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V de Vingança: summary and analysis of the film based on an HQ

V for Vingança It is an action film based on a story with the same name by Alan Moore and David Lloyd, released in 1988, and whose original title is V for Vendetta.

Directed by James McTeigue, a work and a co-production of the USA, Germany and the UK. Its debut was in 2006, tracing the history of a dystopian society in no future, commanded by a fascist dictator.

Assim, this oppressor cenário that emerges a masked homem that attends to hair codinome "V". The mysterious little subject performs various actions as an intuition of combat or totalitarianism of the State.

On account of the semelhança with authoritarian processes to which the societies are subject, or a film that is very successful and the figure of V has become a symbol of the fight against oppression.

(Attention, esse artigo contém spoilers!)

Summary and analysis of V for Vingança

O beginning of the story: ambientação

It is not the beginning of the film that we see how the prison and death of the rebel leader Guy Fawkes, convicted of attempting to explode the English parliament, do not start the seventeenth century.

instagram story viewer

Depois, a narrative shows England in a future tempo, more or less not at the end of the 2020s.

It is exhibited by a company controlled by a shamed authoritarian leader Adam Sutler, or which shows many seminars with great fascist leaders, exhibiting an extremely oppressive behavior.

The world has undergone major transformations due to a war and Europe was devastated by a pandemic that killed thousands of people.

Nesse context, or Nordic Fogo party, commanded by Sutler, achieves, through the middle and the ameaça, maintaining a controlling and rigid government.

Interesting to observe how the breeders of the plot are based on historical events.

Evey knows V

A personagem Evey, lived by Natalie Portman, is an employee of a state television company. One day, when I walked to noite pelas ruas, the shield or touch of recolher is surpreened by two government officials (called "homens finger").

You start to love sexual violence, at which a masked figure emerges that faces the little subjects and, with great skill, safe.

v for vingança
Or masquerade V not first found with Evey

They then began a conversation, where Evey asked her identity. Obviously or subject does not respond, he just said that his codinome é V e, with a sword, traça his mark on a letter fixed on the wall.

Nesse moment can be perceived or fanciful character gives work and reference to the heroic Zorro, a justiceiro equally masked.

A blast from the Old Bailey

He had been scheduled to explode an important building in London, called the Old Bailey. Evey invites him to go up to the top of a prédio to attend the event.

v de vingança film
Evey and V assistem à explosão de um edifício

O ditador Adam Sutler fica possesses as ocorrido e o state television channel BTN news or event as se Fosse of a decision of the government, said to be an emergency implosion due to a fault in the structure of the construction.

You assume the authorship of the attack

In the meantime, V managed to enter the installations of the channel and face a declaration to live for the population, assuming the authorship of the attack. He still summons or I will appear in front of the British Parliament one year depois, not next day 5 of November

Uma confusão installs no TV channel when or masquerade prepares to leave or local V quase e captured and Evey o salva, but a moça sofre a blow to the head and V a cam for her house, to protect her from being hit and killed.

O spirit of vingança de V

It is important to note that V's identity has never been revealed, but I know that he was a homem than it was numerous. atrocities and biological experiments by agents of the government, or that fed you a huge sense of justice and spirit vingative.

For isso, or justice, he continues to execute government officials, always leaving a vermelha pink in his hands, as a symbol of his humanity.

Evey takes refuge in Gordon's house

After some time, Evey escapes from Ve's hiding place and ends up taking refuge in the home of a fellow broadcaster, or comedian and presenter Gordon Deitrich.

Evey e Gordon V of vingança
Evey went to Gordon's house

Gordon was receptive and showed him a collection of objects that were confiscated by the government and that he managed to recover, such as various works of art.

Evey invites him to attend his TV show, not like a satire like Adam Sutler, ridiculing him.

This action woke up the editor and went to Gordon's house and invaded. O apresentador is raised by members of the government and Evey manages to escape, but he captured logo followed.

A prison and rebirth of Evey

A young woman was raised, her hair was scraped and she was the victim of various types of torture. Nace, Evey finds small messages left by another prisoner.

Evey em V de vingança
Natalie Portman starring in Evey em V for Vingança

In our letters, she told a woman that she was a actress named Valerie and that she was chosen for being a lesbian.

Here is evident the homophobic repression of the system, which imprisons and kills all individuals who do not correspond to the "ideal" purpose. There are dinners exhibited in which bodies of hundreds of people are joined in a common value, like ocorreu, for example, not Nazism.

Evey goes through many provações, being pressured to count or stop V, but she refuses and says that she is ready to die.

A young man was freed and discovered that, not really, V had imprisoned him as a justification that it was her hair, so that she could perceive his enormous force and resilience.

The same com raiva of V, the barnacle that she sat down, of fato, more forte and unfettered. He promises, then, he will find it not next November 5.

Finch discovers the crimes of the government

Enquanto isso, or investigator Eric Finch, responsible for trying to capture V, discovers various crimes committed by Adam Sutler and his party, including the dissemination of a virus that caused the death of 80 thousand weights.

Foi by the middle of the chaos that the Nordic Fogo party and its leader get or support it.

You have begun to distribute to the population a huge quantity of Guy Fawkes masks, inciting a critical and questioning spirit.

Chega or day 5 of novembro

On the 5th of November chega e, according to or combined, Evey will find V. He took him to a tremor with a vagão full of explosives, which he feared as a destination or the English Parliament. In the meantime, or justiceiro deixa nas more than the decision to give continuity to the plane.

V vai ate um found as the chief of the secret police of the governo and purpoe will be delivered since the agent executed Adam Sutler.

Sutler is executed and V resolve is not rendered. Or justiceiro was shot, but due to the armor that he was wearing, he managed to fight as the police, executing all of them.

v for vingança adam sutler
Or tyrannical Adam Sutler before his execution

Either way, V is seriously impaired, and returns to the trem where Evey is. Lá, you two têm seu moment of adeus, declaring-you are dull.

V morre nos braços da beloved and, very curious, he does not remove his mask, because he understands that the identity of the home is not important, but just like that.

A Explosion of the English Parliament

V é placed not vagão do trem with muitas rosa vermelhas. At the same time Eric Finch arises, who allows the youth to execute the plan to send or send the Parliament, because he knew of all the lies and atrocities that the government was capable of carrying out.

v for vingança
A population of traveste with a dress and a mask of V on November 5

A população, which had been summoned a year before, went to the Parliament wearing the Guy Fawkes masks to assist in the explosion of the building.

Considerations on V for Vingança

We can affirm that the anonymity of the protagonist is necessary, since he represents an ideology, a spirit of revolt from various societies over the past year in the face of government abuses ditatoriais.

As I do not film, as ideias não morrem, they will remain for two centuries. So, it is as a personagem not a human being, but just a little concept that is present in the population, hardly needing to be awakened.

Or anarchic character of entanglement is quite present, especially in the graphic novel (a historia em quadrinhos).

Phrases that stand out not film

Some phrases that form the main personagem hair, V, ganharam stand out from the public. Some of them, são:

  • Anarchy has two faces. A for Destroyers and a for Breeders. The Destroyers destroy the impérios, and as the destroyers, the Creators create Melhores Worlds.
  • Or povo not have to fear his state of it. O state you must fear seu povo.
  • Artists use a lie to reveal the truth, while politicians use a lie to hide it.
  • Ideias não são só carne e osso. Ideias são à prova of bullets.

Mask V for Vingança

A mask that appears in the story was a creation of David Lloyd, a two authors from the HQ that base or film.

She represents a historical personality that really exists, an English soldier named Guy Fawkes.

O acessório became also a symbol of the cyber-activist group Anonymous, formed in 2003 by anonymous people who, in a coordinated way, carry out actions for social purposes.

v de vingança mask
Protesters with a Guy Fawkes mask

Many people began to wear Guy Fawkes masks in social manifestations starting in 2011.

Or curious is that it still appears an ideology opposed to two big companies, or in addition it turned out to be very lucrative for Time warner, company of the entertainment branch that we will tell you about the authors.

What was Guy Fawkes?

Guy Fawkes was a British revolutionary who participated in the "Conspiração da Pólvora", a plan that he had or intuited to explode or enquanto English parliament or King James I spoke.

Or episode ocorreu in 1605 and Fawkes, who was a Catholic soldier, was sentenced to death for plotting against Coroa. On the 5th of November, it was marked as the date of his capture of him and attached to the page he planted in England as the event "Noite das Fogueiras".

Technical sheet and letter of the film

letter of v of vingança
Cartaz do film V for Vingança
Film title V for Vingança (V for Vendetta, not genuine)
Year of production 2006
Address James McTeigue
Based on HQ by Allan Moore and David Lloyd

Natalie Portman
Hugo weaving
Stephen Rea
John hurt

Gender science fiction and action
Countries United Kingdom, Germany, USA

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