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Analytical and synthetic cubism

Analytical and Synthetic Cubism - Differences

Image: Slideshare

It may seem at first glance that it is apparently easy for you identify a cubist work Well, basically, the figures, regardless of the theme to be represented, will be reduced to geometric shapes. We will also see how there is an annulment of perspective, another of the main characteristics of Cubism, so in a same plane we can see a figure that at the same time is represented both from the front and from the profile, which is what is known as “multiple perspective”. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER, we will explain what they are the differences between analytical cubismand synthetic cubism, a small obstacle for all those who are proud of knowing how to identify a cubist work.

You may also like: Juan Gris - Most important works


  1. Analytical cubism
  2. Synthetic cubism
  3. Differences between analytic cubism and synthetic cubism

Analytical Cubism.

To understand the differences between analytic and synthetic cubism, it is important that we stop at the definition of each of these currents. The

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cubism It has a chronological period that spans from 1907 to 1920 and, within this, two cubist phases can be identified, the first of which belongs to analytical cubism that goes from 1907 to 1911.

Analytical Cubism or also known as hermetic cubismApart from those two characteristics that we have discussed earlier in the introduction, it is characterized by capture these three dimensions with very marked geometric shapes, maximizing the decomposition of the work, to the point of being very difficult to assimilate what the artist had really captured.

Cubist paintings have a great intellectual imprint, since when the viewer stands in front of it, what he sees are certain apparently disordered forms and let's say that the function of the one who contemplates the work is to order, recompose and recognize those objects, characters... belonging to the real world, and thus decipher the message that the artist wanted to convey to us.

Color will be another of the characteristics of analytical cubism and that is, in the works made during this period, we will see how there is a loss of color taking into account that the movements antecedent to Cubism, such as Fovism and Impressionism, were characterized by filling their compositions with very striking colors. Well, here in analytical cubism, colors will be dull and monotonous which will be reduced to grayish, black, brown and ocher tones.

Some examples of this analytical or hermetic cubism are The Woman with a Mandolin by Pablo Picasso or Guitar by George Braque.

Analytical and Synthetic Cubism - Differences - Analytical Cubism

Synthetic Cubism.

Synthetic Cubism is the second phase that Cubism experienced, mainly developed between 1912 and 1914.

There was a time when, after a little analysis on Cubism before this, that is, Analytical Cubism, the creators of this movement were often blacked out as abstract artists and it is that already in the last years some of those compositions touched the abstraction. Moreover, this fact explains why cubism was the first of the artistic tendencies to be ataccompanied by a small title to make reference to what was being represented, and thus make it much easier to understand.

Pablo Picasso, who always got angry when some people classified him as an abstract artist, decides along with other artists, faithful followers of his movement such as Juan Gris, George Braque or Fernand Léger, to create a new style that, although being within the artistic trend, would differentiate it from the previous. How? Through the technique of collage.

The collage consisted of giving shapes to these cubist representations through elements that belong to our daily lives, such as cuttings from scores musicals, newspapers, pieces of wood, cloth... creating in this case much simpler, simpler and somewhat more figurative compositions, so they were easier to create. understand.

Regarding the color, in synthetic cubism we will once again see a return to color, abandoning those color palettes where gray and ocher predominated, to see compositions of much more vivid and striking colors.

Some of the most significant examples regarding synthetic cubism are Still life with fishnet chair by Pablo Picasso and Still Life with a Bordeaux Bottle by Juan Gris.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a summary of Pablo Picasso and cubismor.

Analytical and Synthetic Cubism - Differences - Synthetic Cubism

Differences between analytical cubism and synthetic cubism.

Already seen those differences between analytic and synthetic cubism broadly speaking, we now proceed to carry out a small synthesis in order to further strengthen these inequalities.


We all know that Cubism is an artistic movement that arises in France and that covers a chronological period that goes from 1907 to 1920. Within this, two well differentiated stages are distinguished, the analytical cubism (1907-1911) Y Synthetic Cubism (1912 -1914). The latter is created from the first due to that reason that we also mentioned earlier, in which already in the last works of analytic cubism reached such a point that they almost touched the abstract.


While in the analytical cubism we will see compositions with very accentuated and marked geometric shapes, in which sometimes its decomposition was such that it was sometimes difficult to see clearly what it was that had been represented.

In the synthetic cubism, those compositions will be somewhat simpler, simple... sometimes the reason for this was the introduction of the collage technique, which turned out to be somewhat more figurative, so it was easier to see what had been captured in them.


Color is perhaps the difference that at first glance can quickly lead us to know how to differentiate whether it is analytical cubism or synthetic cubism, and it is that, in the analytical cubism, we will see compositions of very monotonous colors of darker hues such as gray, black, ocher...; and in the synthetic cubism, quite the opposite, since they are about more striking colors, with the introduction of yellowish, orange tones ...

Analytic and Synthetic Cubism - Differences - Differences between Analytical Cubism and Synthetic Cubism

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