The 60 best phrases of Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg was a Polish Marxist theorist of Jewish origin, born in the city of Zamosc in 1871.
Luxembourg was the leader of the Social Democratic Party of the Kingdom of Poland and for a time she was one of the most important women of her time. Throughout her life she made some very important speeches and today, many people still endorse some of her most relevant ideas about her.
If you are interested in knowing more about this thinker or would like to discover some of her most interesting reflections, she continues reading; here you will find a selection of phrases by Rosa Luxemburg.
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The most memorable phrases of Rosa Luxemburg
These are some of the most famous and interesting reflections and phrases of the renowned Rosa Luxemburg.
1. Without general elections, without freedom of the press, without freedom of expression and assembly, without the free fight of opinions, life in all public institutions are extinguished, it becomes a caricature of itself in which only the bureaucracy remains as an element active.
According to Rosa Luxemburg, European society at that time was corrupt, infected by a class a leader who was totally capable of doing with those most humble people everything he wanted.
2. Tomorrow the revolution will rise again, sounding its weapons and to its horror it will proclaim with the sound of trumpets: I was, I am and I will be!
The moral principles considered most basic should prevail above all, and above all should prevail over all those oligarchs who until then did not allow their correct developing.
3. We must not forget that history is not made without greatness of spirit, without high morals, without noble gestures.
Only by performing great feats will society be able to become a better version of itself in the future, This is something that Rosa Luxemburg always had in mind, like many other great thinkers of the time.
4. On the seizure of power by socialism, Lenin, Trotsky and their friends were the first, those who were at the head as an example for the world proletariat; they are still the only ones, so far, who can cry out with Hutten.
As we can see in this appointment Rosa Luxemburg He had great admiration for other great leaders of the time such as Lenin or Trotsky, two historical figures without whose important participation modern politics would undoubtedly be totally different.
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5. The essence of political freedom depends not on fanatics of justice, but on the invigorating and beneficial effects of dissenters. If freedom becomes a privilege, the essence of political freedom will have been broken.
The most important right that all of us as people have without a doubt is the right to freedom, because without freedom is totally impossible for a person to develop a minimally dignified life.
6. Whoever renounces the struggle for socialism, also renounces worker mobilization and democracy.
Socialism was seen by this political ideology as the only way out, the only way to understand the society that with time would undoubtedly be able to improve the lives of all the people residing in a nation.
7. Whoever wishes to strengthen democracy must also wish to strengthen, and not weaken, the socialist movement.
For Luxembourg, socialism and democracy should always go hand in hand, because otherwise, they would only be perverting both ideologies.
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8. The thirst for knowledge displayed by the working class is one of the most remarkable cultural manifestations of the contemporary class struggle.
The people of those years were eager to learn and because of this, since education was served to the masses, they were many families throughout Europe that went from belonging to the humble class to being part of the well-known class half.
9. It is up to us to defend not only socialism, not only revolution, but also world peace… Peace is the world revolution of the proletariat.
For a society to evolve efficiently it must undoubtedly be at peace with the rest of the world, since wars in the vast majority of cases only tend to be a great waste of both lives and resources for a nation. means.
10. In a moral sense, the struggle of the working class is also an index of the cultural renewal of society.
Times change and society changes with them, it is something totally logical and understandable that when the time comes, some people will make the decision to rebel against the difficult situation for which they were unjustly going.
11. The justice of the bourgeois classes was again like a net that allowed the voracious sharks to escape, catching only the small sardines.
Justice in those years was not as fair as it should be because as we can imagine, the powerful in the end always managed to get away with it.
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12. From the trunk of this defeat future victory will blossom.
Luxemburg was always very positive, she knew that the victory of socialism as an ideology in the end was something that sooner or later had to happen.
13. I know that the Bolsheviks also have some mistakes, their oddities, excessive intransigence, but I fully understand and justify them.
As human beings, no one is totally perfect, which is why Luxembourg understood that it was very normal that some left-wing leaders could also make certain mistakes from time to time.
14. The dictatorship of the most exemplary proletariat and a flourishing socialist economy should be imposed. Because of their definite revolutionary position, their exemplary force in action, their unwavering loyalty to international socialism, they did their best under such devilishly difficult conditions.
For this idealist of the most revolutionary socialism, the people as a whole should always have control over all the resources of the nation.
15. The masses are the decisive element, they are the pillar on which the final victory of the revolution will be built.
Ultimately the number always makes force, that is why the decision of the majority must always prevail within a certain society.

16. The proletarian revolution should shed a ray of goodness to illuminate the sad life of prisons, reduce sentences draconian, abolish the barbaric punishments - chains and lashes - improve as much as possible medical care, food and conditions of work. It's a matter of honor!
Society at that time was organized in a totally unfair and partisan way, which is why it simply seemed a matter of time before the people decided to take up arms.
17. Democracy is indispensable for the working class, because only through the exercise of its democratic rights, in In the struggle for democracy, the proletariat can become aware of its class interests and of its historical task.
Democracy is undoubtedly one of the most supported political systems today and how can we see in this revealing quote, the Marxist theorist Rosa Luxemburg was already fighting for it at the beginning of the century XX.
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18. It would be demanding something superhuman from Lenin and his comrades to pretend that in such circumstances they apply the most decadent democracy.
Luxembourg justified on more than one occasion many of the measures that the socialist regime decided to take in Russia, although many of these usually used to be viewed with very bad eyes by a large part of the population European.
19. The working class will not be in a position to create its own science and art until it has emancipated itself from its present status as a class.
Without schooling the working class would never be able to prosper, that is why the revolutionary leaders decided to focus a large part of their speeches on the compulsory nature of education for all children and girls
20. In Russia only the problem could arise. It couldn't be resolved. And in this sense, the future everywhere belongs to Bolshevism.
The Russian Revolution undoubtedly set a precedent never before contemplated in Europe and that precedent was none other, that if the people decided to take up arms, it was simply unstoppable.
21. The most remarkable thing about this is that all those affected, the whole of society, consider and treat the crisis as something outside the realm of human will and control, a heavy blow delivered by an invisible power and higher.
In the opinion of this thinker, the ordinary people were not the ones who had to pay the consequences of an eventual crisis. economic, since it was the bourgeoisie who, through speculation, had first forced their appearance.
22. If the dictatorship of the proletariat was or still is, it is due only to the way of acting of the German proletariat, in turn a distorted expression of the socialist class struggle.
If the proletariat had risen up in arms throughout Germany there would have been nothing at that time that could have stop it and being fully aware of this, Luxembourg did not stop encouraging the masses in order to produce a revolution.
23. You have to turn a world. But every tear that runs where it could have been avoided is an accusation; and it is a criminal who, with brutal unconsciousness, crushes a poor worm.
For Rosa Luxemburg the world was tremendously unfair at that time and therefore the socialist revolution was an inevitable fact that was simply forced to occur.
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24. It is not a question of this or that secondary tactical question, but of the proletariat's capacity for action, its strength to act, the will to seize the power of socialism as such.
The united proletariat represents one of the most powerful forces that exists in society, since, as is known, victory tends to reside in numerical superiority.
25. For a world where we are socially equal, humanly different and totally free.
Freedom is the most precious good that as human beings we all possess, if we were holders of this right we would simply end up becoming mere slaves of a ruling class.
26. Everything that happens in Russia is understandable and reflects an inevitable succession of causes and effects, which begins and ends in the defeat of the proletariat in Germany and the invasion of Russia by imperialism German.
There were many reasons that finally drove the revolution and German imperialism, it was undoubtedly at that time one of its most powerful triggers.
27. History is the only infallible teacher, and revolution the best school for the proletariat.
The revolution was an event that in those years seemed simply unstoppable, and like many will discover with the passage of time this would finally materialize in a relatively successful.
28. It is necessary to distinguish in the politics of the Bolsheviks the essential from the non-essential, the kernel of accidental excrescences. At the present time, when decisive struggles all over the world await us, the question of socialism was and continues to be the most burning problem of the time.
As a marching theoretician, Luxemburg knew very well that socialism was not without its errors, because as many of us already know, there is nothing created by human beings that is totally perfect.
29. As the engine of capitalist development, militarism has become a capitalist disease.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the main capitalist nations had largely focused on their militarization, something that, as we can see in this quote, Rosa Luxemburg did not like at all.
30. The capacity for action is the essential and enduring thing in Bolshevik politics. In this sense, his is the immortal historical award of having led the international proletariat in the conquest of political power and practical location of the problem of the realization of socialism, of having taken a great step forward in the world struggle between capital and job.
As we discover in this quote, Luxemburg throughout her life always praised with great fervor all the great deeds that the socialists carried out at that time, The revolution as we can imagine without a doubt was a great breath of fresh air, for all those people who at that time lived below the poverty line.
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31. Although the workers create the social substratum of this culture with their hands, they only have access to it insofar as that such access serves the satisfactory performance of their functions in the economic and social process of society capitalist.
We must be aware that in those days only the children of wealthy people could go to school, humble people on the other hand normally began to work from their earliest childhood.
32. Let the German government socialists claim that the Bolshevik government of Russia is a distorted expression of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
At the beginning of the 20th century, many countries had their own revolutionary thinkers and although in some nations they manage to prosper, in others they did not have the same fortune.
33. Leadership has failed. Even so, leadership can and must be regenerated from the masses.
The socialist revolutionaries were at that time great defenders of the democratic system, something that unfortunately some seemed to forget over the years.
34. A model proletarian revolution in an isolated country, exhausted by world war, strangled by imperialism, betrayed by the world proletariat, would be a miracle.
For a revolution to be carried out, a great number of coincidences must occur, otherwise this sooner or later it will end up being crushed by the ruling class.
35. The whole force of the modern labor movement rests on scientific knowledge.
When the revolution came, thinkers and scientists were treated with great respect, since there were many revolutionaries aware that it was these people who should later re-build their society.
36. It is in the feat of Bolshevism - as always in the great historical connections - specific errors and mistakes disappear without a trace.
Certainly the socialist leaders are not exempt from making mistakes, but for this revolutionary the end was something that undoubtedly justified the means.
37. In every class society, intellectual culture (art and science) is a creation of the ruling class.
Information, as they say, is power and precisely for this reason, people with more culture in one way or another always end up controlling society.
38. Only the resolute and consistent class consciousness of social democracy alone can unleash that mass energy and shape it as a decisive factor in political life.
As Rosa Luxemburg rightly tells us in this quote, in order for a first step towards social democracy to be taken, the working class will always have had to become aware of its own existence.
39. Socialism or barbarism.
As we see for this famous thinker, Socialism was the fairest form of organization than any society could adopt, a thought that today is still espoused by millions of people from all over the world. the world.
40. The Bolsheviks proved capable of giving everything that could be asked of a genuine revolutionary party within the limits of historical possibilities. They are not expected to perform miracles.
Certainly the rise of the Bolsheviks was very important in those times, the speeches of some thinkers such as Lenin, Engels and Trotsky managed to captivate the hearts of millions of persons.
41. The most remarkable thing about this is that all those affected, the whole of society, consider and treat the crisis as something outside the sphere of will and control. humans, a strong blow delivered by an invisible and greater power, a test sent from the sky, similar to a great electrical storm, an earthquake, a flood.
The crash of 29 was a great economic crisis that undoubtedly changed everything in its path because even in the most wealthy such as the United States, many people went from wearing suits and ties to having to go through hunger severe.
42. Freedom, only for members of the government, only for Party members, although very abundant, is not freedom at all.
Although after the revolution the Russian bourgeoisie was extinguished a new ruling class quickly emerged in its place, and this class of course is none other than the civil service itself.
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43. Economic liberalism is the free fox in the free roost.
Economic liberalism can be a very dangerous double-edged sword, as we must be very aware that there are many factors that can turn a given event negative or positive for a society.
44. They want to point out as new discoveries all the distortions that they prescribed in Russia, such as necessity and compulsion, which are ultimately only a by-product of the bankruptcy of international socialism in the current war world.
Over the years, socialism proved on more than one occasion to be a type of organization with various defects to be polished and in good part it is due to this, that nowadays these types of companies are increasingly scarce.
45. The masses have been up to the task, they have made this defeat one more piece of that series of historical defeats that constitute the pride and strength of international socialism.
After years of struggle in the end, socialism managed to seize power in certain regions of Europe, something that was undoubtedly a great relief to many of the supporters of this form of organization Social.
46. The danger begins when they make a virtue of necessity, and want to freeze in a finished theoretical system all the tactics that have been forced to adopt in these fatal circumstances, recommending them to the international proletariat as a model of tactics socialist.
Depending on our nationality, our personal idea about what the proletariat represents may be totally different, that is why the socialist ideas in those times did not reach certain countries.
47. It is necessary to prepare the masses in such a way that they follow us with complete confidence.
Only with a blind trust on the part of its executors can a socialist revolution succeed, that is why Rosa Luxemburg always he especially emphasized that all revolutionary ideals should strive to try to obtain full confidence from the masses.
48. We are all subject to the laws of history, and the socialist order of society can only be established internationally.
In this quote, a very important premise of the socialist system is revealed to us, and that is that it can only function properly if it receives the support of the international community.
49. Although the workers create the social substratum of this culture with their hands, they only have access to it insofar as that such access serves the satisfactory performance of their functions in the economic and social process of society capitalist.
Capitalism can be seen as an organizational system that is not very supportive, because like many of you perhaps already You will know today 90 percent of the world's wealth is owned by just a few men and women.
50. The power of the proletariat is founded on its class consciousness, on its revolutionary energy, which is given birth by that consciousness, and on independent politics.
All the revolutionary men and women of those times knew very well that there was nothing that could stop the force of an alienated mob, and that is why all his speeches were always focused on a possible awakening of the class worker.
51. Who does not move, does not feel the chains.
For this famous politics it was incomprehensible that some people were not aware of the difficult situation they were going through, and for this reason, through these types of phrases, she tried to infect them with her revolutionary fervor.
52. When they act hiding their genuine and unquestionable historical role under the litter of the missteps that the necessity forced them to give, they render a poor service to the international socialism for which they fought and suffered.
The triumph of socialism in those years of the early twentieth century was something that demanded a great effort on the part of many people, and even many men and women had to give their lives in order for the revolution to come to fruition. succeed.
53. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for those who think otherwise.
We must learn to respect the ideas of others, because this is the only possible way if we want them to respect our own ideas as well.
54. The aim of class culture is in part to ensure the direct satisfaction of the needs of the social process, and in part to satisfy the intellectual needs of the ruling class.
To think that we belong to a certain social class depending on the womb in which we are born is a total error, because each of us is totally free as individuals to move up the ladder (via meritocracy) Social.
55. In this eruption of social division within bourgeois society, in the international deepening and enhancement of class antagonism lies the historical merit of Bolshevism.
For Luxembourg it was a great achievement that the working class had managed to become aware of its own existence, a fact that is undoubtedly absolutely essential for it to be able to achieve total control of society in the future.
56. One cannot help but be firm as a rock in the face of that shapeless and gelatinous mass that is Menshevik opportunism.
When the revolution arrived, some people decided to make their fortune using it, something that for this woman leader of the Social Democratic party was simply an aberration.
57. Order reigns in Berlin! Stupid lackeys! Her order is built on sand.
As a staunch Marxist that Rosa Luxemburg was, she knew very well that there was nothing at that time that could stop a possible armed and combative revolution of the working class.
58. There is only one way to impose and safeguard peace: the victory of the socialist proletariat!
For Rosa de Luxemburg, the proletarian revolution was something that simply had to happen, even without caring about the fact that some people might end up suffering serious consequences.
59. If capitalist production has in itself an unlimited market, that is, if production and the market are identified, crises, conceived as cyclical manifestations, are inexplicable.
Although capitalism has proven over time to be an adaptable form of organization, no one knows for sure what will happen to it in the future. Some economists today already predict that a possible stock market crash worse than the 29, may be much closer than we imagine.
60. There is no socialism outside the international solidarity of the proletariat and there is no socialism outside the class struggle.
For a socialist system to be able to get ahead in the modern world it must undoubtedly have the support of the international community, because otherwise this sooner or later will inevitably suffer some kind of shortage.