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The role of psychotherapy in the face of bitter moments

Zuri has had both happy and sad experiences since childhood; his family left him with an indelible history of memories. Today he has gone to therapy for help.

He comments that years ago he had chosen the path of being "insensitive and invulnerable to feelings." and that that had allowed him to avoid suffering, but nowadays it is no longer possible for him to bear what happens to him.

Right now is going through a process of separation. He decided to break communication with his partner, who for years showed him a lack of interest. This turned into a cold experience, to the point of feeling frozen. He feels that he gave everything he could to make things work and never got even a little bit of what he gave.

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Learning to manage discomfort

It is easy to understand and feel consideration for what Zuri is suffering; first that painful experience, a feeling of total apathy on the part of his partner. Now Zuri needs to manifest what is happening to her, and this gives her the opportunity to accept help. Despite not being easy, you need to release your suffering,

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enter the opportunity to rethink her life and take up projects to which to devote attention to find strength.

We agree that Zuri does not refuse to explore her emotional existence. She has shown enough capacity, energy and courage to express what happens to her, she does not want to evade the experience anymore. She finds it unacceptable what she is currently experiencing.

Now that she goes to seek help, Zuri needs to feel secure in what she will choose. Although she knows there are options; She wants to choose in her therapist a person who does not judge her, that she is interested in what happens to her, but above all, that she helps her reduce the emotional pain that invades her at times.

Emotional crisis
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The ability to adapt is key

Millions of people around the world accumulate difficult experiences; some of these experiences cause bitter moments. In the best of cases it is possible to cope thanks to an enormous capacity of adaptation.

As we can imagine, this implies a great effort. People express that this presents with pain and discomfort, to the point of feeling like they are slowing down or moving at a forced pace.

It is important to consider that, by not elaborating a process, and in the face of accumulated difficult experiences, the character becomes something like a vault that she has deep feelings that sometimes we do not realize that they are still there and that at some point they will come out to see the light. Sometimes these bitter moments come to cause discomfort in our relationship with others, in our own identity and even in our health.

It is important to consider that in adult life some of the situations that caused emotional distress and that have not been worked on can be somatized.

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Comforting news

In the first contact, Zuri hears from her therapist that they will work in a space free of judgments, that it is she who will choose both the topics she wants to address and the depth when exploring them. You can become confident that this is a positive experience, a therapeutic process that heals emotions.

Already in therapy, since Zuri has been able to express herself more easily and assertively, she even seems to be enjoying enriching learning. Although he knows that it will be a process that does not resolve from one day to the next, he feels calm. She has the possibility that week by week she has full listening to her professional, who also knows how to guide his process, which comforts him, giving hope to overcome suffering and stay well.

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Why does therapy work?

The therapy processes, although they do not work like magic, are a valuable tool to transcend and overcome discomfort. They help to understand more clearly and even open up the best opportunity to explore parts of the personal history that caused pain. Therefore, recognizing, dimensioning and healing (since we need to find strength for what is happening in our present) can be a way that gives us security.

It is true that as human beings we have an enormous capacity to cope with our emotional, social, affective and psychological balance.

It is true that there may be people who spend days, months or even years without going to therapy. That means that, even with emotional pain and suffering, someone can resist, or develop a shell so thick that there comes a time when the pain is almost imperceptible. However, at various times the person may feel that experience of relief that releases suffering and allows them to recognize that they do not need to suffer again.

Change processes are easier with professional support

Unlike what happens in other living beings, human beings we know that our processes are not simple. Our emotional memory It is enough, rich in resources, options and alternatives that sometimes, being a little accumulated and tangled between good emotions and others that We do not understand how the best ones make it difficult to unravel these experiences unless there is an accompaniment professional.

We cannot deny that people who decide not to ask for help, over time come to modify aspects of their character that makes them distant and reserved, perhaps even oblivious to human interaction and a taste for sharing feelings with others.

There will always be a chance to heal those bitter moments; the sooner we do it, the sooner we will feel better and we will find ourselves before a life that offers us many more things, of which to enjoy and that are waiting for us.

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