21 books you need to read before you die
Escolher quais são os melhores livros to read hair less once in life is not an easy task.
At the end, national and foreign literature is screened by countless works of great prominence and relevance, both for critics and for the public.
Also, we selected 21 acclaimed titles over the past two seasons that have conquered readers in the whole world.
The works listed here do not follow a chronological or "importance" order.
1. Cem Anos de Solidão, by Gabriel García Márquez
Cem Anos de Solidão Give them books that will remain echoing in our lives forever.
Written by Colombian hair Gabriel García Márquez and released in 1967, part of the artistic and literary aspect is known as “fantastic realism”, or “magical realism”.
This book became one of the two major classics of Latin-American literature to tell the history of the Buendía family over a period of one century.
O cenário é Macondo, a fictitious city founded by the patriarch José Arcádio Buendía.
The most diverse and peculiar situations are presented, portraying a microcosm of dores and beauties of Latin American culture, especially Colombian.
A free to read and be enchanted by the author's ability to create dinners where reality, utopia and imagination are mixed in an extraordinary way.
2. Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas, by Machado de Assis
Ha Memória Posthumas of Brás Cubas figure one of the “obrigatórias” readings from Brazilian literature.
Isso because or romance trouxe uma originalidade never seen before, inaugurating no country or literary style understood as "realism".
His author, Machado de Assis, is considered one of the two greatest Brazilian writers in this work, launched in 1881, and was a framework in his career.
Written in the first place, it presents Brás Cubas recounting his life as a dead man, also the protagonist and narrator and a “deceased-author”.
It is interesting to observe how Machado manages to display a personagem dismissal of two morais pudores, revealing a Decadent and preconceived elite not end of the XIX century, on the eve of the abolition of the escravidão and the end of Brazil Suburb.
3. A Hora de Estrela, by Clarice Lispector
Clarice Lispector publicou Estrela time em 1977. This is his last romance of hers, and perhaps or more of her books.
He tells the story of Macabéa, a young Alagoan who goes to Rio de Janeiro to seek work and opportunities.
Deprived of malice and aware of her own desires, Macabéa sees herself "engulfed" by a hostile metropole without finding out about her own frustration.
Or I draw a narrative more linear than other works by Clarice, which could be a treat to meet the author and venture into her writing.
Due to its success and importance, its history was transformed into a film by the filmmaker Suzana Amaral in 1985.
4. Quarto de Despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus
This is a book that is essential to understand the realities of the people who live in the margins of Brazilian society.
This is a compilation of diaries by Carolina Maria de Jesus, written in the 1950s. Published in 1960, it tells about the daily life of a black woman, alone and resident of the Canindé favela, in São Paulo.
Foi innovator, pois deu voice to an oppressed class peels inequality and hair racism, placing the narrative center as the protagonist of its own history, and not seen by an olhar "estrangeiro".
It is a succession of bands, being translated into thirteen languages and becoming a reference to Brazilian literature.
5. Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira, by José Saramago
Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Ensaio About Cegueira, from the Portuguese José Saramago, was published in 1995.
O romance is frequently cited as some major literary works and relevance of the second meta of the XX century.
Tracing the scary history of a company attacked by a "cegueira branca", Saramago exhibits a kind of "fable" about human condition, social problems and lack of empathy present no system valid.
A dystopia is acclaimed all over the world and was adapted for cinema in 2008, directed by Brazilian filmmaker Fernando Meirelles.
6. A Metamorphose, by Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka, Austro-Hungarian writer who lives not the beginning of the 20th century, and is very fond of romance To metamorphose, launched in 1915.
Despite being a short narrative, it can be read in a single day, so reflections that were enormous.
Or he tells about Gregor Samsa, a little guy that one day, he agreed to work, a barnacle that transformed into a bug similar to a cheap one or a kiss.
Using the figure of the disgusting insect as a metaphor, Kafka brings up the last consequences or sentiment of desumanization and loss of identity that surrounds or personagem (and a society at the time of Primeira Guerra World).
Same belonging to 10 years, and impressive as the plot is about questões atuais e universais, present In individuals who have a bad time to discover the prazeres of life, but they are always busy like work.
7. Kindred: laços de sangue, by Octavia E. Butler
Uma das primeiras scientific ficções that deals with travels no tempo, Kindred: laços de sangue, is a work of North American Octavia E. Butler that was launched in 1979.
The author is known for representing the cultural and political movement called Afrofuturism, which values or black protagonism and its subjectivities.
Kindred He is most famous of her and tells about Dana, a young black woman who lives in the 70's in California and began to make temporary trips, always returning to the same farm, not in the United States, not in the XIX century.
In this way, she is facing a reality of escravagista and will experience disturbing situations or find her ancestors.
As a compelling writing, Octavia transports us together with Dana through her dilemmas and conflicts, tracing important questions that we told about justice, resistance, tempo, power, family heredity and structures you socialize.
8. Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto
A classic of Brazilian literature and Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto, from 1955.
O livro é um great poem that tells the history of Severino, a retreat from the Northeast who, as well as some others, leads a hard life that begins to dry.
Severino represents a human being punished for lack of resources in an environment that little he offers.
O romance face part of a trilogy of the author composed also by Or with feathers and Or laughed.
Second or professor of literature Waltencir Alves de Oliveira, from UFPR:
Achieve a work, for the first time, undertaking own resources of poetic expression and not of Roman prose, for a personagem that appears in a group, and a state that represents an internal region, making them paradigmatic for understanding the northeastern situation in front of the centers that determine the production of two discourses on non-culture. Brazil.
9. O Clube dos Anjos, by Luis Fernando Verissimo
Luis Fernando Veríssimo declared a certain time that the favorite romance of his authorship of him is Clube dos Anjos.
As a strong and instigating writing, or free, it was launched in 1998 on the face of the collection. Full Sins, gives Objective editor, representing or sin da gluttony.
A story is about a group of friends that gathers from youth to give vazão to prazer to eat bons pratos.
Picking up or wanting food to the extreme, Veríssimo presents us with a narrative rejected from suspense that turns on or read the reader from the first paragraph.
10. Grande Sertão: Veredas, by Guimarães Rosa
Grande Sertão: Sidewalks It is listed as two classics from national literature and the same world.
An incredible narrative was written by Guimarães Rosa in the 1950s, with its launch in 1956.
Carregado de regionalismo, or romance shows the life of the sertanejo not interior of the country, as a written guideline in orality.
It is narrated in the first person by Riobaldo, an ex-jagunço who tells his costume to a doutor, who never appears in history.
O livro was a success for the public and critics, being adapted for the cinema.
Abaixo, see a stretch of a rare burden that Guimarães comments on the work.
11. Or Portrait of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde
This romance is two great classics of the English language and the most well-known work of Oscar Wilde.
Published in 1890, a history ganhou an important place in western culture and inspire adaptations in cinema, theater and TV, being this page studied by people of more diverse areas of knowledge.
A narrative is about a beautiful rapacious that, enraptured by his own beauty and terrifying lost, faz um agreed as a diabo in order to keep youth forever.
Also, the story is related to the Greek myth of Narcissus and traces countless layers of meaning that are worth unraveling.
12. Capitães da Areia, by Jorge Amado
Work of the famous writer from Bahia Jorge Amado, Capitães da Areia It was written in 1937 and shows the life of a group of underprivileged children who lived in Salvador for the 30s.
The author gives voice to an excluded part of the population, showing the contradictions and inequalities that leave children abandoned to sacrifice to childhood and eat.
Romance of great sensibility, or free face of the second generation of modernism, which seeks to portray social and regional themes.
At the time of your launch, Capitães da Areia It was censored by the government of Getúlio Vargas, who had more than 800 exemplaries in the public square.
13. O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio, by D.J. Salinger
O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio It is a highlight in literature of the XX century.
Written North American hair D.J. Salinger and published in 1951, or romance was innovative to or try to issues such as adolescence, sexuality, gender conflicts and other dramas that were not addressed até então.
It traces the story of Holden Caulfield, a 17-year-old teenager who needs to deal with anguish, solidity and insecurity of becoming an adult. Assim, or young man, has harsh criticism of society in the "world of two adults", seen as false and hypocritical.
Much recognized as public and critical, or free integrates various lists of melhores romances of the English language of the past century.
14. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity, by Yuval Harari
Published in 2014, this is free and a succession of sales in the whole world. His author, or Israeli professor of history Yuval Harari, approaches in a fluid and pleasant way aspects of biology, science and history to tell a costume of two human beings.
An interesting and easy-to-understand reading to understand various issues, such as monetary and political systems, religion, power and collective life.
See a video or professor Rodrigo Petronio, from Casa do Saber, on the work.
15. A Casa dos Espíritos, by Isabel Allende
The first romance of the Chilean Isabel Allende is her most famous book.
A Casa dos Espíritos It was published in 1982 on the face of it called "fantastic realism", which mixes extraordinary situations and ocorrências as everyday.
It portrays the life of a 70-year-old family in a fictitious country that was assembled in Chile.
As personagens principais são três mulheres as a dom of clarity that needs to coexist as a rigid and authoritative patriarch.
As a compelling writing, Isabel manages to create a family universe that gives an account of various quests that occur in Latin America, addressing both domestic and collective issues.
16. O Diário de Anne Frank, by Anne Frank
Or autobiographical book O Diary of Anne Frank I entered for history as a singular testament to two horrors of World War II.
As told by a Jewish garota who had her adolescence crossed by conflict, it was written Enquanto Anne was confined with her family in a hiding place in the Low Countries during the occupation Nazi.
O free it became an important historical document, meanwhile, it also reveals to us the particular dimension of the tragedy in the life of a simple garota, enquanto or world crumbling.
A story for us not to wonder what Nazi-fascist ideas can provoke when they go to extremes.
17. Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi
Persepolis is a history in adult games by Iranian Marjane Satrapi. It is an acclaimed work of the genre, also called a “graphic novel”.
Marjane tells about her life from her childhood, when, in 1979, she went to Revolução Islâmica no Irã.
Assim, we accompany Garota and her relationship as your country, as friends and as dramatic events that occur in your country. Or title Persepolis It faces a reference to the city of the same name as the Persian Empire, which was a former capital.
Or free from a lot of success, you can manage to transmit with emotion, critical position and humor an important part of oriental history. By isso, in 2007 it was adapted for a cinema with animation.
18. Só Garotos, by Patti Smith
Also autobiographical, Só Garotos It was written by North American punk singer Patti Smith and published in 2010.
Patti writes about her relationship with her as photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, who died in 1989 in decoration of Aids.
It is an interesting book not just from a biographical point of view, but also to understand the events and transformations of the United States since two years of 60.
Em 2010 ganhou or prize National Book Award não-ficção category.
19. Terra Sonâmbula, by Mia Couto
Um two more conhecidos romances of acclaimed Moçambican writer Mia Couto é Terra Sonâmbula. Published in 1992, ganhou or National Prize for Fiction by the Association of Moçambican Writers, as well as other important prizes.
A story is told in a quite lyrical way and is related to both traditional fables. African, how much like contemporary literature, also using neologisms, ou seja, words "invented".
Nela, we accompany the costume of um garoto and de um de um idoso, both fugitives from the Mozambican civil war. You two find this delicate moment and passam to lean on and invent new worlds ofpois that meet a daily daily of histories.
20. Sidarta, by Hermann Hesse
Considered a great free by various gerações, Sidarta It was written by German Hermann Hesse and published in 1922.
The author was inspired by oriental culture to write this narrative that is mixed with the history of the Buddha himself. In 1911, Hesse esteve na Índia and teve contato com o Hinduísmo e o Buddismo.
Also, he produced an iconic work that became a symbol of seeking for personal fulfillment and inner peace, contrary to a lifestyle of every consumerist who took on the Ocidente I do not know XX.
It tells about a rapacious man who abandons his wealth and seeks knowledge and inspiration.
21. Farenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451 It is a famous romance from 1955 written by Ray Bradbury. In 1966 it was adapted for the French cinema by François Truffaut.
The plot exhibits a dystopian and authoritarian society in which you will be prohibited. Dessa form, or only work two bombeiros and chase people who still have hidden books and burn them.
This famous romance is loaded with many important questions and reflections on issues such as censorship, dictatorial governments and perigo do authoritarianism. Be free to think about the past and also about the current reality.
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