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The 70 best famous phrases of Pelé

Pele, whose real name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Brazil, 1940) is a retired soccer player who is considered by many to be the best player in history.

Referred many times as the best historical player of Santos and the Brazilian team, Pelé He went on to win three World Cups and was decorated as the best soccer player of the 20th century according to the FIFA.

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Famous quotes by Pelé

To learn more about the milestones of this legendary footballer, we have proposed to collect the best phrases of Pelé, as well as his most famous statements and reflections.

1. The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness of winning.

A phrase to remember that the effort pays off.

2. Everything is practical.

Training is the habit that makes soccer players with heart great.

3. If you are the first, you are the first. If you are the second, you are nothing.

Only the champion is remembered and goes down in history. Nobody remembers the second.

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4. If you don't educate people, it's easy to manipulate them.

A philosophical reflection on “O Rei”.

5. You must respect people and work hard to be fit. I used to train really hard. When other players went to the beach after training, I was hitting the ball.

About his work ethic.

6. Wherever you go, there are three icons that everyone knows: Jesus Christ, Pele and Coca-Cola.

Three universal icons, each in the scope of it.

7. Pele does not die. Pelé will never die. Pelé will continue forever.

Without a doubt, the memory of this mythical player will not be erased from the collective memory.

8. A penalty is a cowardly way to score.

Pelé didn't want them to make it easy for him.

9. Brazil eats, sleeps and drinks soccer. Live football!

About the Brazilian fans and his devotion to the beautiful game.

10. People argue between Pelé or Maradona. Di Stéfano is the best, much more complete.

Although it is hard to believe, Pele himself pronounced this phrase, making it clear who, in his opinion, was the best footballer in history.

11. If I made a difference it was thanks to my education and my family base, that's why I was never involved in scandals.

A structured family was key to Edson's athletic development.

12. If I die one day, I will feel happy because I tried to do my best. My sport allowed me to do so much because it is the greatest sport in the world.

About football and his personal legacy.

13. Enthusiasm is everything. It should be taut and vibrant like a guitar string.

Without attitude, victories or titles do not come.

14. My mother told me: “don't play football. Your father played and got injured, and now he can't support the family ”.

A piece of advice that, fortunately, he did not follow.

15. All my life I thank God. My family was very religious.

About his position regarding the existence of God.

16. The rules of soccer are an education: equal and fair for all.

They all compete with the same standards.

17. I don't think I'm a very good businessman. I act too much with my heart.

Too much impulsiveness is not a good advisor in the field of business.

18. The World Cup is a very important way to measure good players. It is a test of a great player.

Facing other nations and their best players is a unique experience.

19. When you play against dirty players or very tough players, it is easy to escape, because you know what they are going to do. But when the player is tough, but smart, it is much more difficult.

Hence, a good defender must also be intelligent and organized.

20. He represents Brazil around the world. Wherever I go, I have to do my best not to disappoint the Brazilian people.

About his responsibility to his people.

21. I always think that I would have become an actor if I hadn't been a soccer player.

His comic skills were always excellent.

22. God gave me the gift of playing soccer, and I got the rest because he took care of me and prepared me.

God disposes, but each one is responsible for doing his work.

23. To be a forward you need to be in good shape.

Logically, speed and agility are very powerful weapons for a ram.

24. When you are young you do a lot of stupid things.

Youth is sometimes accompanied by certain doses of madness.

25. He was a coward when he played. I was only worried about the evolution of my career.

Recognizing that he was quite selfish as a player.

26. The Brazilian people should be proud of what Pelé has done to promote and defend the country.

Certainly, Pelé has always tried to influence politics and social affairs.

27. When I was a forward I always wanted to score. He cheered the crowd on. But today Brazil has lost that will to have the ball and dominate the opponent.

On the change in the concept of Brazilian football.

28. The feeling of being retired is bad. I still dream that I am dribbling, scoring goals.

Not being able to do what he likes the most is a bit suffocating for O Rei.

29. I miss the ball, the enthusiasm and energy in the stadium, the fight to get a good result, the joy and sadness in victory and defeat.

About the past feelings of him.

30. I will never be a soccer coach. I know that being a coach is complicated and I don't want to complicate my life.

A sign that you are a person who wants to live a relaxed life.

31. There will never be another Pele. My father and mother closed the factory. I am unique and unrepeatable.

Ironic phrase about his football and his charisma: unique.

32. Maradona was an excellent player but unfortunately everyone can see what he has done with his life.

A poignant criticism of the Argentine star's drug addiction.

33. The only major header goal Maradona scored was with his hand.

On the goal "the hand of God", which rose to the scoreboard but had to be annulled.

34. No individual can win a match by himself.

You always need the team to win championships.

35. There is no worse punishment than being born a ball and being kicked by an Englishman at Wembley.

On the unrefined technique of many British players.

36. God gave me the gift of knowing how to play soccer, but the rest was achieved by training myself, preparing myself thoroughly to accept any result.

The mentality comes out of oneself.

37. I will never be a soccer coach. I know that being a coach is complicated and I don't want to complicate my life with that. Nor could I aspire to have a career like the one I had as a player, that is unattainable even for me.

A great reflection on what it means to be a coach.

38. To compare himself to me, Maradona first has to ask Socrates, Tostao, Rivelino, Zico and Romario for permission, as well as other Brazilian players. Then he would have to ask permission from Di Stéfano and Moreno, two great Argentines who were better than him.

Another poisoned dart for Maradona.

39. The Argentines are making a mistake, they shouldn't invest time in assigning me a rival like Di Stéfano or Maradona; They should invest it in realizing that I am better than the two of them together.

Although he contradicts another of his famous phrases, Pelé discovers here the most arrogant side of him.

40. It is blasphemous and it is wrong for me to say it, but in the polls I am more popular than Jesus Christ. It makes me laugh, I'm a Catholic and I know what Jesus means and his values.

About his world fame.

41. Messi will mark an era, but he will never be a legend.

The Argentine player Leo Messi has never been among their favorites.

42. It is not arrogance, it is that I do not admit that it is said that there is a better soccer player than me until they find one who has surpassed my thousand goals, then we will talk.

Certainly, that figure is unattainable for any mortal.

43. Maradona is not a good coach because he leads a strange way of life and that does not go unnoticed in the team.

Leadership begins with good habits, and Maradona is no example of this.

44. I had a great time at that time because Swedish girls loved us, especially if you were black.

A famous quote about his success with European women.

45. If a team has good and quality players, artists, it will be a show. Otherwise it is not worth it to put on the TV or go to the stadium.

He makes his conception of football very clear.

46. All the players of all the teams play the same, the difference comes when one has two or three players who have individual abilities. There, my friend, the glory is played.

Creativity is not a gift that many footballers possess.

47. Neymar is ready to be the leader of Brazil.

About the PSG star.

48. When I went to Gothenburg's Nya Ullevi Stadium on June 15, 1958, there were 50,000 people wanting to see the little black boy wearing the number 10. Many saw me as a kind of mascot compared to the enormous physique of the Russians.

About one of his parties in Europe and the euphoria that his presence unleashed.

49. To prevail, the coach must have good knowledge and inspire confidence. You cannot become an executioner, that mistake is usually paid dearly because great teams, like great companies, are built with unity and mutual respect, not with a whip.

On how to lead teams.

50. The best Argentine player after Maradona was Juan Román Riquelme.

A controversial opinion, since Riquelme did not succeed in succeeding in Europe.

51. Cubillas is my successor.

About the Peruvian footballer, who never became what Pele expected.

52. Today football is very defensive, very tactical. Coaches have knowledge of all teams. The players know the teams. There is no longer a single tactic, now everyone attacks and everyone defends. When the ball is lost, everyone is going to get it back. There is no more 4-3-3 or 4-4-2. They all play the same. The difference is when you have one or two players with individual capacity.

The difference is marked by the player (or players) with some outstanding gift.

53. Some people think that the fourth official should not have the authority to control the coaches. My personal opinion is that if we give the coach an area, he can do whatever he wants, because some coaches like to talk and yell, and others don't. I don't think they should be told to go back and sit on the bench. There is a feeling that they have too much power. Unless he says or does harmful things, the coach should be free to work in his area.

On one of the most controversial rules in football, which concerns the ability of coaches to direct their players.

54. He was very lucky because despite everything wrong that happened in his life, like drugs, there are people who still offer him a job.

Again talking about Diego Armando Maradona.

55. I was born for football like Beethoven for music.

In this sentence, Pelé tells us about his magical gift for football.

56. Sport is something that inspires young people a lot.

It is true: many young people have as a reference to soccer players or other athletes.

57. They constantly ask me about players. The only way to win is as a team. Soccer is not about one, two or three star squads.

On the importance of competing as a team.

58. I could mention a few names, but what has happened in the last 10 to 15 years, I think Messi is the most consistent player of all those years, without a doubt.

His opinion of Messi improved over the years.

59. Success is not an accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, study, sacrifice and, above all, love for what he is doing or learning to do.

A maxim for success that we should all apply.

60. My father used to say, 'Listen. God gave you the gift of being able to play soccer. If you take care of your health, if you are in good shape all the time, with the gift that God gave you, nobody will stop you, but you must be prepared. '

A wise piece of advice from his father that Pelé faithfully followed.

61. When a boy scores many goals, many people think: "He is a great player", because a goal is a very important objective, but a great player is one who can do everything on the field. He can encourage his colleagues, give them confidence to move on. He is someone who, when a team does not do well, becomes one of the leaders.

On the qualities of a great player.

62. Cristiano Ronaldo is a great scorer... but Messi is the best.

Finally, Pelé recognized the greatness of "La Pulga."

63. I already said it, Maradona loves me. I went to the opening of his [television] show of his, to help him with an event to raise money. I like him, I think he loves me. As for who was better, I still think he has to learn to head well and hit him with his right leg.

Another of his famous opinions about Maradona, at a time when the relationship was cordial.

64. Then, I saw my father crying. I didn't understand why he was crying, because they had always told me that men don't cry. I said, 'Dad, don't cry. I'll win the World Cup for you, don't cry. '

A consolation that came true after a few years.

65. God gave me football and only He can take it from me.

One of those more religious Pelé phrases.

66. I am a calm, calm man. I have a lot of patience and that is why I can withstand the blows that hit me on the pitch or the bruises that the supporters give me when they congratulate me. I like to make friends, I don't collect enemies.

About his calm and caring personality.

67. Politicians have caused us to always suffer misery in Brazil.

A critique of the establishment of the American country.

68. I don't want them to speak well of me when he dies.

His legacy as an individual is indifferent to her.

69. If he played football today, he would do it at Barcelona.

I would like to play alongside Leo Messi, probably.

70. Technically, Neymar is the best player in the world.

About the Brazilian star, who he played in the ranks of Barcelona to later sign for Paris Saint Germain.

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