The 80 best phrases of Kurt Cobain
We usually seek inspiration and motivation in those things and people that show us happiness, success and struggle.
But, life is not always a bed of roses, there are also dark obstacles from which many important people never return. However, in their journey they managed to leave a small eternal teaching light for them who want to travel that path or cannot leave it.
One of those sad but inspiring cases is that of Kurt Cobain, one of the biggest grunge rock stars. Which left an indelible mark with his style of music and the impact of the past in our lives.
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80 great quotes from Kurt Cobain
As a tribute and lesson, we bring in this article the best phrases of this rock singer, so you can have another vision of the world.
Know everything that Kurt Cobain said without any restraint in his life. We review the best famous quotes from the leader of Nirvana.
1. Peace love and empathy..
If there is something that characterizes the singer, it is the importance he gave to good feelings.
2. My memory exists, my memory will always live and my music in glory will be the salvation of the damn hell where we live.
A reminder of how awesome Kurt's music was.
3. You know what I hate about rock? Faded T-shirts. I wouldn't wear one of those unless it was stained with Phil Collins' urine and Jerry Garcia's blood.
A harsh criticism of fashion fanaticism.
4. The duty of the youth is to challenge corruption.
Kurt believed that youth was an opportunity to criticize the systems of the world and change it.
5. Sometimes no matter how loud you put the music on, you can only hear yourself.
Thoughts can deafen our minds as they never shut up.
6. They laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at them because they are all the same.
Individuality makes us original.
7. I have a request for our fans. If any of you hate gays, or people of a different color, or women, please do us a favor: leave us alone! Don't come to our concerts and you won't buy our records.
One of the great duties of artists should be to promote respect and empathy in their fans.
8. I admire people who live without problems, who look at the world with unconcern. Unlike them, I suffer more than necessary.
Peace of mind is underrated. There is nothing more pleasant than living in absolute peace.
9. I like to see prejudices against prejudiced people.
Injustices always receive their punishment. Generally from your own medicine.
10. Wishing to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.
An important reminder about the essentials of loving ourselves.
11. Because there is nothing I like more in this world than pure underground music.
If you perform in what you want, you will love everything about him.
12. You cannot buy happiness.
Why? because happiness is an intrinsic feeling and nothing material can supply it.
13. I'd rather have people hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not.
Again, an important message about being true to ourselves and not pleasing others with something we are not.
14. Nobody dies virgin... Life fucks us all.
An irreverent reference lasts how long everyone's life is.
15. We do not have the right to express an opinion until we know all the answers.
It is better to speak little of what we know than to speak of more than we ignore just to impress.
16. I'd rather be the worst of the best than the best of the worst.
Which side of the scale are you leaning towards?
17. The life of the world is the peace of our soul, without one close to the other it is the very death of our own being that picks up what we have not experienced until we realize how too late now it is.
The exhaustion, dynamism and even chaos of life is what makes it so perfect.
18. If my smile showed the depths of my soul, many people seeing me smile would cry with me.
A smile is not always synonymous with happiness.
19. The stars are there, you just have to look at them.
The best thing is that the stars never disappear.
20. Thanks for the tragedy. I need it for my art.
There are artists whose best inspiration are sad eventualities.
21. The true friend is the one who knows everything about you and remains your friend.
A beautiful phrase about real friends who stay in the most difficult moments.
22. If you die you are completely happy and your soul lives somewhere. I'm not afraid to die.
An insight into Kurt's opinion on death. Which was peaceful.
23. I miss the comfort of being sad.
Kurt Cobain was a person who seemed to get along very well with sadness.
24. All of my lyrics have been pieces of poetry and the pieces of poetry are taken from poems that are usually meaningless at first.
Sometimes we need to analyze the lyrics of the songs a little more in depth to discover the poetic beauty of it.
25. I am a happier person than many people think I am.
Despite all his misfortunes and ghosts, Kurt claimed that he was pleased with his life.
26. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I have.
Although I still felt that close affinity with death.
27. Being number one on the charts is the same as being sixteen, only there are more people who kiss your ass.
Fame can give you recognition, but it also leaves you vulnerable to people who only seek you out of interest.
28. I am a man without life, but who loves music.
For Kurt, the most significant thing in his life was his love for his music.
29. They see you as you are. As you were. How they want you to be.
Not all people's perceptions of you are the same.
30. Practice makes perfect, but no one is perfect, so why practice?
Do not practice to be like your teacher, but to refine your own skills.
31. When I was a kid I dreamed of being what I do now, and now that I have fulfilled my dream I realize that it is not as easy or as fantastic as I thought.
Adult dreams are not always enjoyed when they are fulfilled.
32. It is better to burn out than to fade away.
Taking risks can be scary, but it is better than eternal repentance.
33. Under the effect of drugs, you don't care about anything, you just want to isolate yourself from the world and achieve an inner peace that cannot be achieved in a normal state.
Kurt gives us his insight into his own experience with drugs.
34. Life is not as sacred as the appreciation of passion.
If you don't live to do what you are passionate about, you will always feel a void.
35. My songs have always contained frustrating themes, relationships that I have had in my life.
Bad experiences can also inspire us.
36. The sun is gone, but I have a light.
Your own light is turned on with self-confidence.
37. Drugs destroy your memory and your self-respect. They are not good but I am not going to preach against them now.
Although he was aware of the negative effect of drugs, this was his escape route.
38. I'm not gay, but I'd like to be just to piss off homophobes.
Kurt hated unfair and discriminating people.
39. My life is a concentrated malaise, spread among all of us by family crisis, violence, lack of work and a total absence of God.
Another vision of Kurt's perception of his own life, like constant frustration.
40. Music first, lyrics are secondary.
For some, the rhythm of the music is deeper than the lyrics.
41. I want to make a living from this, I don't want to work on anything else. All my life I have dreamed of being a rock star in a big way and abusing it while I can.
Fight for your dreams so that you can live on them.
42. I need to get high again to feel the excitement I felt as a child
Drugs can take you to a paradise, but that effect is getting shorter and shorter.
43. Sometimes I feel like people would want me to die so that classic rock history would be fulfilled.
Kurt did not feel much empathy with criticism of his image or what was expected of him.
44. There are a lot of things I wish I had done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life.
A valuable lesson in stopping lamenting and taking action to change that state.
45. I want to be admired like John Lennon, but remain anonymous like Ringo Starr
A duality that unfortunately is not achieved with fame.
46. I don't know where I'm going, I just know that I can't be here.
A premature goodbye from this world?
47. I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists and racists in our audience. I know they're out there and it's what really bothers me.
It is unbearable to have negative people around us from whom we cannot walk away.
48. It is impossible to be subversive in the commercial world. They will crucify you. You can't get away with it. We tried and we almost ended up broke for it
Sometimes we must go with the flow of the world, in order to make a change.
49 Before dying many will die with me and they deserve it. See you in hell.
The death of a person can also be interpreted as the moment in which he loses his reason to live.
50. I think that youth only lasts until the age of 27; from that moment on, along with youth, life too.
Although youth weighs, as long as our minds remain young, we can be happy.
51. If playing rock & roll is illegal, put me in prison!
Sometimes it is necessary to go to the last consequences to follow our dreams.
52. My soul can be seen through my eyes.
Our true nature is hidden in plain sight, in the small gestures that we make without knowing it.
53. If I go to jail, at least I don't have to sign autographs.
Many people yearn for fame, not knowing that losing privacy is very exhausting and difficult to cope with.
54. I bought a gun and chose drugs over her
Drugs are more lethal because they kill quickly, not only us, but our loved ones.
55. I don't care what you think, unless it's about me.
Most of the time we allow ourselves to be influenced by other people's opinions, which should not change our perspective of reality.
56. If you ever need something, please don't hesitate to ask someone first.
Asking for help does not make you a coward, it takes a lot of courage to take charge and ask for support.
57. Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not chasing you
We must be cautious even in the most everyday situations of life, it is not good to leave danger to chance.
58. I think I can, I know I can.
The mental perspective of what we ourselves are capable of is what defines what we are really capable of.
59. We are so fashionable that we cannot even escape ourselves.
Fame can be too overwhelming a place, capable of killing people's joy.
60. I started to feel very proud of the fact that I was gay even though I was not.
Pride in the achievements and acceptance of others is the greatest display of empathy that human beings can display.
61. We have never been too concerned with professionalism because we have always valued energy more.
Being a professional at what you do is fine, but being passionate about your work will take you to the top.
62. I am so happy because today I have found my friends - they are in my head.
Our greatest ally is ourselves. We must learn to love these parts of our being.
63. I was tired of pretending I was someone just to get along with people, just to have friends
Many times, in search of social acceptance, we are forced to pretend something that we are not and as a consequence; we slowly kill what we really are.
64. The best day I've ever had was when tomorrow never came.
There are such good moments that we wish they were eternal.
65. Music is synonymous with freedom, to play what you want and how you want, as long as it is good and has passion. Let music be the food of love
Through art we are able to transmit what we cannot in a conventional way, we can deliver love with art.
66. If you're really a bad person, you're going to come back like a fly and eat poop.
Not everything can go well for someone who does evil, karma always does its job.
67. I use pieces from other personalities to form my own.
The inspiration we take from other people ends up transforming us into who we are.
68. I feel like this society has somewhere lost its sense of what art is
Modern society can come to see art in banal things, letting true art escape right before its eyes.
69. We always try to consummate something new with each song and we were always drawn to the idea that each song sounded like it was composed by a different group.
Constant improvement and experimentation makes people get the best of themselves and their creativity.
70. If the media spread more good music, people would taste better.
Society's tastes are inherently influenced by its environment.
71. Years passed before I realized that my parents' divorce was not my fault.
Many times we blame ourselves that are not ours, learning to differentiate and overcome them is key to moving forward as people.
72. You can act as an obstacle in developing your own personal style.
If we ourselves do not put enough effort to reach our goals, instead of pushing ourselves, we will stop our own progress.
73. Holding my baby is the best drug in the world.
The happiness of the important moments is what really matters in life.
74. I feel like an insensitive puppet before going on stage.
In our society many artists are treated as products, both the industry and the public.
75. Drugs are a part of my life that I am not at all proud of. She is as powerful as the devil.
Addictions are very difficult to control. They can become capable of destroying lives.
76. Playing in front of a group of people who react well is the best thing in the world.
. Exhibiting our feelings and having them well received is one of the greatest pleasures in life.
77. The fact is that I cannot lie to any of you, as it would not be fair to either you or me.
Lies only lead to problems, disappointments, and bad feelings. Without a doubt, they take their toll on those who lie and those who believe the lie.
78. If you copy too much, you will find yourself at the end of the night with a cocktail.
If you try to imitate so many things, you will no longer have control of what you find.
79. I decided that in order to become a famous rock star, I had to write my own songs instead of wasting time learning other people's music.
To achieve true success, it is necessary to have originality and a lot of desire to reach our goal.
80. My body is damaged by music in two ways. I have a red irritation in my stomach. It's psychosomatic, caused by all the anger and yelling. I have scoliosis, where the curvature of my spine bends, and the weight of my guitar has made it worse.
We must be careful with our passions, many times overusing them can slowly destroy us.
Without a doubt, Kurt leaves us a valuable lesson in appreciating life and the negative impact of addictions.