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4 keys to coping with the post-vacation syndrome

Post-vacation syndrome is one of the forms of discomfort that is most noticeable towards the end of the holiday seasons, and although there are many people who do not come to experience it, in other cases it does interfere with the quality of life of those who return to the routine, at least for a period that lasts days or a couple of weeks.

But... what can we do to mitigate this type of psychological discomfort? In this article you will find some tips and strategies to better manage post-vacation syndrome. But first, let's examine what this phenomenon consists of.

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What is post-vacation syndrome?

The term "post-vacation syndrome" is used to refer to a wide variety of non-pathological psychological disorders which, however, cause discomfort for several days or even a few weeks.

In most cases, post-vacation syndrome includes elements such as a surge in stress and anxiety, reaching levels that would not have been achieved simply because of the daily routine associated with work Monday to Friday.

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It also usually involves other forms of emotional distress, such as a tendency to psychological rumination (which is that predisposition to turn over and over to the same type of thoughts or memories) linked to nostalgia for those vacations that have already ended, or even a feeling of guilt for, supposedly, not having sufficiently used those days of time of leisure.

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What are the causes of this experience?

As in any psychological phenomenon (whether or not it generates unpleasant sensations), the post-vacation syndrome does not have a single cause, but has many, and these involve both biological variables and genetic predispositions, as well as contextual and behavioral.

However, in this case, the experiences that have to do with that transition between vacations and the return to routine are especially important.

That is to say, most of the psychological mechanisms after the post-vacation syndrome have to do with the problems to adapt quickly to a “new” way of living life. life, which has to do with taking on a lot more responsibilities again, not being able to visit completely new environments with the same freedom as before, and having a much longer schedule restrictive.

All these changes mean that expectations, behavior patterns and even biorhythms have to be readjusted, something that is not always easy considering that the work context sets the rhythms.

Causes of post-vacation syndrome
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4 key ideas for managing post-vacation syndrome

These are some psychological tips that can help you with post-vacation syndrome.

1. Start by adapting your sleep schedules

Adjusting your sleep schedule is one of the most important and priority aspects to keep post-vacation syndrome at bay, because many of the annoyances associated with this derive from an imbalance of the biorhythms. Look at both a time when you will go to bed and turn off the light, and an hour when you will get ready to go to bed.

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2. Make sure to keep moments of leisure even when you return to work.

That you go back to the work routine It does not mean that it has to occupy all your hours of the day that you do not dedicate to sleep.

Remember Parkinson's law, according to which work tends to expand to occupy all available time, and not allow that by dint of leaving the completion of your pending tasks for later the work to "swallow" all your working day. In this way, you can guarantee yourself some time to dedicate to your hobbies and personal interests, some of which you may have discovered during the holidays.

3. Practice relaxation techniques

There are several relaxation techniques that are simple enough that you can learn them by your account, and you can benefit from its benefits in many situations, including context labor. When you notice that a situation overwhelms you, you can take a short break of five minutes to go to a place that offers you a certain calm and perform, for example, diaphragmatic breathing exercises.

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4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness allows you to live the present moment with more serenity, mental and emotional balance and includes both meditation practices and simple exercises that help overcome psychological rumination and face the challenges of day to day with greater connection and resilience.

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Are you looking for psychological assistance services?

If you are interested in having the support of a team of psychology professionals, get in touch with us.

On Psychotools We offer individual psychotherapy and couples therapy services, as well as Mindfulness and training for individuals and professionals. We attend in person and also by video call.

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