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Franklin Roosevelt: Short Biography

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Franklin Roosevelt: Short Biography".

Franklin Roosevelt: Short Biography. Franklin Delano Roosvelt. Roosvelt was a United States politician, diplomat, and lawyer who became the thirty-second President of the United States and the only one who was reelected 4 times. He was born in New York on January 30, 1882 and died in Georgia on April 12, 1945. He began his political career at a very young age and had a brilliant political career that was cut short by the polio (poliomyelitis) that temporarily removed him from public life and almost everyone assumed that he was finish. Although he lost the mobility of the lower body (he could hardly walk, he was in a wheelchair and he tried to hide it all his life). But he, who he believed in himself, in 1932 ran for governor of New York, winning the post and thus, the way to be presidential of the democratic party to the elections of president of the United States of the 32 that also won. As well as, he won that of 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944. Something never seen in the entire history of the United States.

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Why is Roosevelt remembered? For three things. For being one of the architects of the Allied victory in World War II. The second for putting into practice the "New Deal"and the third for giving the go-ahead and launching the Manhattan plan. Let's start with the new deal, as you will remember in 1929 there was the crash of 29 in the United States, which broke the economy of America. When he became president in 1932, he proposed the New Deal, a shock plan to revive the American economy. How did you intend to refloat it? Stimulating public spending on infrastructure. For what? So that employment would rise, so that there would be fewer stops, so that almost the entire population had a job and it also served to modernize the country since a multitude of highways were built, a multitude of basic infrastructures for any country. He was also very active in foreign policy, getting very close to the European allies (France and England) and making first contacts with the Soviet Union as he believed that the Germany of Hitler

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Franklin Roosevelt: Short Biography"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.
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