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Who was Suleiman the Magnificent

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Who was Suleiman the Magnificent".

Who was Suleiman the Magnificent? Suleiman the Magnificent (I) was born on 1494 (November 6) and died in 1566 (September 7) and was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. In fact, under him, the Ottoman Empire dominated much of the western Mediterranean and almost all of the Red Sea. He is also remembered because he strongly protected and promoted the arts and the development of the sciences within the empire. At the political level it should also be noted that he was one of the great reformers of the empire's legislation. That is to say, he made reforms that suited his empire very well. A brief summary of his life; At age 7 he was sent to study in Istanbul, at 17 he was already governor of Istanbul and at 26 he went declared kalifa because his father, Selim I, had died. Whereupon he... he takes the reins of the Ottoman Empire in 1520 until his death, as we said before, in 1566. Let's see a little now the achievements that Suleiman I achieved during his tenure. First we will see the

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military achievements. If we focus on Europe, we will see that he conquered Belgrade, Rhodes (an island but one that belongs to Europe) and Hungary. He even went so far as to besiege Vienna twice although he was defeated. Likewise... all the part of the Balkans and a little north with Hungary, ending up being Ottoman territories. That is why the Ottoman Empire ended up gaining a lot of importance within the European political framework.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Who was Suleiman the Magnificent"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.
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