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5 most important ISLAM prophets

Most important prophets of Islam

A common element of Abrahamic beliefs is the existence of prophets, being very important characters when serving to transmit the word of God and as messengers of a religion. To talk about this figure and get to know the most important of a specific religion, in this lesson from a teacher we must talk about the most important prophets of Islam.

The prophets They are people chosen by the same god to spread the word of him throughout the planet, being therefore sent to different territories. It is said that there is a prophet for each community, although many of them are not known, being one of the pillars of Islam the belief in the existence of the prophets and respect for them for being the messages of the word of God.

Although it is considered that each prophet functions in a community, this is not the case with Muhammad, since he is considered the prophet who would give the word of God to all the communities of the world.

Characteristics of the prophets of Islam

The prophets could vary among them, but we must say that the vast majority had a series of

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features own, being interesting to analyze them to understand their great importance for Islam. The main characteristics of the prophets of Islam are as follows:

  • The prophets possessed the known as ismahThat is to say, they were protected by God from sins, being unable to carry them out.
  • The prophets they do not have a fixed age, there were very young prophets and others who began their path when they were really old.
  • Many of the prophets keep a family relationship, since for example Muhammad is named as a direct descendant of Abraham.
  • All the prophets are monotheistic, that is, they defend the idea of ​​the existence of a single god and consider that all the others are false and their defenders should be punished.
  • In many cases the prophets they are advertisers of things to come, serving as a prophecy-making function for understanding religion.
  • Almost all are related in one way or another to Muhammad, being the center of Islam.

The Ulul azmi They are known as 5 main prophets of Islam, being those that they consider most important and with greater relevance within their own religion. It is thought that they are the people who have suffered the most for their faith and that, even so, they have been key to the word of Muhammad.


Known in the Judeo-Christian tradition as Noah, and as happens in this, his most important role was that of savior of the world. during the Universal Flood, being he the builder of a huge ark in which the people and animals survive that really they deserved.


Known in the Judeo-Christian tradition as Abraham, he is one of the main prophets of the religion, which is the reason why Islam is considered an Abrahamic belief. He is considered a great father and believer, being named as the example of a perfect man and the ideal that all believers of Islam should reach.


Known in the Judeo-Christian tradition as Moses, he is the most named prophet in the texts of Islam. Being very similar to Moses that we can find in the beliefs of Christians his only great difference is that instead of receiving the commandments in the Muslim tradition he received a holy book of Islam.


Known in Christianity as Jesus or Jesus Christ, he is the most important person for Christians and a relevant prophet in Islam. The events carried out by Jesus are maintained in both religions, but in Islam the elements are changed to show that all the words of Jesus were aimed at defending Islam.

Who was the main prophet of Islam? Muhammad

Muhammad He was the most important prophet of Islam and, according to many traditions, the last. He is considered the most important person in Islam, he being the one who created the religion itself, and was a strong advocate of waging the Holy War to spread his beliefs throughout the world.

To conclude with this lesson on the most important prophets of Islam, we must list the minor prophets that, although they were less relevant than those already mentioned, they are still important for religion Muslim. The minor prophets of Islam are as follows:

  • Adam: Created by a handful of land he was the first Muslim.
  • Idris: Born in Babylon he made a journey to bring the word of Allah.
  • Eber: According to some sources he was the first prophet of the Arabs.
  • Lot: Abraham's nephew was his right hand man and later a prophet of Islam in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • Ishmael: He is considered as the founder and the first of the Arabs.
  • Isaac: Abraham's son whose birth is due to Allah's love for his faithful.
  • Jacob: Called the patriarch of Islam, he was one of the defenders of Allah's monotheism.
  • Joseph: The only one of the prophets that has an entire chapter in the Koran.
  • Job: A prophet who stood firm in his faith for Allah.
  • Jethro: Prophet of the small religious group of the Druze.
  • Aaron: Brother of Moses, he was one of the great preachers of his time.
  • David: Prophet sent to lead the Israelites.
  • Solomon: King of Israel who received the throne from him because of his continual petitions to Allah.
  • Zacarias: Protector of Mary, mother of Jesus.
  • John the Baptist: Prophet of Islam who is said to have been the herald of the arrival of Jesus.
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