The 80 best phrases of Diogenes of Sinope
Diogenes of Sinope, also known as Diogenes the Cynic, was a famous Greek philosopher born during the year 412 a. C.
This philosopher lived all his life in the most extreme poverty and with his experiences he showed us that wealth is not the most important thing in a person's life. The search for happiness, emotions and our loved ones should be the main engines by which we all govern our lives.
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The most famous phrases of Diogenes the Cynic
If we really propose we can be happy with really very little, a way of looking at life which many of us can benefit from.
Then you can discover a compilation of the 80 best phrases of Diogenes of Sinope, the one who was a charismatic philosopher whose quotes can inspire you to see life in a new way.
1. The foundation of each state is the education of its youth.
Without a good education no town can prosper, this is a totally fundamental factor for this to happen.
2. They call me a dog because he flatters those who give me something, I yell at those who refuse, and I dig my teeth into rascals.
As we see in this quote, Diogenes was always a man totally faithful to his instincts, he would always show himself without filters with anyone who came across his path.
3. The sun also penetrates the toilets, but is not polluted by them.
The negative aspects of our life do not have to affect us emotionally, the world can be a wonderful place if we learn to stay more positive.
4. I don't know if there are gods, but there should be.
The gods were in ancient times a simple way of being able to explain everything that men did not understand, aspects as disparate as weather phenomena or the seasons of the year.
5. The art of being a slave is to rule the master.
Using reverse psychology a slave can also dominate his master, an ancient technique that Diogenes was undoubtedly well acquainted with.
6. Life has three types of grapes: the first for pleasure, the second for intoxication, the third for disgust.
With the passage of time, everything that seemed so good during our youth may cease to be when we reach maturity. In life each stage has its moments and experiences.
7. Why not spank the teacher when the student misbehaves?
Diogenes always totally disagreed with authority, something that we can see very easily reflected in this short quote.
8. Dogs and philosophers do the most good and get the least amount of rewards.
As a philosopher, Diogenes lived in the most austere poverty, a way of life that he imposed on himself.
9. Most men are one finger away from being insane.
Insanity may be closer than many of us imagine, a bad experience can lead us to it very quickly.
10. In a rich man's house there is no place to spit except at his face.
Those who held great wealth were men completely undesirable for the good of Diogenes, wealth from his point of view ended up corrupting the soul of the people.
11. It is the privilege of the gods not to want anything, and of divine men to want little.
He who is happy with little. you will certainly be happy throughout your life. Material goods do not have to make us happier men.
12. I have nothing to ask of you, except that you would take yourself to the other side, so that, by intercepting the sunlight, you cannot take from me what you cannot give.
He who needs nothing, nothing can be taken away. Diogenes was convinced that life will always provide him with everything he really needs.
13. What good is a philosopher who does not hurt anyone's feelings?
Being hurtful was his lifestyle, speaking openly was something that over time got him into more than one problem.
14. What I like to drink the most is wine that belongs to others.
No wine suited him better than that which he did not have to pay for, an old custom that many people still support today.
15. Wise kings generally have wise advisers; and he himself must be a wise man capable of distinguishing one.
In order to recognize the wisdom of another person, we ourselves must also be wise men. For stupidity would never let us accept the wisdom of others.
16. A friend is a soul that remains in two bodies.
Real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand, if one day we have one we must make sure we never lose it.
17. The big thieves take the little thief.
The greatest thieves usually try to be part of a government, because only by being within it do they know that they can steal at ease.
18. There is only one finger of difference between a wise man and a fool.
Recognizing our own stupidity is the first step towards wisdom, let us be aware that no one is born knowing everything in this life.
19. If only it were as easy to eliminate hunger by rubbing the belly as masturbating.
Hunger was already an evil that plagued humanity in those times, without a doubt the shortage of food must have been very pronounced in Ancient Greece.
20. Stand a little less between me and the sun.
This famous philosopher loved to sunbathe, rays of light that undoubtedly filled him with energy.
21. It's not that he's angry, it's just that my head is different from yours.
We all have the right to have our own opinion, we must never allow third parties to manipulate us.
22. Man is the most intelligent of animals, and the dumbest.
The human being is the only animal that stumbles twice on the same stone, a fact that undoubtedly tells us a lot about his intellect.
23. I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek, but a citizen of the world.
The world is a huge place full of true wonders, all human beings should be completely free to explore it.
24. Those who always have virtue in their mouths, and neglect it in practice, are like a harp, emitting a pleasant sound to others, while being insensitive to music.
Our actions are much more important than our words, because as is often said, words are simply blown away by the wind.
25. It was a favorite expression of Theophrastus that time was the most valuable thing a man could spend.
Time is the most valuable resource we have, because when it is over our life will have come to an end.
26. We have two ears and one tongue so that we can hear more and speak less.
We must know how to listen to the words of our friends and family, perhaps with them we will learn something that may be useful in the future.
27. When the slave auctioneer asked him what he was competent in, he replied: In the ruling people.
Diogenes tried to open the eyes of all those he considered to be wrong, a task that this famous philosopher carried out until the day of his death.
28. One must seek virtue for oneself, without being influenced by fear or hope, or by any outside influence. Besides, that's what happiness consists of.
We must try to be the best possible version of ourselves and it may be that during that search, we will find the happiness that perhaps we did not know we are looking for.
29. I threw away my cup when I saw a boy drinking with his hands at the fountain.
Superfluous things were not interesting for this famous philosopher, he never hesitated to get rid of everything that he thought he did not need.
30. Ability in man is a suitable good, if applied to good ends.
The end does not always justify the means, we should all pursue only those companies that can be beneficial to the whole of society.
31. The mafia is the mother of tyrants.
The corrupt have always tried to obtain a government position, this quote shows us that mafia techniques already began to emerge in Ancient Greece.
32. The blush is the color of virtue.
Innocence is a virtue that human beings only possess for a certain time in our lives, when the right moment comes we will lose it and it will never come back.
33. Solon used to say that speech was the image of actions; … That the laws were like cobwebs, because if something insignificant or impotent fell into them, they kept it firm; whereas if it were something heavier, it would go through them and go out.
The most powerful have never been subject to the laws, they can afford certain luxuries that no other person could ever do.
34. Boasting, like golden armor, is very different on the inside than on the outside.
We should not sell the bear's skin before we have hunted it, this can be something that ends up hurting us very seriously.
35. The noblest people are those who despise wealth, learning, pleasure, and life; estimating poverty, ignorance, difficulties and death above them.
This philosopher was fully aware of the problems of his society, deep dilemmas of which the masses had to take notice as soon as possible.
36. Aren't you ashamed, you who walk backwards the whole way of existence, and blame me for walking backwards down the boardwalk path?
A very peculiar man who always did everything he wanted, something that many currently cannot say about themselves.
37. Aristotle dines when he suits King Philip, but Diogenes when he wants.
No one was ever going to decide for him when to eat or not, he would always live his life by his own rules.
38. The one who has more is the one who is content with less.
If we learn to live our lives in an austere way, we will be very happy with very few possessions. Money and material goods do not have to make us happier.
39. Fools! You think of "god" as a sentient being. God is the word used to represent a force. This force did not create anything, it only helps things. He doesn't answer sentences, although it may make you think of a way to solve a problem. He has the power to influence you, but not decide for you.
As we can see, Diogenes had his own conception of what God was for him, a way of thinking about deities that was not common at that time.
40. The health and vigor necessary for the practice of what is good depend equally on the mind and the body.
In order to maintain good health, we must learn to take care of our body and mind. Exercise and healthy food can be two very important factors that allow us to reach old age in good physical shape.
41. There is a false love that will do something to you that you are not.
Sincerity should be the most common thing in our lives and even more so when we meet that person we love.
42. If your cape was a gift, I appreciate it; if it was a loan, i'm not done yet.
It could be said that Diogenes was a true friend of others, everything that was free was for him immediately his property.
43. He was having breakfast at the market, and onlookers gathered around him with shouts of "dog." You're the ones who are dogs, he yelled, as you stand and stare at me while I eat breakfast.
Diogenes undoubtedly possessed great mental agility, thanks to her he always managed to make such interesting quotes as this one.
44. Aristotle was once asked what those who tell lies gain. He said: when they tell the truth, they are not believed.
He who usually lies when he finally tells the truth, no one will believe him, the lie can be something very harmful to the life of any person.
45. The main good is the suspension of judgment [especially negative judgment], that the tranquility of the mind follows as its shadow.
We must not allow society to decide for us, as individuals whenever we see something that we do not like, we should try to fight to change it.
46. When someone boasted that in the Pythian games he had beaten men, Diogenes replied: No, I defeat men, you defeat slaves.
The true way to defeat a man is through the use of the intellect, for a man always he may lose a race, but if he doesn't lose his will to run he'll never really be defeated.
47. I am looking for a human.
Sensitive people are less and less frequent, society tends to turn us all into mere automatons in search of riches.
48. To be self-taught you must condemn yourself for all those things that you would criticize others.
Those things that we do not like about others, should also be immediately excluded from our lives.
49. All things are common between friends.
Between friends almost everything can be legal, with them we can all simply show ourselves as we are.
50. Nothing can be produced from nothing.
Money attracts money, being able to create great wealth out of nowhere is practically impossible.
51. Antisthenes used to say that envious people were eaten by their own disposition, just like iron by rust. The envy of others comes from comparing what they have with what the envious person has, rather than the envious person realizes that he has more than he could have and certainly more than others and is grateful. It is really an inability to get a correct perspective on their lives.
Envy can be a very negative emotion in our life, because it will never allow us to enjoy those little luxuries that we have every day.
52. Even if I am but a pretender to wisdom, that in itself is philosophy.
The search for wisdom through philosophy was very common in those times, the philosophers of antiquity undoubtedly reached some really advanced conclusions for their time.
53. We have complicated every simple gift from the gods.
Life can be wonderful if we all do our part, as human beings we should never do anything that could harm a third person.
54. When someone reminded him that the people of Sinope had sentenced him to exile, he said: And I sentenced them to stay at home.
The world is really big, exile was never a problem for him.
55. We come into the world alone and die alone. Why, in life, should we be less alone?
Loneliness can be a factor that helps us think with greater clarity, whenever we need it, we must all look for a solitary and quiet place where we can think.
56. The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom of expression.
Freedom of expression is a right that we must always respect, we must all be completely free to say everything we think.
57. Protagoras stated that there are two sides to every question, exactly opposite each other.
Depending on the point of view from which we approach it, a question can have many possible correct answers.
58. He once asked a statue for alms and, when asked why he did it, he replied: Have practice in being rejected.
Without a doubt, this philosopher had an extremely eccentric personality, a certain way of being that always led him to be the center of attention wherever he was.
59. Let's not unlearn what we have already learned.
As human beings we must learn not to make the same mistakes, our life is too valuable to fall into them more than once.
60. No man is hurt but alone.
Loneliness can be a very negative feeling, the human is a type of being that is very used to living in society.
61. Slander is just the noise of madmen.
Slander was already very common in those times, the best thing we can do to counteract them is not to give them any value in our lives.
62. Lust is a strong tower of mischief, and it has many defenders, such as need, anger, paleness, discord, love, and longing.
We should all learn to control our most primal instincts, otherwise they will be the ones who end up controlling us.
63. We are more curious about the meaning of dreams than about the things we see when we are awake.
Life is undoubtedly wonderful, any day can be a good time to learn something new.
64. The only way to really get irritated and worried is to be a good and honest man.
Good and honest men tend to have a very bad time in the course of their lives, because through general channels they will very rarely come across someone completely related to them.
65. An original thought is worth a thousand nonsensical quotes.
Our opinion must always be the most valuable to us, what others think does not have to have a direct influence on our lives.
66. Poverty is a virtue that you can teach yourself.
Poverty can give us a new way of seeing the world around us, money and material goods should never be the most valuable thing for us.
67. When someone asked him how he could become famous, Diogenes replied: Caring as little as possible about fame.
Fame is a direct consequence of our success, if we want to be famous we only have to seek success in our profession.
68. Perdiccas threatened to kill him unless he approached him, "That is nothing wonderful," Diogenes said, "because a beetle or a tarantula would do the same."
Life will always bring us difficult moments, but how we deal with them will be what will really identify us as people.
69. Since well-stocked houses with supplies are likely to be full of mice, the bodies of those who eat a lot are riddled with disease.
As we can see, Diogenes thought that gluttony filled the body with diseases, a theory that he viewed from the proper perspective could be true.
70. If I lack consciousness, why should I care what happens to me when I'm dead?
As long as we are alive, everything can be possible, we must make sure we try to live each minute as if it were the last.
71. Good men nowhere, but good boys in Sparta.
Sparta has always been a truly mythical place throughout history, a people for whom war was always their only way of life.
72. When asked what was the right time for dinner: if you are a rich man, whenever you want; and if you are a poor man, whenever you can.
When we do not have money we should eat whenever possible, because we will not know when our next opportunity to eat will be.
73. He was asked the question of what hope is; and his answer was: "The dream of a waking man."
It is often said that hope is the last thing to be lost, a better future can always be possible as long as we stay alive.
74. He was captured and dragged to King Philip, and when asked who he was, he replied, "A spy of your insatiable greed.
As we can see, this philosopher was always a really sincere man, he never lived in fear of saying what he really thought.
75. Love comes hungry.
It is often said that where two eat they eat three, but this does not always end up happening.
76. Virtue cannot dwell with wealth neither in a city nor in a house.
Possessing vast wealth can be something that ends up damaging us morally, we should never put material goods before our emotions and personal values.
77. Self-taught poverty is an aid to philosophy, because the things that philosophy tries to teach by reasoning, poverty forces us to practice.
Poverty can teach us the true value of material goods, most of them are not really as necessary as many of us tend to think.
78. If you want to stay well, you must have good friends or hot enemies. One will warn you, the other will expose you.
Being able to see your enemies coming is a very beneficial advantage, we must be careful of those who claim to be our friends when in fact they are not.
79. Other dogs bite only their enemies, while I also bite my friends to save them.
Diogenes was always a man who cared about his friends, for him they represented the most valuable thing that he possessed.
80. Young men should not marry yet, and old men should never marry at all.
For everything there is a moment in life, this is undoubtedly long enough for it.