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Top 10 Psychologists in Toledo (Ohio)

Diego Tzoymaher He has a degree in psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and stands out for having an experience professional of more than 17 years in which he has carried out consultations both in person and on-line.

He has also completed a postgraduate degree in cognitive neuropsychology from the University of Belgrano, and is a specialist in anxiety disorders, in addition to having cared for people with addiction to the internet and new technologies, among others pathologies.

Arodi Martinez He has a degree in psychology from the University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, in the United States, in addition to having completed a doctorate in the field of mental health, and being a specialist in psychology general.

Throughout all these years he has treated people with emotional problems derived from the processes of separation and divorce, people with low self-esteem problems, and patients with family and relationship problems, among others pathologies.

Maria Ramon She has a degree in psychology and speech therapy from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a master's degree in general health psychology, and is also part of the team of professionals at

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Healthy Center.

During all these years she has helped children and adolescents to improve their school performance, in cases of deficit disorder. attention and hyperactivity, also known as ADHD, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Maria Sol Stagnitto She has a degree in psychology from the National University of Rosario, she has a postgraduate degree in the field of cognitive psychology, and she is also an expert in psychodrama, having improved the emotional well-being of many persons.

He stands out for having treated patients with sleep disorders such as insomnia, in a situation of mourning before the loss of a loved one, and with problems of anxiety, depression and stress, getting very good results.

Javier Ares He has a degree in clinical psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has completed a master's degree in general health psychology, and has also completed a master's degree in clinical and health psychology from the ISEP.

He has extensive experience in the treatment of addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, in family and couple conflicts such as separation and divorce processes, and has also cared for people with problems of anxiety.

Juan Martin Florit is a prestigious psychologist who has a degree from the National University of Mar del Plata, in addition to having completed a postgraduate degree in cognitive therapy behavior, specializing in anxiety disorders, and having completed a training in child and youth clinical psychology at the University of Palermo.

She has treated patients with different types of pathologies, among which we find the problems of anxiety, depression and stress, family and partner conflicts, and people in low situations esteem.

Dove king She has a degree in psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a master's degree in general health psychology from the International University of Valencia, and she has also completed a master's degree in comprehensive care for people with disabilities intellectual.

She has extensive experience in treating learning disabilities such as ADHD or spectrum disorder. autistic, in addition to having treated people with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Juliet Araoz She has a degree in psychology and stands out for being the Director of her own psychological center, in addition to having she with a trajectory of more than 10 years dedicated to the treatment of the mental and emotional health of her patients.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most, you can find personality disorders, sexual and relationship problems, bipolar disorder, and disorders such as anxiety, depression, and stress.

Mariana S. Peralta She has a degree in psychology from The City College of New York, in addition to having a career professional of more than 9 years improving the psychological well-being of both children, adolescents and people adults.

Among the disorders that she has treated the most, we find the situations of mourning before the loss of a loved one, cases of violence in the family, and problems of anxiety, depression and stress, among others pathologies.

Eloisa Duarte She has a degree in psychology from the University of Toledo, and has experience in the field of mental health more than 12 years, improving both the personal and psychological well-being of many persons.

She stands out for having dealt with cases of anxiety in the workplace, family and partner conflicts, and in divorce processes, which involve significant emotional wear and tear for many people.

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