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Short Biography of Lluis Companys

Short Biography of Lluis Companys

Although the duration of the Second Spanish Republic was not very long, we can say that in this stage we will find a large number of relevant characters in the socio-political map of the epoch. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you the summary biography of Lluís Companys, a politician who became president of the Generalitat of Catalonia and even took the step of making Catalonia independent, creating a Republic.

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  1. From childhood to entry into politics
  2. The beginning of Lluís Companys in politics
  3. The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera
  4. The Second Spanish Republic
  5. Creation of the Catalan State
  6. From the civil war to his death

From his childhood to entering politics.

We begin the summarized biography of Lluís Companys, talking about his family bosom, he was born on June 21 in Tarrós in 1882, in a family of rural owners in the province of Lleida.

He received his first studies at the Liceo Polyglota in Barcelona, ​​where he would even go to high school. In 1898 he entered the University of Barcelona, ​​where he began a career in Law, beginning that same he year to run republican political circles, thus in 1990 he was one of the members of the

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Republican School Association.

The beginning of Lluís Companys in politics.

We continue with the summarized biography of Lluís Companys to now place ourselves in the year 1903, when he graduated. That same year he entered the Republican Union where he would remain after the divisions that occurred in 1906. Behind the tragic week of Barcelona in 1909, he was arrested for the first time, although he was immediately released for not having been charged with any charges.

He was appointed president of the youth section of the Catalan Nationalist Federal Union in 1910 due to his great activity, an element that would go against him in the police files, which branded him as an individual dangerous. That same year he married Mercé Micó, from which Lluís Companys i Micó would be born in 1911 and María de l ’Alba in 1915.

From there I would jump to party of Melquiades Álvarez in 1912 interested in reforming the republican newspaper "Advertising". DAnd likewise, in that year he would create two more newspapers "La Aurora" and "La Barricada" where his income came from.

In 1916, after a series of defeats in the elections, he decided to carry out the exercise for the obtaining the degree and thus being able to practice as a lawyer for the labor activists who did not have resources. In 1917 the PRC, a party that advocated the Catalan statute of autonomy, it was in this party that Companys was elected as a councilor in the Raval district.

Summary Biography of Lluis Companys - The beginning of Lluís Companys in politics

Image: Europa Press

The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.

The ineffectiveness of the central government and the anarchism that was beginning to circulate throughout much of Spain, made Miguel Primo de Riverahe gave a coup in 1923, which was supported by the army and by the King himself who urged him to form a Government.

During that stage, Companys fought against the establishment of this system trying to sabotage it (like many other syndicalist and anarchist groups). In fact, in 192 he tried to make a insurrection in CataloniaAlthough she was arrested, with her, important people were imprisoned, including Lluis Companys.

In this other lesson we discover a summary of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.

The Second Spanish Republic.

Within the summarized biography of Lluís Companys, without a doubt, the best known role of this character will take place during this time. The newly created political party, Republican Esquerra, was divided in 1931 between going or not going to the elections that were to be held on April 12, Companys being a great defender of the need to enter the elections.

After the participation, they obtained a great victory, proclaiming the catalan republic the next day in Barcelona; from there the news would reach the rest of Spain, which would begin little by little to change the political system.

It was a time of great celebration, since it was believed that with the change of system the social-economic life the country was going through would improve. On June 28 of the same year he was appointed deputy for Barcelona to go to the Cortes, where the agreement of the Catalan Statute of Autonomy, which would be approved in 1932.

Summary Biography of Lluis Companys - The Second Spanish Republic

Image: Antena3TV

Creation of the Catalan State.

In November 1932 there were elections in the Parliament of Catalonia. where ERC placed Companys for Lérida. In them, the party obtained a landslide victory and on December 13 he was elected president by a large majority, although between June and September In 1933 he had to leave his post to serve as Minister of the Navy (a place where he barely became notice).

The December 25, 1933 Francesc Macià died, the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, passing the position on the 31st to Companys. After taking possession of it, he would create a republican government where he introduced characters from other political parties.

The October 6, 1934, the Catalan State was proclaimed, given a series of problems that the Government had been dragging on, together with the various general strikes that were taking place. This led to a great uproar, causing the army to act in defense of the union of the country; thus, General Batet was sent of the IV division to end the uprising and this ended with the arrest of Companys and the Catalan government.

The result of the trial was 30 years of imprisonment and total disqualification.

Summary Biography of Lluis Companys - Creation of the Catalan State

Image: The Spanish

From the civil war to his death.

We finished the biography of Lluís Companys in 1936, at which time he was released after the victory of the Popular Front and tried to minimize the scale of violence that followed the failed coup attempt on July 18 in Barcelona.

Behind the battle of the EbroOn December 23, 1938, the offensive on Catalonia began, with Franco's troops entering on January 26, 1939. In this way, the day before Companys and the rest of the government had left Barcelona marching to France. There he did not have a great reception, since, from the Gallic organs, they considered him too radical a person and for this reason he had to leave Paris in June 1939.

After a time living in French Brittany, on August 13, 1940, German agents caught him and on August 29, they handed him over to Spain. He was tried for joining the military rebellion and shot on October 15, 1940 in the castle of Montjuic.

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