+60 EXAMPLES of derived words

The derived words are words thatarise from another word in a process called derivation. The original word is called "primitive word", And the word that we form by means of the primitive word is the"derived word”.
In today's lesson from a TEACHER we have prepared a list of derived word examples so that it is clear to you what these types of words are and how to form them. Knowing and forming derived words is a bit like a puzzle game, and it also allows us to expand our vocabulary in a simple and practical way. So… ready to drift?
As we have explained above, derived words are formed from a primitive word, that is to say, a word that does not come from any other word and that exists by itself.
- Primitive word example: green
- Example of words derived from "green": greenery, vegetable, greenish ...
And now you may be wondering, "but how do we get from a primitive word to a derived word?" The answer is easy: all we have to do is add suffix or prefix to the primitive word:
- The suffixes Add to after from the root or primitive word. Some examples are: -ista, -ismo, -ero / a, -or / a, -eza, etc.
- The prefixes Add to before from the root or primitive word. Some examples are: pre-, ante-, post-, anti-, bi-, re-, etc.
Examples of words derived with suffixes and prefixes
Here are some examples of derived words formed from certain suffixes and prefixes:
- Suffix -ista: pianist (of piano), contortionist (of contortion), cartoonist (of cartoon)…
- Suffix -eza: hardness (of Lasted), rarity (of rare), firmness (of firm)…
- Suffix -able: improvable (of better), tireless (of tire out), unattainable (from reach)
- Prefix: precooked (of Cook), predict (from tell), prehistory (of history)
- Sub- prefix: underestimate (of estimate), submarine (of sea), underline (from scratch)
- Prefix des-: undo (of do), download (from carry), unequal (from equal)
Did you get the hang of it? So you have more examples with which to practice, we leave you here with a derived word list arising from several common primitive words. We have included different prefixes and suffixes for each primitive word to demonstrate the vast world of possibilities that derived word formation offers.
Examples of words derived from verbs
- To break: unbreakable, breaker, corrupt
- Tire out: tired, tireless, rest, tired
- Tell: predict, contradict, curse
- Bring: contract, pull, distract / distract, attract / attract, extract / extract, ...
- Live: habitat, cohabit, habitable, room, habitation
- Live: living together, living, dwelling, living, living, revive
- Produce: product, production, producer, productivity, productive
- Talk: speaker, speak, talkative, foul-mouthed, talkative, Spanish-speaker
- Feel: sensation, consent, premonition, sensitivity, sensitive, sensory, sentimental, feeling, sensitive, insensitive
- To have: keep, fork, entertain, retain, abstain, abstain, maintain, entertain, obtain, obtain ...
- Wear: dress, locker room, dress, dressing room, undress
- To sleep: sleepyhead, bedroom, doze off
- Eat: food, edible, diner, binge
- Build up: construction, deconstruction, rebuild, deconstruct, constructivist
Examples of words derived from nouns
- Sea: marine, sailor, tide, seasick, seasick, underwater, maritime, overseas
- Water: aquatic, aqueduct, watery, umbrella, pooper, gouache
- Love (or loving): lover, loved, love affair, loving, falling in love, falling in love, heartbreak, loving
- History: historical, prehistory, prehistoric, history, historian, historicism
- Tree: grove, arboreal, little tree
- Flower: floral, blooming, vase, flora, bloom, florist, florist
- Bread: bakery, bread basket, baker, pie, pie, bun
- Mouth: mouthful, sandwich, mouth, largemouth, mouth, mouth, gaping
- Countryside: camping, country, camp, peasant, open field
- Paper: trash can, paper, wall paper, stationery, paperwork
- Hair: wig, hairdresser, hairdresser, toupee, hairy, fluff
- Class: classify, classification, classist, classism
- Family: familiar, familiarize, familiarity, single family
- Book: bookstore, notebook, booklet, audiobook
- Colour: coloring, coloring, coloring, coloring, discolouring, rouge
- Interest: interesting, interested, disinterested, interest
Examples of words derived from adjectives
- Beautiful: beauty, beautify, beautify
- Easy: ease, facilitate, feasible
- Sweet: sweeten, bittersweet, sweetness
- Lasted: hardness
- Of course: clarity, clarify, clairvoyance, clarify, clarify, chiaroscuro
- Sad: saddened, sadness, sadness, sadness, saddened
- Happy: happiness, congratulation, unhappy, unhappiness
- Pure: purity, purify, impure, purifier
- Better: improve, better, unbeatable
- Useful: useful, useless, useless, use, reuse
- Big: greatness, grandiose, bombastic, enlarge, grandiosity
- Modern: modernity, modernize, modernization, modernism, modernist, postmodern, postmodernism
- Simple: simplify, simplicity, simplification, simplicity
- Comfortable: comfort, uncomfortable, discomfort
- Possible: impossible, possibility, impossibility, make possible
Now that we have known some examples of derived words, we are going to practice it in the following exercise:
Statement 1: Construct derived words using the following prefixes and suffixes.
- Im / In / Ir-:
- Bi-:
- Monkey-:
- Re-:
- Vice-:
- -dor / a:
- -ism:
- -ez / a:
- -ero / era:
- -dad / -ity:
Statement 2: Look for one or more words derived from the following primitive words.
- Sun:
- White:
- Fruit:
- To sing:
- Eye:
- War:
- Normal:
- Order: