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The creation of the world according to the Bible

Creation of the world according to the Bible - Summary

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The Bible is the best-selling book in history. It is a set of religious books that transmit the word of God, and that serve as the basis of the Jewish and Christian religions. One of the events that appear in this book is a version of the creation of the world, how God built the world in a few days. Due to the importance that this book has had throughout the human being, today in this lesson from a TEACHER, we are going to offer you a summary on the creation of the world according to the Bible.

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  1. Genesis or the creation of the world in 7 days
  2. What did God create on each day of creation?
  3. Characters of the creation of the world by the Bible

Genesis or the creation of the world in 7 days.

The part of the Bible where it talks about the creation of the world is called Genesis. Genesis is the first book of the Pentateuch, and therefore it is also the first book of the Old Testament and the Jewish Tanakh.

This book covers different topics, some of them being the following:

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  • The creation of the world: the narration of the days when God created the world.
  • The creation of man: The origin of Adam and Eve, as well as their fall and the creation of original sin.
  • The universal flood: The story of Noah and the great flood that God unleashed to exterminate the violent children of Adam.
  • Babel's tower: It narrates the creation of a tower that tried to reach the sky and how God destroyed it.
  • The life of Abraham: It tells the life of Abraham, the first of the three Patriarchs of Judaism.

In general, it can be said that Genesis is the part that covers from when God created the world, until the stories that tell of slavery in Egypt, which are already part of the book called Exodus.

What did God create on each day of creation?

To continue with this summary about the creation of the world according to the Bible we must talk about the process of creation, that is, what did God do in each of the 7 days in which he created what world.

  • On the first day, God created the heavens and the earth. The word sky refers to everything beyond the earth, that is, to everything that is in outer space. On the first day it is not specified what the earth is made of, but it does mention that the water already exists. Then God separated the light from the darkness, named the light day and the darkness called night, and with The creator caused that every day there was light for a few hours, and then the darkness returned a few hours.
  • On the second day, God created the sky. The sky functioned as a barrier that separated the water from the earth's atmosphere, and the water from the humidity that we find in the sky, creating a firmament.
  • On the third day, God created the dry land. That is, the continents and islands that were above the surface of the sea. God called the great bodies of water "seas" and the dry land he called "land." On the same day God created the vegetation, the plants were self-sufficient, and with them the earth's surface was full of life.
  • On the fourth day, God created the stars and heavenly bodies that inhabited space. Thanks to this, the human being could record the time, especially thanks to the Sun and the Moon, which allowed us to know if it was day or night.
  • On the fifth day, God created all creatures who dwelt in the sea, and at the same time he also created the winged creatures. All of these animals are the first creatures to receive God's blessing. All of them received the gift of being able to reproduce, thanks to which they could perpetuate their species.
  • On the sixth day, God created all living creatures In mainland, one of them being man. God designed man in his image and likeness, blessed them to reproduce, fill the earth, and rule it over the rest of the species. On this day God finishes all of his work, and he thought that everything created was very good.
  • On the seventh day, God rests because the creation of it is already finished. God rests on the 7th, a day that is very special for God's people, as it is a day of rest.

In these seven days, God created the world according to the Bible, forming in a very short time everything that makes up the universe.

Creation of the world according to the Bible - Summary - What did God create on each day of creation?


Characters of the creation of the world by the Bible.

Another important aspect of the creation of the world according to the Bible is to know the characters that were part of this whole process. We must bear in mind that this moment is found during Genesis and, therefore, the protagonists of the moment are the first Hebrews.

Here we leave you one list with the most prominent characters of this moment and that are key to the creation of the universe. They are as follows:

  • God: of course in the Bible the presence of God is constant and his influence is also found at the time of the creation of the world, since he and his strength is what allows the world to appear
  • Adam and Eve: they are the first humans to populate our world and, initially, they are in Paradise from which they will be expelled by God himself
  • Noah: is another key character in the creation of the world. This biblical character built a great ark where he would put the animals of the Earth to save them from the great flood.
  • Abraham: this personage is considered like the father of the Israelites. He is a man of faith who follows the divine orders of almighty God.
  • Isaac: he is the son of Abraham
  • Jacob: also known by the name of Israel and is the son of Isaac
  • Joseph: he is one of Isaac's children who had 12

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  • Schmitz-Moormann, K., & Salmon, J. F. (2005). Theology of the creation of an evolving world. Divine Word.
  • Weinreb, F. (1991). Cabala. The Bible: Divine Project of the World. Editorial Sigal.
  • Gómez, M. D. C. G. (2018). Creation in the Bible: Genesis, Saint Paul and Saint John. La Razón historico: Hispano-American magazine on the history of political and social ideas, (41), 215-219.
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