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Summary of the North Korean dictatorship

Summary of the North Korean dictatorship

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After the end of World War II, many countries saw the light as independent states, which were positioning themselves in what became known as the Cold War, that is, the power struggle between the two superpowers of the moment such as the US and the USSR. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you a summary of the North Korean dictatorship, a political system that lasts to this day and that makes it a little known country since communications are minimal.

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  1. Where is Korea located?
  2. The dictatorship: from its origins to the present day
  3. North Korea and the United States
  4. Life in North Korea

Where is Korea located?

Within the summary of the dictatorship of North Korea, first of all we have to talk about the geographical area where that country is located. Korea is a peninsula that separates the Sea of ​​Japan and the Yellow Sea and to the north it borders China.

It has the peculiarity that the peninsula is divided into two countries, North Korea and South Korea, which would be born

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after World War II And they are totally different countries, given that one was supported by China and the other by the US; therefore, we will find that the south will live in a capitalist system, while the north will establish a communist dictatorship.

In 1905 North Korea was conquered by the Nippon Empire, which would rule there until 1945, at which time it was divided into two zones, the north occupied by the USSR and the south occupied by the USA. In 1948, an attempt was made to unify both countries through elections where the United Nations would serve as judge, but the north refused, creating two different governments. This led to a war in 1950 where the superpowers would act helping their sides that ended in 1953, when an armistice was signed.

Even so, today, for both countries The war has not ended, Since there is no peace signature, therefore, on the border, the military groups remain active. According to some testimonies, it is a point where the tension is shocking, since, at any moment, a misinterpreted movement can lead to a war.

North Korean Dictatorship Overview - Where Is Korea Located?

Image: Youtube

The dictatorship:, from its origins to the present day.

In 1948 the US created the South Korean Republic installing as president Syngman Rhee, an exile in Hawaii who had opposed the Japanese invasion from the beginning. Similarly on September 9, 1948, the USSR would create the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea, that would be presided over by Kim II-sung, a military man who since 1932 had been part of the guerrillas in opposition to the Japanese regime, it remained in power until July 8, 1994, at which time he passed away.

During his government, a remodeling of the Constitution was carried out in 1972, by which the position of president would remain vacant in perpetuity, in honor of his figure.

After this, on October 8, 1997, his son, Kim jong-il He was elected Secretary General of the Labor Party and in 1998 he was appointed President of the National Defense Commission. On December 17, 2011, Kim Jong-il died during a trip, being his son, Kim Jong-un, appointed new heir to the government.

Many are the controversies that this last politician has given, as can be seen by watching the news. The great problem that North Korea maintains with the rest of the countries is the result of increase in nuclear weapons in the country, along with the rest of the weapons it possesses, being the fourth largest army in the world.

Summary of the dictatorship of North Korea - The dictatorship:, from its origins to the present day

Image: Slideshare

North Korea and the United States.

In this summary of the North Korean dictatorship we will see below the relations with the main countries, as was the case of the United States with which he would maintain a close relationship during the mandate of the President Bill clinton, where a historic summit was even held in that country.

However, from the George W. Bush Relations changed drastically, given that the United States saw badly that the said country had such a large military armament. Since then, communication with North Korea has been minimal, being mostly unofficial.

Life in North Korea.

We can speak little about what happens within the country since the government controls all media and mass media; In addition, the entry and exit of people from the country is closely guarded. However, it is known that the country has experienced several famines and that the risks of drought are enormous.

Likewise, according to the UN, there are cases of repression by anyone who thinks differently from the regime, although as we have said, due to the lack of communication, 100% real accusations cannot be launched.

Regarding agriculture, we know that it is carried out on farms run by the government, in which 90% of the product is rice, the drawback is that only 21% of the land is arable. On the other hand, we will find that another important resource within the country is mining, where the iron, zinc, lead, copper and manganese, resources that are under the hands of the government, of course.

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