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The 100 best physics phrases of great scientists

Scientists contribute every day in various ways to help humanity move towards a prosperous and dignified future. We can safely say that thanks to science and the incalculable work of different scientists to Throughout history, we have managed to establish great developments that have helped the growth human.

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Best Physics Quotes From Great Scientists

Physics has left contributions on how the world moves and we with respect to it, that's why in this time we bring a compilation of quotes and reflections on physics from his scientists.

1. For us physicists, believing in the separation between past, present, and future is just an illusion, albeit a very convincing one. (Albert Einstein)

Time is relative.

2. I can calculate the movement of celestial bodies, but not the madness of people. (Isaac Newton)

The human mind is impossible to measure.

3. The physicist is interested in discovering the laws of inanimate nature... and the laws of nature have to do with regularities. (Eugene Wigner)

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One of the bases for physicists.

4. Physics is like sex: sure it gives some practical compensation, but that's not why we do it. (Richard Feynman)

Showing his passion for physics.

5. I had envisioned applying nuclear physics and cosmic ray theory on a larger scale in peacetime. (Erwin Heisenberg)

Many professionals have the yearning to work for peace.

6. It would be impossible, it would go against the scientific spirit. Physicists should always publish their complete research. (Marie Curie)

Talking about the importance of sharing knowledge.

7. When it comes to science, the authority of a thousand is not superior to the humble reasoning of a single person. (Galileo Galilei)

Even in science, everyone has a right to an opinion.

8. It was like a new world opened up to me, the world of science, which was finally allowed to know freedom. (Marie Curie)

What led her to fall in love with her work.

9. On the other hand, the verbal interpretation, that is, the metaphysics of quantum physics, stands on much less solid ground. (Erwin Schrödinger)

Not everything is said in science.

10. All particles are vibrations of a rubber band; physics are its harmonies; the chemistry is the melodies we play on them. (Michio Kaku)

A way to explain the difference between physics and chemistry.

11. What you assume are your windows on the world. Clean them from time to time, otherwise the light will not enter. (Isaac Asimov)

A recommendation to keep an open mind.

12. A scientist in his laboratory is not a simple technician: he is also a child who faces natural phenomena that impress him as if they were fairy tales. (Marie Curie)

Showing the magic behind the science.

13. All science is either physics or stamp collecting. (Ernest Rutherford)

A peculiar comparison.

14. It's all physics and math. (Katherine Johnson)

Two great elements that govern the world.

15. It takes so long to train a physicist until he understands the nature of physical problems that he is too old to solve them. (Eugene-Paul Wigner)

Physicists learn to the end.

16. Physical changes take place continuously, while chemical changes occur discontinuously. (Max Planck)

Another way we can separate chemistry and physics.

17. The history of science shows us that all theory is perishable. (Nicholas Tesla)

Theories evolve over time.

18. We must call science only the set of formulas that always triumph. All the rest is literature. (Paul Valery)

A somewhat restrictive science.

19. Only physicists can think of the same thing over and over again. (Richard P. Feynmann)

A vicious circle of questions and answers.

20. Physics is not a religion. If it were, it would be much easier for us to get money. (Leon M. lederman)

A girl hidden towards the hidden interests of religions.

21. A physicist is just the way an atom looks at itself. (Niels Bohr)

And we are all made of atoms.

22. Nothing in this world is to be feared... only understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we can fear less. (Marie Curie)

The unknown causes us fear because it is something that we cannot control.

23. I used to believe that information was destroyed in black holes. That was my biggest mistake, or at least my biggest mistake in science. (Stephen Hawking)

Information is not destroyed either, it is transformed.

24. Love is not the most important thing. Physics is. (Krishan Kumar)

Being able to understand each other.

25. Physics is about understanding how to discover new things that are counter-intuitive, like quantum mechanics. It's really contradictory. (Albert Einstein)

Finding a balance between things that can repel each other.

26. I am now convinced that theoretical physics is actually philosophy. (Max Born)

A conclusion that not everyone supports.

27. The science of operations, largely derived from mathematics, is a science in itself; it has its own abstract value and truth. (Ada Lovelace)

There are various types of science and all are useful to the world.

28. Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. (Will Durant)

Physics explains how things maintain their order.

29. All physics is either impossible or trivial. It's impossible until you understand it, and then it becomes trivial. (Ernest Rutherford)

It seems to always reach some kind of finality.

30. An experiment is a question that science asks of nature, and a measurement is the record of nature's response. (Max Plank)

The way in which nature gives us an answer.

31. Physics tries to solve the biggest questions that the universe presents. “Where did the entire Universe come from?” “Do we have a start?” (Brian Greene)

One of the greatest goals of science.

32. There are three stages in the discovery of science. First, people deny that it is true, then they deny that it is important; they finally give the credit to the wrong person. (Bill Bryson)

Even scientists are arrogant and wrong.

33. Millions saw an apple fall, Newton was the only one who wondered why? (Bernard M. Baruch)

It all comes down to asking the right question.

34. Mars is the only planet in the solar system where it is possible for life to multiply. (Elon Musk)

One of the most studied approaches in recent years.

35. I love physics with all my heart. It's like a kind of personal love, like someone has for a person with whom they are grateful for many things. (Lise Meitner)

Explaining why he loves to pursue physics.

36. The important thing about graphene is the new physics that has been created around it. (André Geim)

It's not just the old discoveries, but the improvements that can derive from them.

37. Physics is often stranger than science fiction, and I think science fiction is based on physics. (Michio Kaku)

It is not surprising that physics is present even in literature.

38. Science increases our power to the extent that it reduces our pride. (Herbert Spencer)

Humility should never be lost in any situation.

39. You never change things by fighting for the existing reality. (R. Buckminster Fuller)

An interesting recommendation within the field.

40. Concerning science I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done. (Marie Curie)

Always one step forward.

41. Theoretical physicists accept the necessity of mathematical beauty on faith. (Paul A. m. Dirac)

Mathematics and physics go hand in hand.

42. I think physicists are the Peter Pans of the human race. They never grow up, and they retain their curiosity. (Isidor Isaac Rabi)

On the dreamy and adventurous spirit of physicists.

43. The more powerful and original a mind is, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude. (Aldous Huxley)

One of the most common characteristics of geniuses is to embrace loneliness.

44. The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, there will be more progress in a decade than in all the previous centuries of existence. (Nicholas Tesla)

One of the leading scientists to propose to study what we cannot see.

45. Physics is about questioning, studying and investigating nature. You investigate her, and if you're lucky, you'll get strange clues. (Lene Hau)

Nature is not revealed in its entirety.

46. The scientific theory I like best is that Saturn's rings are made up entirely of lost airplane luggage. (Mark Russell)

A fun occurrence.

47. In short, time travel is allowed by the laws of physics. (Brian Greene)

An explained impossibility.

48. Science is the key to our future and if you don't believe in it then you are holding everyone back. (Bill Nye)

Science is what manages to carry us forward.

49. Pursuing physics is a lot of fun if you like it. (Ashoke Sen)

Everything you do must be done with love.

50. I am among those who think that science has great beauty. (Marie Curie)

When you love something, you see beauty that others can't.

51. The term "physical" is so foreign to my mouth and ears that I don't think I will ever use it. (Michael Faraday)

Feeling that it was a term that categorized him.

52. I don't think any scientist looking at the evidence can come to any other conclusion than this: the laws of nuclear physics have been formulated on purpose. (Fred Hoyle)

A very dangerous tool for humanity.

53. Teachers who make boring physics are criminals. (Walter Lewin)

Many resist physics because of the way teachers teach it.

54. The beauty of living things is not the atoms inside them, but how those atoms come together. (Carl Sagan)

We are a whole made up of small parts together.

55. Those who know physicists and mountaineers know the traits they have in common: a dreamer's spirit, tenacity of purpose, and openness to try any path to the top. (John Wheeler)

An interesting way of comparison.

56. Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and as a rule they can be expressed in a language understandable to everyone. (Albert Einstein)

Every scientific discovery should be explained in a simple way.

57. I came to the conclusion that mastering physics was the key to staying fascinated with the impossible. (Michio Kaku)

a way to bring to his adulthood, the magic of his childhood.

58. The creation of physics is the shared legacy of all humanity. The east, the west, the north and the south have all contributed in equal measure to it. (Abdus Salam)

A science in which everyone participates.

59. The main reason why the theory of relativity is so universally accepted is because of its mathematical beauty. (Paul A. m. Dirac)

Appreciating the impact of the theory of relativity.

60. We are an advanced race of monkeys on a minor planet in a very average star. But we can understand the universe. That makes us something very special. (Stephen Hawking)

A hopeful message about what we can achieve.

61. To change something, invent a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. (R. Buckminster Fuller)

The way innovation works.

62. One year researching artificial intelligence is enough to start believing in God. (Alan Perlis)

Do you think artificial intelligence will become a threat?

63. Consciousness cannot be explained in physical terms. Since consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be explained in terms of something else. (Erwin Schrödinger)

There are things that physics cannot explain.

64. Nothing is too wonderful to be true. (Michael Faraday)

Many things have a simple origin.

65. Space, the entire Universe. I don't know of a better place to discover new aspects of physics. (Eugene Parker)

The universe is the favorite environment of physics.

66. Science is the progressive approximation of man to the real world. (Max Plank)

It is what has helped us understand the reason for the things that surround us.

67. Nature never searches for intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. (H. g. wells)

In its own sense, nature is very wise.

68. Science can be described as the art of systematic oversimplification. (Karl Popper)

A very practical way of explaining science.

69. You see physics students who don't understand it. Nobody really understands her. (Richard P. Feynmann)

Do we really fully understand things?

70. Right now I am busy again with electromagnetism, and I think I have achieved something good. (Michael Faraday)

A man who worked on different things that interested him.

71. Although physics and mathematics tell us how the Universe began, they do not predict human behavior. (Stephen Hawking)

Human behavior is very much based on emotions.

72. Science is not only a discipline of reason, but also of romance and passion. (Stephen Hawking)

All science is full of emotion, because it is people who work on it.

73. They taught me that the path of progress was neither quick nor easy. (Marie Curie)

Progress is built with small advances.

74. I have seen the science I have worked on and the aerial machinery I have loved destroy the civilization I hoped it would serve. (Charles Lindbergh)

One of the dark sides of science, using it for destructive purposes.

75. What one man calls God another calls the laws of physics. (Nicholas Tesla)

God can be different for each person.

76. Those who weren't impressed when they first encountered quantum theory may not have even understood it. (Niels Bohr)

Many great discoveries were nonsense ideas to some.

77. Each metal has a power, which is different for each one, to set the electric fluid in motion. (Alessandro Volta)

On the benefits of metals in electricity.

78. The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all the evils in the world. (Max Born)

There is no absolute truth.

79. The physics are hopefully simple. Physicists are not. (Edward Teller)

People tend to complicate things.

80. Physics is getting too difficult for physicists. (David Hillbert)

Not all challenges are encouraging.

81. There is no intelligence where there is no need for change. (H. g. wells)

Everything changes because the world is not static.

82. It is more difficult to break a prejudice than an atom. (Albert Einstein)

About the obstinacy of people.

83. With each truth that is revealed to us we gain a better understanding of nature, and our conceptions and vicissitudes change completely. (Nicholas Tesla)

We become more aware of the role of nature in the world.

84. Physics is mainly concerned with continuously varying variables, while Chemistry is mainly concerned with integers. (Max Planck)

The works of both sciences.

85. Magic is just an extension of physics. Fantasy are numbers. That's the trick. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

Magic as a fundamental part of science and vice versa.

86. One of the greatest and most important tools of the theoretical physicist is the dustbin. (Richard P. Feynmann)

It's all about trial and error.

87. Physics is littered with the corpses of unified field theories. (Freeman Dyson)

Not all ideas come to fruition, but they do have the opportunity to improve.

88. Science is a differential equation. Religion is only a border condition. (Alan Turing)

What differentiates both concepts.

89. Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. (Albert Einstein)

Two concepts that should not be in conflict.

90. The Universe is a symphony; and the "Mind of God" is cosmic music resounding in eleven-dimensional hyperspace. (Michio Kaku)

Only those who understand can listen to the symphony.

91. In fact, in more than forty years physicists have not been able to provide a clear metaphysical model. (Erwin Schrödinger)

There are things that science still cannot solve.

92. There are two things: science and opinion. The former engenders knowledge, the latter ignorance. (Hippocrates)

Everyone has an opinion and there are some of them that are better to ignore.

93. Science is made of data, like a stone house. But a pile of data is no more science than a pile of stones is a house. (Henri Poincare)

It is about giving meaning and life to that data.

94. If our discovery has a commercial future, it is a circumstance that we should not take advantage of. (Marie Curie)

A warning about not letting the ego control the spirit.

95. Practicing modern physics on a small scale is useless. (Erwin Heisenberg)

A hard reflection.

96. There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my key problems in physics, because they have forms of sensory perception that I lost a long time ago. (Julius Oppenheimer)

Flattering the imagination of children.

97. Quantum Physics: Reason is perplexed by chance. (Javier Sanz)

An interesting way to summarize this chair.

98. Physics is the only profession in which prediction is not only accurate, but routine. (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Everything is based on predictions.

99. Physics is experience, placed in economic order. (Ernst Mach)

On the functionality of physics.

100. If God has made the world a perfect mechanism, he at least has given so much to our imperfect intelligence that in order to predict small parts of it, we don't have to solve innumerable differential equations, but you can use the dice quite a bit success. (Max Born)

A way of explaining the eventualities that we cannot control.

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