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The Battle of Incheon: Summary

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "The Battle of Incheon: Summary".

The Battle of Incheon: Summary. It is framed within the Korean war; 1949 to 1953. The Battle of Incheon, known as Operation "chromite", took place between September 15 and 19, 1950, as I said before, within the Korean War. Let's make a brief summary of the Korean War: after World War II, Korea is divided to the north under communist rule, sponsored by the USSR, and under the capitalist umbrella, backed by USA.

So much so, that there are many conflicts, many tensions... until North Korea decides to invade the South to unify the entire peninsula under a communist government. In fact, they take South Koreans so by surprise that very quickly (within two months) Korea The north has managed to conquer almost the entire peninsula, leaving only the southern part of the peninsula of Korea. It is then that the United States and the UN decide to go to war to support South Korea. To do this, they send General Douglas Mcarthur (a great hero of World War II), as supreme commander. Be this, come up with a very risky plan but that will finally be seen to be successful and successful.

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Instead of entering from the South and driving North Korean troops back to the north, he intends to climb the peninsula much higher (in the city of Incheon), to attack from the North and make the troops that are in the South, have to go up to repel that attack, if at all they can. Many generals opposed but finally he got away with it and so much so that on September 15 the landing in In ch eon took place. To advance a little, this plan was successful and therefore the enemy's retreat was achieved, that is, the North Korean army. had to withdraw from the South and the allied troops were even able to conquer Seoul, the capital of South Korea, which had been left in the hands of from North Korea. The battle itself began a few days before the 15th to wear down the defenses of the North Koreans. Day 15 begins with the landing of troops; first on the beaches and then they already enter the city and manage to conquer it.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "The Battle of Incheon: Summary"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.

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