adaptive disorders, and separation or divorce processes.

The psychologist Jorge Martija He is also an expert in therapeutic intervention in couples who need qualified help to solve their problems, an area that addresses through online therapy, in which she offers all kinds of comforts so that the people cared for feel perfectly comfortable.

Thus, this professional is specialized in addressing, among others, the following disorders: addictions of all kinds, phobias, conflicts of all kinds in the couple, mourning processes and attacks of panic.

The psychologist Carlos Faulin Garcia She serves patients of all ages, and also couples who are going through a bad time through the online therapy modality, and offering all possible comforts.

In his consultation we will find a specialized intervention in couple crises of all kinds, mainly in those problems related to communication in the same, low self-esteem and relationship problems in general.

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