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Summary of the Spanish-American War

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the summary of the Spanish-American war.

The summary of the Spanish-American war occurs in 1898 and this warfare occurs between Spain and the United States. Why? Spain was already at war with Cuba for a long time, also with the Philippines. Both of them wanted to become independent from the metropolis. It is not until 1898 that the United States enter the war conflict as a result of the warship explosion (USS Maine) in front of the port of Havana of Cuba. This ship had been sent by the Americans as a diplomatic and dissuasive measure so that Spain would gradually give in and leave Cuba (There had been a lot of repression and also the Americans had very strong economic interests on the island that they wanted to control instead of the Spanish). Thus, with causes that are still unknown today; This ship explodes, all the North American press blame Spain (as if they had sabotaged the ship) and that is how they decided to go to war. It is a very short war, lasts only 3 months and ends with the Treaty of Paris on August 12, 1998. This treaty says that Spain cedes Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and the island of Guam to the United States. Spain loses the last colonies that it has overseas.

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Let's go by parts; in the Pacific, the Philippines. The ship has exploded, war is declared and the US Navy (the US Pacific Fleet) sets sail for the Philippines, they bomb Manila and the Spanish fleet that was located there, leaves to meet the American fleet but is totally swept away. Spain loses to the United States and Manila has no choice but to surrender. A) Yes, Philippines passes into the hands of the United States.

The case of the island of Guam is a very funny case. It is a strategic point lost in the Pacific, we must bear in mind that we are between the 19th to 20th century and telecommunications were almost non-existent, so much so that a US fleet arrived on the island of Guam and began to bombard the fort there. The Spanish cannot believe that they are being bombed. They believe that they are salutes of honor for their arrival. So much so, that the Spanish army goes out of shape to receive the Americans. When they disembark, they get the news that they are at war and that now the island of Guam is owned by the United States.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about "the summary of the Spanish-American war" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.


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