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60 examples of the most common acids and bases (with their formulas)

The acids are compounds that accept electrons or donate protons (H+) in aqueous solutions and bases are compounds that donate electrons, accept protons (H+) or release hydroxyl ions (OH-) in aqueous solutions.

Here are examples of acids and bases in common use, know which are strong or weak acids and which bases are strong or weak.

30 examples of the most common acids

In our day to day we can find acidic substances in the home. Here are examples of acids with their formulas.

Examples of everyday acids

Many of the acids found in the home are part of the acids in foods, medicines, and cleaning products.

1. Acetic acid or ethanoic acid CH3COOH: it is the weak organic acid found in the vinegar that we use in salads.

2. Acetylsalicylic acid C9H8OR4: it is the active principle of aspirin, a medicine that is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

3. Ascorbic acid C6H8OR6: is the common name for vitamin C, found in fruits and vitamin supplements and involved in healing and collagen synthesis.

4. Boric acid H3BO3 It is a weak acid that is used as an insecticide, antiseptic, and flame retardant.

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5. Butyric acid CH3-CH2-CH2-COOH or butanoic acid is the fatty acid present in butter.

6. Carbonic acid H2CO3 it is the acid found in carbonated drinks.

7. Citric acid C6H8OR7 It is an organic acid present in some fruits and an intermediary of cellular metabolism. The IUPAC name for citric acid is 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid.

8. Clavulanic acid C8H9NOT5 It is a drug that is used in combination with antibiotics from the penicillin family. Its effect is to block the bacterial enzymes that destroy the antibiotic.

9. Folic acid C19H19N7OR6 It is an organic acid that is obtained in the leaves of vegetables and is required in the synthesis of nucleic acids. The IUPAC name for folic acid is (2S) -2 - [(4 - {[(2-amino-4-hydroxypteridin-6-yl-) methyl] amino} phenyl) formamido] pentanedioic acid.

10. Hyaluronic acid C33H54N2OR23 It is a derivative of glucose, a glycosaminoglycan, found in connective tissues. It is used in skin creams.

11. Oleic acid CH3(CH2)7CH = CH (CH2)7COOH is a fatty acid present in animal and vegetable fats, especially olive oil.

12. Oxalic acid C2H2OR4 or Ethanedioic acid is a dicarboxylic acid found in spinach leaves.

13. Uric acid C5H4N4OR3 it is a diprotic acid product of nucleic acid metabolism. Its excess in the blood is known as hyperuricemia.

14. Tartaric acid HOOC-CHOH-CHOH-COOH or 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid is found in fruits like grapes and bananas. It is used in cooking to regulate the acidity of food.

Examples of acidic substances in chemistry and biology

15. Arachidonic acid C20H32OR2 or eicosatetraenoic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid found in cell membranes and is the precursor of prostaglandins.

16. Lactic acid H3C-COH-COOH is a weak organic acid product of glucose metabolism by lactobacteria, to produce yogurt.

17. Retinoic acid C20H28OR2 it is an acid product of the metabolism of vitamin A.

18. Linoleic acid C18H32OR2 It is an unsaturated fatty acid from which arachidonic acid is synthesized. It is found in walnuts and flaxseed.

19. Glutamic acid HOOC-CH (NH2) - (CH2)2-COOH is an acidic amino acid that is part of proteins.

20. Aspartic acid HOOC-CH2-CH (NH2) -COOH is an acidic amino acid that is part of proteins.

21. Hydrogen sulfate H2S is a volatile acid that is produced by the metabolism of bacteria under anaerobic conditions and also occurs in volcanic gases.

22. Ribonucleic acid RNA is a biological macromolecule that participates in the transmission of genetic information to synthesize proteins. Its acid character is given by the phosphate groups found in the chain.

23. Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA is a nucleic acid, the molecule that contains the genetic information of cells.

You may be interested in knowing the difference between Strong and weak acids and bases.

Examples of strong acids

Strong acids are those compounds that ionize completely, that is, they donate their proton completely to form an anion or negative ion.

24. Hydrochloric acid HCl.

25. Chloric acid HClO3

26. Perchloric acid HClO4

27. Sulfuric acid H2SW4: used in batteries.

28. Hydrofluoric acid HF.

29. Nitric acid HNO3.

30. Hydrobromic acid HBr.

You may be interested in knowing the Characteristics of acids and bases.

30 examples of the most common bases

Examples of everyday bases

At home we use bases and other alkaline substances for different purposes. Let's look at some examples.

1. Acetone or propanone H3(CO) CH3 it behaves as a base since it donates electrons. It is used in the home as a solvent and in cleaning.

2. Ammonia NH3, It is used to clean ovens.

3. Caffeine C8H10N4OR2 It is a weak central nervous system stimulant base, found in coffee, tea and some stimulating beverages.

4. Aluminum hydroxide Al (OH)3 It is a base that is used in medicines to relieve heartburn by reacting with stomach HCl.

5. Magnesium hydroxide Mg (OH)2 It is a base used in antacids.

6. Bicarbonate ion HCO3- is the conjugate base of carbonic acid. It is used in the home for cleaning and in the kitchen as an ingredient in baking powder.

7. Tartrate ion C4H4OR62- is the conjugate base of tartaric acid. It is used as an antioxidant additive in the food industry and is part of cream of tartar.

8. Urea H2N (CO) NH2 o Carbamide is a weak base found in urine.

Examples of bases in chemistry and biology

9. Adenine C5H5N5 It is a base derived from purine that is part of DNA and RNA.

10. Aniline C6H5NH2 It is an aromatic amine, a weak base that is used as a precursor to paracetamol and synthetic colorants such as indigo.

11. Arginine C6H14N4OR2 It is a basic amino acid that is part of proteins.

12. Lysine H2N (CH2)4CH (NH2) COOH is a basic amino acid that is part of proteins.

13. Pyridine C5H5N is a heterocyclic base, used as an alkaline solvent and as an insecticide precursor.

14. Purina C5H4N4 It is a basic organic compound that is found in large quantities in red meat.

15. Thymine C3H6N2OR2 It is a nitrogenous base that is part of deoxyribonucleic acid.

16. Cytosine C4H5N3O is a nitrogenous base derived from pyrimidine that is part of DNA and RNA.

17. Guanine C5H5N5O is a nitrogenous base derived from purine that is part of nucleic acids.

18. Uracil C4H4N2OR2 It is a nitrogenous base derived from pyrimidine found in RNA.

Examples of strong bases

Strong bases are those that ionize easily. The strongest bases are those that form with the alkali and alkaline earth metals.

19. Lithium hydroxide LiOH.

20. Sodium hydroxide NaOH.

21. Potassium hydroxide KOH.

22. Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH.

23. Calcium hydroxide Ca (OH)2.

24. Barium hydroxide Ba (OH)2.

25. Beryllium hydroxide Be (OH)2.

26. Strontium hydroxide Sr (OH)2.

27. Hydroxidezinc Zn (OH)2.

28. Iron II hydroxide Fe (OH)2.

29. Iron III hydroxide Fe (OH)3.

30. Sodium methoxide CH3OR-Na+.

You may be interested in knowing the difference between acid and base.

Ana Zita
Ana Zita

Doctor in Biochemistry from the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC), with a degree in Bioanalysis from the Central University of Venezuela.

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