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Main inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution

Main inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution

The Second Industrial Revolution It spans from the years 1850-70 until the start of the First World War in 1914. There are many authors who warn that this is not a stage by itself, but rather a continuation of the Industrial Revolution. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will dwell on the main inventions of the second industrial revolution and in the main sources of energy to understand, in this way, the importance that said period had for the posterity of humanity.

The Second Industrial Revolution was a key stage in the development of our society so that it was modernized thanks to the inventions that were created at that time. Next, we are going to give you a list with the main inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution:


Between 1885-1888 we will find one of the main inventions in history for the transport of people. Karl Benz in 1885 would build his first car, while in 1888 he was already producing it for the public.


In 1844 Samuel Morse invented the telegraph, which made possible the transmission of encrypted messages over long distances, for which he used a series of signals known as Morse code. It can be said that it was the first step of what we now know as sms or emails.

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Light bulb

We can say that the arrival of electric light in our society was something very shocking for the moment, let's think that Until that year, at night people were illuminated by oil lamps (which illuminated quite a lot little). In 1880, Thomas Alva Edison warned at the Newcastle Chemical Society of the creation of the carbon filament bulb.


It was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1875 although we have known for a short time that the invention of this form of communication actually came from the imagination of Antonio Meucci, who in 1854 created a device to communicate his office, which was on a ground floor, with his bedroom which was on a second floor. plant. But for lack of money to patent it, he was advanced by Bell.


The history of airplanes dates back practically from the Renaissance. We know that Leonardo Da Vinci himself had made some plans for a machine that could fly, although it was never produced. It can be said that the first plane to transport a person was the one devised by Clement Ader in 1890, who made his machine fly for 50 meters. Although in reality the first flight powered by its engine, it was the one made by the Wright brothers in 1903, in which they traveled 36.5 meters.


It is very difficult to find the year of creation of this invention, since there were many causes that made its appearance possible. But if we have to put a date, this would be 1901, which was the moment by which Guillermo Marconi managed to send a signal to the other side of the Atlantic. This test was patented by Tesla, for doing it with his money.

Explosion engine

Indispensable element for automobile manufacturing and other means of transport and / or machinery. In the first place we must comment that gasoline was discovered in 1857 when petroleum distillation was generated. After this we will find the first internal combustion engine (which worked by burning gas) in 1860. But the true gasoline engine was created in 1876 by Nikolaus August Otto, which would later be used by Karl Benz in his automobiles.

In this video of a PROFESSOR we discover the development of the Second Industrial Revolution.

Main inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution - Most important inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution

Now we know what the main inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution were, but we have to bear in mind that many of them would not have been possible without the new energy sources that also appeared in that period.

Energy has always been a fundamental element for any momentous technical change in life. And, in this case it would not be different since the techniques that were known until now were perfected, such as it was Watt's machine, the turbine or the gas industry, in addition to finding new ones as we will comment on continuation.

In the first Industrial Revolution we will find that the main source of energy would be steam. With this energy, it was possible to create the steam engine, which in turn would allow the inventions of the locomotive and of the steamboat, which caused a great change in the form of transport both for business and for the society. In this other lesson we will discover the main inventions of the First Industrial Revolution.

In the Second Industrial Revolution we will find that the main energy sources would be:

  • The Petroleum, which was very important for the construction of the internal combustion engine, which would serve for the creation of the automobile, which at the beginning of the 20th century reached its peak with Henry Ford.
  • The electricity, so necessary for the invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison in 1879 or the transmission of electromagnetic signals for the telegraph, radio or telephone (among other inventions).

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