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The 100 best Bruce Lee quotes

Bruce Lee was a man with great knowledge in martial arts, which led him to venture into the world of cinema and achieve international fame. Although he was born in the United States, he grew up in Kowloon, China, where he learned the art of Tai Chi and the Wing Chun fighting style. Discipline, hard work and self-confidence led him to achieve his dream of being an actor, participating in the “Green Hornet” and “Operation Dragon”.

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Great quotes and reflections from Bruce Lee

Here we bring a compilation with the best phrases of Bruce Lee, which show us both his struggle and his success.

1. Don't be afraid to fail. It is not to fail, but to point very low to error. With great aspirations, it is glorious even to fail.

Failure is not what matters, but knowing how to get up and move on.

2. Knowing yourself is studying yourself in action with another person.

First you have to know yourself in order to know others.

3. Don't pray for a simple life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult life.

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You have to have the strength to resist what life gives you.

4. As you think, so you will become.

What you think of yourself. That is what you will see.

5. If you spend too much time thinking about one thing, you're never going to get it done. Make at least one clear move daily toward your goal.

It is not enough to think about what we want, but about the steps we need to achieve it.

6. It is not the daily increase, but the daily decrease. Put the nonessentials aside.

A simple life is what it takes to be happy.

7. To hell with the circumstances; I create opportunities.

We must take advantage of the moments when opportunities present themselves to us.

8. If you think something is impossible, you will make it impossible.

Things are possible as long as we trust that we can do it.

9. If you love life, don't waste time because life is made of time.

Do not miss the opportunities, because time does not turn back.

10. Empty your cup so it can be filled; stay with nothing to gain the whole.

We must free ourselves from what does not make us happy.

11. Under heaven there is only one big family, and I like to see that people accept that we are all different, but that they like to be different.

We are all different and that is part of our culture.

12. Defeat is not defeat unless it is accepted as reality in your own mind.

If you fail, keep going, don't stop.

13. Empty your mind, be amorphous, moldable, like water.

Get out of your mind what is not for your progress and learn to fill it with positive thoughts.

14. A goal is not always meant to be hit, it often serves simply as something to aim for.

If something is not for you, just let it go.

15. If there is a God, he is within us.

We all have great strength that we must take advantage of.

16. If forty years ago a Chinese had thought that he was going to play a spy in an American movie that would have been a vague and poor dream; Now things are different.

Nothing is static in our life.

17. If you don't want to be wrong tomorrow, speak the truth today.

How you behave, so will tomorrow be.

18. Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind because they are the weeds that strangle confidence.

If you want a happy life, you just have to get negative thoughts out of your mind.

19. If you get used to putting limits on what you do, physically or at any other level, it will project to the rest of your life. It will spread in your work, in your morale, in your being in general.

Having rules to follow will make life so much better.

20. The key to immortality is primarily living a life worth remembering.

Live life in such a way that you always remember it with a smile.

21. Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically yours.

Stay with what is really necessary and leave the rest out of yourself.

22. The water can flow or hit. Be water my friend.

You are the only one who can decide whether to move on or to suffer.

23. The meaning of life is that it must be lived and not sold or conceptualized by patterns of systems.

Never allow others to control your life, only you are the owner of your destiny.

24. Things live by moving and gain strength as they do so.

The change brings many benefits.

25. Note that the stiffer tree is easier to crack, while the bamboo or willow tree survives by bending in the wind.

Adapting to circumstances allows us to evolve.

26. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.

If you make a mistake, correct it and everything will be fine.

27. Possession of anything begins in the mind.

When we believe, we can make things come true.

28. There are no limits. There are phases, but you should not get stuck in them, you have to overcome them ...

If obstacles present themselves, just face them and you will overcome them.

29. If you want to understand the truth in martial arts, in order to see any opponent clearly, you must leave behind the notions learned in schools, prejudices, likes and dislikes, among others.

Life is like martial arts, you just have to focus on the goal.

30. Having no path as a path, not having any limitation as a limitation.

Never hold on to a strict belief.

31. What you habitually think determines to a large extent what you will become.

If you think you are a winner, so it will be. On the other hand, if you feel like a failure, you will be too.

32. An angry temper will soon deceive you.

Anger is never a good counselor.

33. Don't settle into a form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water.

Shape yourself to what you really want to have and build your own life.

34. To taste my cup of water you must first empty yours.

Eliminate everything negative from yourself so that you can receive new things.

35. Knowledge will empower you; respect character.

Learn from everything you can and build a positive attitude.

36. When the opponent expands, I contract.

If you see others lose their patience, he takes a step back.

37. The big mistake is anticipating the outcome of the match.

Do not trust or worry about what will happen.

38. Man must constantly exceed his levels.

Each person has the responsibility to move on and overcome their fears.

39. I am not afraid of the man who has thrown 10,000 different kicks, I fear the man who has thrown 10,000 kicks.

Find a passion and become a master of it.

40. Tactics are the brain work of combat.

Find a suitable alternative to face a problem.

41. A good teacher protects his students from his own influence.

True friends do not try to impose their ideas but only to accompany.

42. I am not teaching you anything, I am only helping you to know yourself.

It is important to know ourselves in order to get to know others.

43. If you want to learn to swim, he jumps into the water. In dry land, no state of mind is going to help you.

When you want to achieve something, just do it and face it.

44. Do some research on your own experiences to understand what works for you.

Find what really satisfies you.

45. The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.

If you know what you want, your path will be easier.

46. A bad temper will make you look like a fool sooner or later.

Anger will get you nowhere.

47. You should not think about whether it ends in victory or defeat. Let nature take its course and your tools will strike at exactly the right moment.

Do not think if your path will be successful or not, only walking will tell you what to do.

48. Life is never stagnation. It is constant movement, movement without rhythm, because we constantly change.

Don't get stuck in something, just keep moving as life is a constant movement.

49. Simplicity is the key to brilliance.

Don't be presumptuous, live life simply.

50. A wise man can learn more from an absurd question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.

All knowledge is good and we can always acquire more.

51. God is not asked to give you things, you depend on God for your inner theme.

He works on your inner confidence.

52. Man, the living creature, the individual creature, is always more important than any established style or system.

You are important to other people.

53. Faith makes it possible to achieve what the mind of man can conceive and believe.

If you have faith and confidence in yourself, everything will work out for you.

54. Wasting time is wasting it carelessly.

A reflection on what we do with our time.

55. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine.

The only person you must always make happy is yourself.

56. Things live by moving and gain strength as they do so.

Being in constant movement allows you to learn and grow.

57. The classic man is just a package of routine, ideas and tradition.

Traditions and routines are not always bad.

58. Choose the positive. You have the choice, you are the master of your attitude, choose the positive, the constructive.

You are only responsible for your decisions.

59. The key to immortality is primarily living a life worth remembering.

If you want to leave footprints, just live life the right way.

60. Life is better lived than conceptualized.

You have to open the doors to new experiences.

61. Because it is easy to criticize and tear down the spirit of others, but knowing yourself takes a lifetime.

If there is something difficult in life, it is learning to know ourselves.

62. Be aware of yourself, instead of being a repetitive robot.

Don't become a copy of someone else.

63. We all have time to waste or lose and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever.

You are the owner of your time. Be wise.

64. To control myself, I must first accept myself and not go against my own nature.

To use our potential, we must know and accept ourselves.

65. If you follow the classic models, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadows, but you are not understanding yourself.

In many opportunities, swimming against the current is the best option.

66. Optimism is the faith that guides you to success.

Always keep optimism very high, despite difficulties.

67. Showing off is a silly way to get glory.

Do not presume what you have, you will not win anything.

68. All kinds of knowledge currently implies self-knowledge; people come to me not so much to teach them how to defend themselves against external dangers, but to get to know themselves better and to be able to overcome themselves. Win that internal fight.

The greatest enemy we have is ourselves.

69. I want to be the catalyst for a new era for China, not on a large political scale or anything like that; but to show the world that many things are different. Be the catalyst for understanding Chinese culture.

Referring to Chinese culture.

70. The more we value things, the less we value ourselves.

If you give more importance to the outside than to yourself, nothing will be worth it.

71. After all, any kind of knowledge implies self-knowledge.

Self-learning is good.

72. Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and then copy it.

Above all be yourself, do not imitate anyone.

73. As love ages, our hearts mature and our hearts turn to hot coal.

It refers to the passage of time.

74. Those who do not know that they are walking in the dark will never seek the light.

We must recognize our weaknesses in order to grow.

75. Stillness in stillness is not true stillness. It is only when there is stillness in the movement that the universal rhythm manifests itself.

Only when you feel inner peace can you achieve what you want.

76. Knowledge is not enough, we must apply it. It is not enough to want, you have to do it.

Do not stay with what you know, put it into practice.

77. The change is from the inside to the outside. We begin by dissolving our attitude, not altering external conditions.

If you really want to change, then start within yourself.

78. It's not what you give, it's the way you give it.

Always be empathetic with others.

79. In the midst of chaos lies opportunity.

Although everything looks black, there is always some light.

80. Expecting life to treat you well for being a good person is like hoping that a tiger does not attack you for being a vegetarian.

Don't expect life to be easy, that will never be possible.

81. The success of my biggest movies is because I was being Bruce Lee. Not a character.

You should always be yourself at all times.

82. Don't worry about what is right or wrong or what is better or worse. Be neither for nor against.

Don't let external situations influence your decisions.

83. Concentration is the root of all man's abilities.

Concentration is what allows us to achieve our objectives.

84. Be happy, but never be satisfied.

Keep surpassing yourself in life, don't settle.

85. True mastery transcends any particular art.

True knowledge is what really matters.

86. I neither wish to possess nor to be possessed. I no longer want paradise, and more importantly, I no longer fear hell.

There is nothing to fear, just try and overcome obstacles.

87. Since he was a child, he was in dire need of growth and expansion.

Let's never stop being like a child.

88. Accept things as they are. Hit when you have to hit. Kick when you have to kick.

Live life as it is, your time to act will come.

89. Obey the principles without being bound by them.

Follow the rules, but don't let them rule you.

90. Like a cobra, your hit should be felt rather than seen.

Keep a low profile in everything you do, so when the time is right you will shine.

91. When a man realizes the great spiritual forces within him and begins to use them for science, business, and in life, his future progress will be incomparable.

There are many things that we do not know, but they are present.

92. Love is like friendship set on fire. At first a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering.

It refers to the comparison between love and friendship.

93. The mind is a fertile garden where everything that is planted will grow, be it flowers or weeds.

The mind is a very powerful thing.

94. The role and duty of every human being is the sincere and honest development of one's own potential.

Every person must be able to discover his inner potential.

95. It is necessary to look for the good balance in the movement and not in the stillness.

Being continuously moving is what allows us to move forward.

96. The reality is evident when we stop comparing. It is what it is only when there is no comparison, and living is what it is, it is being peaceful.

Comparisons do not bring any benefit.

97. I am happy because I grow daily and I don't know where my limits lie.

We all have some limit, but if we constantly work on it, everything will be happiness.

98. Life's battles are not always for the strongest or fastest man. However, sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

If you think you are capable, that will come true.

99. Remember that no man is truly defeated unless he is discouraged

The worst and most painful defeat is discouragement.

100. I treasure the memory of past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank of strength.

Knowing what happened in the past allows us to have a better future.

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