Education, study and knowledge

5 cinema dinners inspired by works of art that you need to know

Or cinema and the plastic arts are many times andam of given hands, being inegável to influence of an artistic language on another.

Also, we selected 5 iconic dinners of cinematographic productions that were inspired by works of art, making a direct connection between these universes and producing you incríveis re-music. Trust!

1. O Truman Showby Peter Weir - Architeture au Clair de Luneby Magritte

truman e magritte show
À esquerda, dinner of Or truman show, starring Jim Carrey. À direita, Magritte fabric

Or film O Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir and launched in 1998 with a huge success in the years 2000. As a cenography and very well thought out figure, it tells the story of a little subject who, since birth, has had his life filmed and broadcast on the national network, sem que el soubesse.

The final dinner is two high points of the film and was inspired by fabric Architeture au Clair de Lune, made by the French surrealist painter René Magritte, in 1956.

2. Labirinto: a magic do tempoby Jim Henson - Relativityby Echer

instagram story viewer
dinner of the film Labirinto and the work of Echer
Relativity (1953), Escher's Dinner Labirinto: a magic do tempo

Labirinto: a magic do tempo é uma produção infanto-juvenil directed by Jim Henson. Released in 1986, the film became cultured or traced by David Bowie as a laughing goblin in an enchanted and scary land.

At a certain moment in the narrative there is a passage that young Sarah (who is trying to get a baby) is seen in a labyrinth of scads, while Jareth (Bowie) provokes and confuses.

At dinner there is a re-writing of the work Relatividade (1953), by the Dutch artist Maurits Cornelis Escher, famous hairs serious designs that show inspiring and irreais construções.

3. Carrie, to estranhaby Brian De Palma -Study For Lady Macbethby Gustave Moreau

Carrie a estranha and inspiration in Moreau's work of art
À esquerda Study for Lady Macbeth (1851), by Moreau. À direita, dinner of Carrie, to estranha

Um two classics of terror é Carrie, to estranhaby Brian De Palma. Adapted from the eponymous book by Stephen King, the film was released in the 70s and fez many people are tremors from the middle.

Uma das dinners, which Carrie displays in meio to the pictures of a fire that she herself provokes, and very similar to cloth Study for Lady Macbeth, painted in 1851 by Gustave Moreau.

4. Ilha do Medeby Scorsese - OR beijoby Klimt

dinner of Ilha do medo e a tela O beijo, by Klimt
À esquerda, fabric Or beijo (1908), from Klimt e a à direita dinner of Ilha do Medo

Produced by Martin Scorsese and released in 2010, Ilha do Medo is an adaptation of a romance by Dennis Lehane.

Or film um psychological suspense with touches of cinema noir that Leonardo DiCaprio traced in the lead role. At any given moment, or the protagonist, in one of his hallucinations, he imagines himself embracing his wife.

A dinner is a reference to a famous fabric Or beijo, bred by Gustav Klimt in 1908.

5. Melancholia, by Lars Von Trier -Opheliaby John Everett Millais

film Melancolia e Ofélia, by John Everett Millais
À esquerda, fabric Ophelia (1852), à direita dinner of Melancholia

Two films from the Danish succession Lars Von Trier é Melancholia, from 2011. It tells about two companies that live the possibility of the end of the world and reagem the situation in totally opposite ways.

The film exhibits some very beautiful dinners that are not directly related to narrative and to a plastic and symbolic character important to history.

Over these dinners, actress Kirsten Dunst is dressed in noiva and flutters in a beautiful lake of plants. A inspiração foi a fabric Ophelia, painted by John Everett Millais, em 1852.

To know more about cinema and art, read:

  • The most famous paintings in the world
  • Great cults films that you need to attend
  • Old horror films that you need to know
  • Examples to understand what is visual arts
  • Quadro A noite starry, by Van Gogh
  • You melhores films of all tempos
Laura Aidar
Laura Aidar

Art-educator, visual artist and photographer. Graduated in Art Education from the Paulista State University (Unesp) and trained in Photography from the Pan-American School of Art and Design.

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