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The 100 best famous phrases about repentance

Regret is a complex emotionas it makes us feel a mixture of shame, sadness, anger and disappointment that keeps us in a state of paralysis, not knowing how to act next.

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Great quotes and reflections on regret

In this article you will see the most famous quotes about regret that can help you analyze your mistakes and take actions to remedy them.

1. It is better to act exposing yourself to regret it, than to regret not having done anything. (Giovanni Boccaccio)

When we refuse to do something out of fear, the regret we carry will be eternal.

2. Of all the acts of man, repentance is the most divine. The greatest of all faults is not being aware of any. (Thomas Carlyle)

Repenting leads us to repair our mistakes.

3. It is never late for repentance and reparation. (Charles Dickens)

It is always a good time to do things right.

4. Whoever acknowledges his debt has paid half of what he owes.

In order to correct a mistake, you must first acknowledge it.

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5. What is the use of repentance, if that does not erase anything that has happened. The best regret is simply to change. (José Saramago)

There is no use complaining if we are going to continue taking the same actions.

6. There is nothing as useful as repentance. (Marcus Aurelius)

Afflictions are the door to change.

7. There is no sin so great, nor vice so powerful that repentance does not erase or completely remove it. (Miguel de Cervantes)

The only way to change and improve is to commit to it.

8. A good repentance is the best medicine for illnesses of the soul. (Miguel de Cervantes)

When we acknowledge our mistakes, we can take a load off our shoulders.

9. One of life's biggest regrets is becoming what others want you to become, instead of being yourself. (Shannon L. Adler)

We can only be happy if we take destiny in our hands.

10. Regret for silence is better than regret for speaking. (Proverb)

We not only grieve for something we did, but also for what we did not do.

11. Life is very short, time is very precious, and the risks are too great to live in what could have been. (Hillary Clinton)

Live in such a way that you have no regrets to bear.

12. The fear is temporary. Repentance is forever.

For this reason, fear must be defeated every time it appears.

13. The bitterest tears that will be shed on our grave will be those of unspoken words and unfinished works. (Harriet Beecher Stowe)

What we want and did not do will remain as a weight on our soul.

14. Suicide is the worst kind of murder, because it leaves no room for regret. (John Churton Collins)

Reflections on taking your own life.

15. Of men it is to be wrong; mad to persist in error. (Tulio Ciceron)

It's okay to be wrong as long as we learn the lesson.

16. When repentance is genuine, the willingness to sin again disappears. (Charles Finney)

Once mistakes are recognized, we can understand what we cannot do again.

17. Repentance comes from the heart. (Desmond Harrington)

When repentance is genuine, it is possible to change for the better.

18. Regret only applies when we don't learn from a situation. There is no point in looking back, look ahead with new knowledge and without regrets. (Catherine Pulsifer)

It is useless to grieve if we cling to the past.

19. Sin is the best part of repentance. (Arabic proverb)

There are regrets that are enjoyed.

20. I do not regret anything at all, everything I did marked a step in my life, without that I would not be what I am. (Madonna)

There are experiences that we cannot abhor as they make us what we are today.

21. There are always things in life that you can regret, and there are probably a lot of business decisions that I regret. (Richard Branson)

We always have the desire to change something in our past.

22. I do not regret anything. He who regrets what he has done is doubly miserable. (Baruch Spinoza)

Do you believe this statement?

23. Whoever is slow to give what he promises, what he promised, repents.

Therefore you must be careful what you promise.

24. My biggest mistake? I think I haven't done it yet. (Ayrton senna)

At any moment we can make mistakes.

25. Being good does not consist in not committing any fault, but in knowing how to make amends. (Saint John Bosco)

The failures should be seen as lessons to improve the future.

26. Speak up when you are angry and you will give the best speech that you will always regret. (Laurence J. Peter)

What happens when we let anger control us.

27. Bad men are full of regret. (Aristotle)

No one who has done wrong can have a clear conscience.

28. We all must suffer from at least two things: the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret or disappointment. (Jim Rohn)

It is in our hands to choose which experience pain.

29. Regret is not so much regret for what we have done as fear of the consequences. (François de la Rochefoucauld)

An important note on what is behind regret.

30. It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. (Saying)

A very popular saying, is it true?

31. The regret of my life is that I did not say "I love you" enough times. (Yoko Ono)

Never shut up your feelings.

32. Whoever lets the most beautiful story of his life pass by will have no other age than that of his regrets and there will be no sigh in the world capable of rocking his soul... (Yasmina Khadra)

Never miss an opportunity.

33. what is the point of confession, if I am not sorry? (The Godfather)

A man without regrets.

34. Knowledge without repentance will be but a torch to illuminate men to hell. (Thomas John Watson)

When we don't learn from our mistakes, we are predisposed to fall back into them.

35. The pattern of the prodigal is: rebellion, ruin, repentance, reconciliation, restoration. (Edwin Louis Cole)

If you want to fix something, put remorse aside.

36. The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy. (William Hazlitt)

Reflection on the true intentions of people.

37. Many of us tend to crucify ourselves between two thieves, the repentance of the past, and the fear of the future. (Fulton Oursler)

There are times when we cling too much to the past and we have the future that has not yet arrived.

38. Regret is good, but innocence is better. (Unknown author)

About avoiding doing things that you later regret.

39. He who does not have time to be hurt does not have time to make amends. (Henry Taylor)

You can never move forward if you don't recognize what you need to improve.

40. Take a chance, take a chance. I didn't do it and look at me, empty, alone, like a ghost.

Regret outweighs fear.

41. There are two kinds of repentance: the false one that is the one that comes from failure and the true one that comes from being aware of having done it wrong. (Jacques Bénigne Bossuet)

Two types of regrets with different consequences.

42. Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. (Victoria Holt)

A great way to see the experiences.

43. I have made decisions that I regret and took them as learning experiences… I am human, not perfect, like anyone else. (Queen Latifah)

The important thing is to learn from our mistakes.

44. I do not regret anything, because every little detail of your life is what made you become who you are now. (Drew Barrymore)

We can view a failure as the worst thing that ever happened to us, but if we keep working, it will eventually just be an isolated event.

45. We all go astray; the least reckless is the one who regrets the soonest. (Voltaire)

Prudence is necessary to act.

46. Never promise, which you regret.

Our words can condemn us.

47. He who sleeps in a bed of roses repents in thorns. (Francis Quarles)

About the remorse that weighs after falling into temptation.

48. I made a decision and I still regret it. The bones are welded. Regret lasts forever. (Patrick Rothfuss)

When we make a decision that cannot be remedied.

49. That the one who does not regret cannot be absolved, nor is it possible to repent and love because the contradiction does not allow it. (Dante Alighieri)

Repentance must come with the will to change.

50. Never regret yesterday. Life lies in you today, and you build your tomorrow. (Lafayette Ron Hubbard)

We must not look back but concentrate on building our future.

51. Usually I regret that I have spoken, never that I have remained silent. (Publilio Siro)

Don't stop expressing your opinions.

52. I regret those times when I went to the dark side. I spent too much time not being able to be happy. (Jessica Lange)

The vices and easy exits take their toll later.

53. People rarely do what they believe in, do what is convenient, and then regret it. (Bob Dylan)

So do what you want to do.

54. The one who falls into sin is a man; he who repents, a saint; the one who is proud of him, a demon. (Thomas Fuller)

Which one are you?

55. Never regret anything. Everything happens for a reason. (Archangel)

Things happen for a reason.

56. Repentance is an attempt of nature to banish from our soul the principles of its corruption. (Enrique Lacordaire)

Regret is an opportunity to move forward.

57. Repentance is the lack of power to sin. (John Dryden)

One way of looking at regret.

58. It is not enough to repent of the evil that has been done, but also of the good that has not been done. (Joseph Sanial-Dubay)

We can also regret the lack of good deeds.

59. The one who repents is like the one who has not sinned. (Muhammad)

Never too late to change.

60. The bitterest tears shed on the graves are for words that were never said and promises that were never kept. (Harriet Beecher Stowe)

A sample of what remains when we do not take the opportunities.

61. We never regret having eaten too little. (Thomas Jefferson)

Remorse appears only in excesses.

62. If the action is discovered and punished, if we think well, it is not the harm done to our neighbor that we regret, but the misfortune that committing it and being discovered has caused us. (Marquis De Sade)

There are some people who regret their actions because they have been exposed, not because they regret having committed them.

63. It is a mistake to grieve without ceasing. (Horacio)

If we hold on to the role of victim, we can never move forward.

64. Do you think it is enough to say sorry? And all the past, can it be remedied? (Clark Gable)

Repentance is achieved with deeds not with words.

65. Repentance is an expression of humanity. Without regret, what are we? (The indelible footprints)

A feeling that shows our vulnerability.

66. Regret is accepted regret. (Seneca)

Another interesting way of looking at regret.

67. The noblest pride for a woman, no matter how much you have offended her, is to always be able to forgive, without having to repent. (Jacinto Benavente)

On the power of women to forgive.

68. Looking back, I don't see anything that I regret, and I notice so little that I want to correct. (John C. Calhoun)

A reference to living life with the good and the bad that has been experienced.

69. Of all the words of men, of the pen or of the tongue, the saddest are these: it could have been! (John Greenleaf Whittier)

Without a doubt, that is a thought that sticks eternally in the mind.

70. I am always suspicious of people who repent of the sins of others. (Jean-Marie Le Pen)

These are people who are unable to recognize their own faults.

71. It is better to regret what was done than what was not done.

Sage advice, so don't be afraid to take a chance.

72. Never make the same mistake twice. (Gustavo Fring)

This is just a sample that you haven't learned anything.

73. When I say "I'm sorry", it is because I regret something. (Luis Suarez)

If you brace something, let it be because in reality it is like that and not to look good in front of others.

74. I do not regret anything. I wouldn't have lived my life the way I did if I was worrying about what people were going to say. (Ingrid Bergman)

The opinions of others should not get in the way of our destiny.

75. If you are not living in the present moment, you are thinking about the uncertainty of the future or remembering the pain and regret of the past. (Jim Carrey)

Live in the present which is where your life happens.

76. Everything that happens to us happens for a reason. The difficult times that we go through, forge our character, making us much stronger people. (Rita Mero)

Every experience has a lesson to learn.

77. Women call the memory of their faults repentance; but, above all, to the feeling of not being able to commit them again. (Madame De Pompadour)

A kind of regret.

78. It is impossible to regret love. The sin of love does not exist. (Muriel Spark)

Never grieve for the loves that you have lived.

79. What makes you grow is defeat, error. (Josep Guardiola)

Victories are celebrated, mistakes are learned.

80. After making the mistake of suffering misfortune, the talented man always recovers. (Ben Jonson)

If you have a dream, it does not matter that you fall, but that you continue to the goal.

81. Regrets are understandings that came late. (Joseph Campbell)

Better to learn later than never.

81. The dead receive more flowers than the living because regret is greater than gratitude. (Anna Frank)

So always be grateful.

82. Regret is the poison of life. (Charlotte Bronte)

Not all regrets are helpful.

83. Discipline weighs grams, regret weighs pounds. (Jim Rohn)

It is better to take all the time necessary to learn than to be sorry for not knowing anything.

84. A man does not grow old until his regrets take the place of his dreams. (John Barrymore)

Regret is considered by many to be part of old age.

85. Forget about regret, or you will miss living. (Jonathan Larson)

If we hold on to our sorrows, we miss out on what happens today.

86. If I'm sincere today, what does it matter if I regret it tomorrow? (José Saramago)

It is impossible to predict the future.

87. I don't regret anything, but that doesn't mean I don't look back and ask myself: What was I thinking? (David Beckham)

It does not hurt to analyze our past actions.

88. Regret lacks immediacy, so its power rarely influences things when it could have been of use. (William O'Rourke)

We always regret it when it is late.

89. A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret.

Be careful to get carried away by your emotions.

90. There is no possible refuge from memory and remorse in this world. The spirits of our foolishness haunt us, with or without regret. (Gilbert Parker)

No one lives free from remorse for their actions.

91. The most frequent cause of regret for something we have done is because its consequences interfere with something we would have done. (Norman MacDonald)

The bad consequences are the ones that weigh the most.

92. When one door closes, another opens, but usually we stare at the closed door with such regret that we don't see which one was opened for us. (Alexander Graham Bell)

A great way to express what we lose when we fall back on our past mistakes.

93. It is much easier to repent for the sins that we have committed than to repent of the ones we intend to commit. (Josh Billings)

Regret the things that didn't turn out the way you expected, not the things you still hope to do.

94. Regret means that you change your mind so profoundly that it changes you.

Regrets can lead us to have another perspective on life.

95. Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about who you are, and theirs says enough about them. (Unknown author)

Good manners are to be proud of.

96. Most people repent of their sins thanking God that they are not as bad as their neighbors. (Josh Billings)

The comparison to save us is hypocrisy.

97. Regret only applies when we don't learn from a situation. There is no point in looking back, look ahead with new knowledge and without regrets. (Catherine Pulsifer)

The true regret that persists.

98. The proud do not change for the better, but defend their position by rationalizing. Repentance means change, and it takes a humble person to change. (Ezra Taft Benson)

Arrogant people are never able to admit their mistakes.

99. Usually, repentance is very false and imagines the past totally different from what it was. (John O'Donohue)

A characteristic that accompanies the penalties, imagine how our life would have been.

100. It is human nature to want to go back to the past and fix or change things that we regret. (John Gray)

It's okay to feel sad about our past, but it's not okay for it to get in the way of our future.

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