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What is the Third Industrial Revolution

What is the Third Industrial Revolution

Throughout history, a series of events have occurred that have changed the economy of a country, being situations in which the production system has changed entirely thanks to innovation, and the system used up to that point has become outdated. These moments are called industrial revolutions, and although the most famous are the first two, we must bear in mind that there is another. Therefore, in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about what is the Third Industrial Revolution.

To begin with this lesson we must bear in mind that many years ago they happened two industrial revolutions, which greatly changed the economic and production systems of the time, causing countries had to adapt quickly to this situation so that their economy did not resent. To understand how important industrial revolutions are, we must comment, even briefly, on the first and second.

Industrial revolutions are huge transformation processes of the economy, society and technology whose appearances changed their societies, and without which current production models would be impossible.

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First Industrial Revolution

The First Industrial RevolutionIt was a consequence of the creation of the steam machine, changing this invention the industry of the time to a level similar to the change that took place between Prehistory and the Ancient Age. The First is the most important of the industrial revolutions, since it is considered the one that had the greatest relevance in the world, and even in certain circles it is used as the moment of the passage from the Modern Age to the Old Age. Contemporary

Second Industrial Revolution

Years later, the arrival of the internal combustion engine and electric power brought with it the Second Industrial Revolution, being partly a consequence of the great automovile industry in the U.S. In the Second we can find some important elements for the Third Revolution, such as be the first attempts at globalization and the arrival of the first mass media scale.

Both revolutions were originated by the arrival of new inventions, which changed the economy of the time, and it was other important inventions that brought the third industrial revolution.

What is the Third Industrial Revolution - The previous industrial revolutions

Image: Escuelapedia

The Third Industrial Revolution is the last of the economic transformations that humanity has suffered. The arrival of new media and new technologies, highlighting among them the arrival of Internet and the appearance of R&D, which brings great novelties, improving production systems and the economy to a great extent, are the main reasons why this period of our history has been called the third revolution industrial.

It is considered that the third industrial revolution started in the middle of the last century and that its influence has grown over the years until reaching the current situation. Although it is true that other scholars place this revolution in other temporal moments, it is common to place its beginning at the birth of the Internet and social networks. Currently the countries that belong to this trend are the most developed, such as the United States, Japan, China and the European Union, although developing countries are slowly advancing in their technology and economy enough to be included.

The great importance of communication in this revolution, with elements such as social networks or the Internet, has caused the interaction between individuals and companies increases, achieving that it does not matter the distances in which the two parties are, which has improved trade between countries.

The main problem with this revolution is without a doubt that it has not been the same for everyone, since not all countries can afford necessary research, and therefore we find great inequalities between the most powerful and weakest countries economically.

What is the Third Industrial Revolution - Causes of the Third Industrial Revolution

Image: SlidePlayer

To conclude this lesson on what the Third Industrial Revolution is, we must talk about the main features that this period has, in order to better understand its great importance. The main characteristics of the third industrial revolution are the following:

  1. The arrival of the new media, which have achieved that relationships between people and companies from two very distant parts of the world can be carried out quickly and easily.
  2. The appearance of new means of transport, which allow greater ease to pass between countries.
  3. The growing use of renewable energies, being little-used sources whose energy is inexhaustible, such as solar or wind. This has caused that non-renewable energies such as oil or uranium are used less every day, since they are polluting elements and whose resources are finite.
  4. Use of new forms of energy storage, being vital the new rechargeable batteries that are used by technologies as important as mobile telephony.
  5. Increase in capital used for research, supporting R&D and thereby causing a greater number of researchers who achieve necessary progress for industry and the economy.
  6. The arrival of the Third Industrial Revolution has led to the birth of new economic activities, being many of these those that we lodge in the call quaternary sector.
  7. The Third Industrial Revolution is closely linked to the globalization, since one of its main characteristics is the sensation of global communication achieved in this century.
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