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8 main books by Clarice Lispector that you should read

Uma das more recognized and acclaimed Brazilian writers é Clarice Lispector (1920-1977).

Her writing was considered "difficult to understand", sometimes it is loaded with philosophical elements, mixing existentialist concepts and investigating introspection and mystery of life.

Meanwhile, with a little dedication and opening of the reader or reader, it is possible to take advantage of the fund or legacy that this fascinating author left us.

For this reason, we select 8 books by Clarice Lispector, presented in chronological order, so that you can merge and enjoy the "Claritian" universe that takes shape.

1. Perto do Coração Selvagem (1943)

This is the first book by Clarice Lispector. Published at the end of 1943, when the writer was 23 years old, or romance caused a critical impact due to its intensity and enormous sensitivity.

A night I saw she continued to breathe, not the same sterile rhythm. But when at dawn you clareou or quarto twelve, as coisas saíram fresh shadows, the sentiu a nova manhã insinuating-between you lençóis and abriu os olhos. She sat on the bed. Inside if it was as it was not houvesse to death, as it was or love could melt-it, as it was to eternidade fosse to renoção.

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Logo in her work by Esther Clarice will show her original and philosophical style, which she will accompany throughout the literary career.

A narrative is about Joana, a garota who is living a moment of passage from meninice to maturidade. She wonders about its existence and meaning of life, trying to feel the pulsation of a heart junglegem and free.

The author explores the details, sounds and textures, as well as everything or environment that Joana permeates. Dessa form offers the reader and reader a mergulho no intimate universe of the personagem.

O nome do livro was inspired by a passage of romance Portrait of an artist when young, by James Joyce, who said: "Ele estava só. He was abandoned, happy, perto do selvagem coração da vida. "

livro layer Perto do Coração Selvagem first edição
Capa do livro Perto do Coração Selvagem first edition

2. Laços de Família (1960)

This is two books of more known stories by Clarice Lispector. It was launched in 1960 and presents 13 stories showing a domestic context. Na maioria two contos a woman and placed in prominence, in other plot also tour around demais personagens.

Some striking characteristics of this work and the use of indirect speech, in which the narrator and personages show compliance, with overlaps of thoughts and streams of consciousness.

We can say that um two Reminiscent issues told us about the release of Rotina and her interruption, overcoat with a feminine perspective. Clarice faces a reflection on feminine experiences nesse relational universe that, insofar as it traces or feeling of stability, controls and restricts freedom and subjectivities of women.

A family was little by little checking. You who saw Olaria were very much dressed because the visit meant the same time a passeio to Copacabana. A nora de Olaria appears in blue-marinho, with paetês enfeite and a drape, disguising her belly with a ribbon. Or husband did not see you for obvious reasons: he did not want to see you. But he will send his woman so that all the laços fossem cut - and this wine is like her dress to show that she did not need any nenhum deles, Accompanied by two three filhos: duas meninas já de peito nascendo, infantilized in babados cor-de-rosa and gummed anáguas, e o curled menino terno novo e pela gravata.

(I count "Happy anniversary". Family Laços -1960)

Laços de Família cape first edition
Layer of Laços of Family, first edition

3. A Maçã no Escuro (1961)

A Maça no Escuro is a Clarice romance that featured a male figure, Martim, who had just committed a crime.

Either I was the winner of an important literary prize at the time, or the Carmem Dolores Barbosa Prize.

Na narrative, the author introduces us to a tormented homem who, assassinating his wife, takes a long time in search of himself.

Assim, Martim Raise ways to try to humanize yourself, questioning the ideas that he feared about life, death, existence, transgression, power and language.

Nas trevas saw nothing taken out, and nem sequer divinhou to symmetry two canteiros. Some spots more black than the blackness themselves indicate or provide the place of trees. Or garden no passava ainda of an effort of your memory, and or homem olhou still, asleep. Um ou outro vaga-lume turns more vast than draining.

The title of the work suggests a relationship with a biblical passage in which maçã é tida as prohibited fruit, but here, Fruit is used as a symbol of something that cannot be named, a sentiment "not dark", rather than the author insists on trying to translate them into words.

Capa da first edition of A maçã no dark
Capa da first edição de A maçã not dark

4. A Paixão Segundo G.H (1964)

Important work to try to decipher Clarice, A paixão Segundo G.H was launched in 1964.

Or romance is considered one more complex than the writer, pois carrega uma forte philosophical structure based on non-existentialism and in many layers of reflection on or feeling and or being.

Assim, it is customary to provoke us readers and readers dubian sentiments. Some love reading, others can't continue.

Clarice herself gave an introductory note that she warns you:

This book is like a book qualquer. More happy ficaria was fosse lido barely by people with a formed soul. Those who know that the approach you want me to follow gradually and painfully - going through even the opposite of what you are going to approach. Those people who, alone, will understand that this book does not pull anything. To myself, for example, a personagem G.H was giving little to little a difficult joy; more chama-be happy.

TO look for hair that is indizível Nessa is present, the work of Maneira Pungente. This is a fixation of the writer who appears in the majority of her books, reflecting or feeling herself and trying to transmit or silence and amazement of life.

G.H is the protagonist of this history, a woman who, as we entered a quarter of his house (formerly occupied by Janair), enters a state of contemplation and perplexity.

When he comes across a cheap but not comfortable, G.H is taken by conflicting feelings and abandons a "civilized behavior", entering into contact with aspects of his most particular essence.

You are trying, you are trying. You are trying to understand. Trying to give someone who lived I didn't know how to burn, but I don't want to tell how I lived. I don't know what reason I lived, I had a lot of deep disorganization. I don't trust that it will happen to me. Happened-to me something like that eu, fato hair of not to know how I live, lived an outra? I would like to be disorganized, and I would be sure of venturing, because I would know where to turn: for the previous organization. I prefer to be disorganized because I do not want to confirm that I live - a confirmation of my eu would lose the world as eu or tinha, and I know that I do not have the capacity for another.

Capa da first edição de A paixão second G.H
Capa da first edição de A paixão second G.H

5. Uma Aprendizagem ou o Livro dos Prazeres (1969)

Coming in 1969, this is Clarice's sixth romance. Praised for criticism, receipt or prize Golfinho de Ouro pelo MIS - Museu da Imagem e Som do Rio de Janeiro.

Exibe or romance between Lóri, a primary professor, and Ulisses, a professor of philosophy. A narrative is accompanied by Lóri e suas inquiries, vulnerabilities and emotions to approach-se more and more of Ulisses.

Lóri: uma das coisas that I learned that it must live in spite of. Despite that, it must be eaten. In spite of, it must be loved. Despite that, it must die. Even many times it is his own, despite the fact that he empurises us face to face.

The events are described, more or more is exceeded or lyricism as Clarice reveals the thoughts and anseios da personagem, extrapolating to own history.

As or explicit romance title, or main subject is a seek to find ways to feel prazer in life, especially in loving company as another being and suas subjectivities. Assim, it can be said that the work is about the love initiation of a house and its rituals.

Capa da first edition of Uma apprenticeship or Livro dos Prazeres
Capa da first edição de Uma apprenticeship or Livro dos Prazeres

6. A clandestine happiness (1971)

Clandestine Felicidade é um livro of 1971 that gathers 25 contos. When it was published, all of them were unpublished. You are the main issues tackled in the domestic and family universe, to passage of time, as joys and human comforts.

Big part days histories presented are autobiographical and presented in the first person, like lembranças of gone tempos.

A story that gives title to a book tells about a garota who longs to read Reinações de Narizinhoby Monteiro Lobato. She discovers that her class colleague has donated a free gift and can help her get or free for loan. More to menina, com evil and sadism, goodbye or loan.

You must insist, or free and finally borrowed, or that causes an intense commencement in the garota.

Chegando at home, I did not come to read. Pretending that no or tinha, only to depois ter or fright of or ter. Hours of pois opened, li algumas pretty marvelous, fechei-o de novo, I went to walk the house, goodbye ainda mais Indo eat paão com manteiga, pretended that I did not know where to keep or save, achava-o, open-o for some moments.

It created more false difficulties for that clandestine coisa that was happiness. A felicidade would always be clandestine for myself. It seems that eu já pressentia. How did I delay! Eu lived not ar... There was pride and modesty in my mind. Eu was a delicate rainha.
Sometimes she sat-me na rede, balançando-me as or livro aberto no colo, se tou-lo, em êxtase purísssimo.
She was not more than a man as a light: she was a woman as a lover.

first edition of Felicidade Clandestina
Capa da first edição de Clandestine Felicidade

7. Living Water (1973)

A work in question was published in 1973 and it is a text composed of a poem in prose.

Clarice claims it's about um "verbal improvisation", pois não is related to or romance, nem ao conto or same à poetry. This is because it is a flow of ideas about breeding, as a fragmented expression and always in search of unveil to own linguagem.

These minhas babbled phrases are feitas at the same time that they are written and crepitam de tão novas and even green. Elas são o já. I want to experience a lack of construction. Embora or my text is all crossed from ponta to ponta by a fragile fio driver - what? O do mergulho na matéria da palavra? Or da paixão?

Em Living Water, the author goes to the extreme her incessant strives for the union between art / writing and life. She seeks to learn or instantaneously, to invent a reality, exercising writing as a resource for understanding what I do not have.

Capa da first edition of Água viva
Capa da first edition of Água viva

8. A Hora da Estrela (1977)

Considered by some critics as a Clarice Lispector's first work, A Hora da Estrela It was launched in 1977, a few months before the author died.

Or romance tells about Macabéa, a simple Northeast who goes to Rio de Janeiro in search of opportunities. Órfã e sozinha, Ingênua Macabéa finds herself helpless in a large city.

It is important to emphasize, therefore, that it does not have knowledge of its sofrimento, being a "sparse material", it is in its own existence.

Então defended-death is given in the middle of a life of less, spending little of his life for this not to end. This economy gives some security to it, it burns, do chão no passa. Teria the feeling that she lived for nothing? Nem posso know, bigger than not. Only once was a tragic question asked: Quem sou eu? She was so scared that she completely stopped thinking.

Clarice uses a fictional narrator by name Rodrigo S.M to tell historia da moça. Also, Rodrigo is also an important person, drawing more once questions about the difficulty of translating into words emotional elements in his own life.

The romance was transformed into a film in 1985 by the filmmaker Suzana Amaral, being a successor and two classics of national cinema.

layer of the first edition of A hora da star
Capa da first edição de At the hour of the star

I also read other content about this incredible writer:

  • A hora da estrela: summary and analysis of Clarice Lispector's book
  • Incredible phrases of Clarice Lispector explained
  • Clarice Lispector: annotated poetic texts
  • Conto Amor, by Clarice Lispector
  • Felicidade Clandestina, by Clarice Lispector

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