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+10 examples of OBTUSED angles

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Obtuse angles - examples with pictures

From a Professor, we are happy to offer you a new Geometry lesson, in this case, on the obtuse angles. To start, we recommend that you read the article Types of angles, so that you have an overview of what we are going to delve into today. In the first section, we are going to review what an angle is and what makes it obtuse. Next, we will see the abstract example of this type of angle and examples more everyday. Finally, we will do a exercise and we will leave you the solution. Keep reading and discover examples of obtuse angles with images!

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  1. What is an obtuse angle
  2. Examples of obtuse angles
  3. Examples of obtuse angles in everyday life
  4. Obtuse angle exercises
  5. Solution

What is an obtuse angle.

Remembering other lessons, we know that an angle is the opening between two lines joined by a vertex. Thus, this opening can be of different sizes, although the one that interests us now is the one that measures more than 90º, but less than 180º. That is, it is greater than a right angle, but less than a flat angle.

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Thus, to easily identify an obtuse angle, we must break a circle into four parts. The obtuse angle is the one who exceed a quarter of that circumference, but not halfway.

Examples of obtuse angles.

Some of the examples of obtuse angles are as follows:

  • 125º
  • 110º
  • 95º
  • 170º
  • 112º
  • 99º
  • 127º
  • 168º
  • 133º
  • Any obtuse triangle, since it is one that has at least one obtuse angle.
  • Also rhombuses have a pair of obtuse angles.

In short, any angle exceeding 90º, but what do not exceed 180º, is going to be considered an obtuse angle.

Obtuse angles - examples with pictures - examples of obtuse angles

Examples of obtuse angles in everyday life.

Once we have already seen more abstract examples, we can give way to more everyday examples, so that the concept is better understood and so that you can see the practical implication of what we are explaining. In our day to day, we are surrounded by angles on all sides. If you look closely, surely right now you have objects forming angles around you.

To make it easier for you, we are going to show you some examples of obtuse angles and that we meet on a daily basis:

  • A beach chair forms an obtuse angle between the backrest and the bottom.
  • The peace symbol has two obtuse angles in the top holes.
  • If we cut a cake into three equal pieces, each of them will form an obtuse angle.
  • A laptop, if we open it beyond it is perpendicular to the keyboard, it will also form an obtuse angle.
  • In an analog watch, when the small hand is at eight and the large hand at twelve, we also form an obtuse angle. This happens throughout the day at many different hours, for example at a quarter past ten, at twenty-five past nine, at ten past three ...
  • A gooseneck lamp can also form an obtuse angle between the part that is closest to the base and the top bend that joins the lamp.
  • Wide-open scissors form an obtuse angle.

Surely now you have much clearer what are the obtuse angles. Therefore, we invite you to do the exercise that you will find below.

Obtuse angles - examples with pictures - examples of obtuse angles in everyday life

Exercises of obtuse angles.

Let's check if you have correctly understood what an obtuse angle is and how to identify it through some exercises. Solve these obtuse angle exercises and check the solutions below.

  1. In the following drawing, point out two obtuse angles that you find.
  2. Circle the angles that are obtuse: 55º, 67º, 195º, 115º, 340º, 190º, 180º, 134º, 75º.
  3. Look around. In a notebook, write all the objects that form obtuse angles. You can also go outside to look for elements that form this type of angle.
Obtuse angles - examples with pictures - obtuse angles exercises


Let's see if you have correctly carried out the proposed exercises:

  1. Although there is not only one correct solution, you have been able to identify the obtuse angle formed by the roofs of the houses, the one that form the wings of the birds, the one that we observe in the small mountain where the most near... Among others.
  2. Only 115º and 134º are obtuse angles.
  3. Open answer, depending on the objects you have around you.

If this lesson has helped you to improve your learning of angles, you can continue browsing the web to read other articles and expand your knowledge. We recommend the section of Geometry. Also, you can use the search engine at the top to find what you need.

If you want to read more articles similar to Obtuse angles - examples with pictures, we recommend that you enter our category of Geometry.

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