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The 60 best phrases of Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon was a celebrated English writer and philosopher, born in the town of Strand, in London, around the year 1561.

This writer was undoubtedly one of the most influential philosophers of his time and therefore some of the most interesting reflections of him are still very much remembered today.

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Famous quotes of Francis Bacon

If you are interested in the personal philosophy of this famous writer and would like to know some of his most outstanding reflections, you should know that you are in the right place.

Next we are going to show you a short list with the 60 best phrases of Francis Bacon, along with a small note from each of them in which we reveal our particular point of view on each quote in question.

1. Nature cannot be ordered except by being obeyed.

As human beings we are always at the mercy of nature and it is thanks to her that most of us can live very comfortably on this planet.

2. He who gives good advice builds with one hand; He who gives good advice and examples, builds with both; but he who gives good warning and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other.
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It is an irrefutable fact that we must always lead by our own example if we want third parties to take us seriously.

3. Money is like manure, it is only good if you distribute it.

Thanks to money We can improve both our lives and the lives of all those around us, a fact with which we will indirectly also be able to effectively improve our own existence.

4. The virtue of prosperity is temperance, the virtue of adversity is strength.

Only with patience and perseverance will we achieve all our personal goals. As people we should never despair because perhaps success is closer than we imagine.

5. Some books need to be tested, some are to be swallowed, and some are to be chewed and digested.

Some books can be very complicated to digest in a single take, that is why we should not hesitate to reread a book if we think that something about it has not been totally clear to us.

6. A man must seize his opportunity, as often as he finds it.

Some opportunities for success may only come once in a lifetime, we must ensure that take advantage of all our opportunities if we want to be able to reach our full potential as individuals.

7. Because a crowd is not company; and the faces are nothing more than a gallery of images; and speaks, but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.

We can feel alone even though we are totally surrounded by people, because it is love and not company that we as human beings usually look for in others.

8. Choose the life that is most useful, and habit will make it more enjoyable.

Being useful to society is something very comforting for anyone, which is why so many men and women decide to dedicate their lives to the service of people.

9. Death is a friend of ours; and the one who is not ready to entertain it is not at home.

Eventually we will all die and, as human beings, we must learn to live with this reality if we want to be fully happy individuals.

10. Knowledge is power.

Knowledge It is the true power, because without a doubt it is thanks to it that modern society can fly, travel to the moon or even send robots to Mars.

11. If a man is kind and courteous to strangers, he shows that he is a citizen of the world.

We should always be kind to everyone we meet, because we really have no idea of ​​the existential battles that those people may be going through.

12. Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority.

Sooner or later the truth always comes to light, no matter how much the powerful sometimes tries to hide it.

13. Natural abilities are like natural plants; need study pruning.

As much as we may possess great innate ability, we must always hone it through practice if we want to be able to exploit it to its fullest potential.

14. There is a limit to suffering; to fear, none.

Although the powerful may threaten us with a great deal of suffering, we must stand firm if we want to be able to achieve our goals.

15. Traveling, in the younger genre, is part of education; in the elderly, a part of the experience. He who travels to a country before entering the language, goes to school.

Traveling is certainly a very beneficial experience for any type of person, because through this activity we will discover how in the world today there are many different ways of understanding the life.

16. Monuments of ingenuity outlive monuments of power.

Inventions are usually much more resistant to the passage of time than monuments, since the former have something really very important: utility.

17. Start doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We only have this moment, shining like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.

Our passage through the world will not last forever and that is why we should hurry to perform all those actions that we want to live in our lives.

18. The truth is very difficult to tell, sometimes you need fiction to be plausible.

Sometimes the truth can be too painful to take directly in this situation. a bit of fiction, as Bacon tells us, may be the seasoning we need to get to sweeten it.

19. A little philosophy inclined the mind of man towards atheism, but the depth in philosophy brings the mind of men to religion.

Philosophy and religion are much closer than we imagine, sometimes some people can even confuse one with the other.

20. The worst loner is being destitute of true friendship.

Some people are simply unable to live alone, a way of being that often leads them to try to find friends even in the most unlikely places.

21. Philosophy, when studied superficially, arouses doubts; when thoroughly explored, it dissipates them.

Philosophy is undoubtedly a very enlightening science, a current of thought that in the past gave all of society some of the most interesting answers of all time.

22. Great boldness is seldom absurd.

Those people who are capable of great feats are usually very aware of their own limitations, although we from our point of view are not able to see it.

23. The best part of beauty is what no image can express.

As people, our most beautiful attribute will always be the one we have on the inside, because as is well known, the external beauty of people has always had an ephemeral character.

24. Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad dinner.

Although, as is often said, hope is the last thing that is lost, we must bear in mind that sooner or later it will also abandon us.

25. God, in fact, has written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, that is, the Scriptures. But he wrote a second book called Creation.

In this quote we can see how Francis Bacon apart from being a highly pragmatic writer was also a devout Christian, something that at that time was the most common in society.

26. Nature is often hidden, sometimes surpassed, rarely extinguished.

Nature is tremendously powerful and it is very likely that it is still here even when human beings have already disappeared as a species.

27. The books speak out when the counselors soften.

There are many questions to which we can find a solution in a good book, even on many occasions books can become our most faithful and honest advisers.

28. A wise question is half the wisdom.

Curiosity is what has allowed us as humans to become a tremendously advanced society, That is why we must never stop asking ourselves questions if we want to be able to evolve with the passage of time. weather.

29. There is no comparison between what you lose by not succeeding and what you lose by not trying.

If we don't try the failure It is guaranteed so that, seen in another way, the mere act of trying is in itself a first step towards success.

30. Who is enchanted in solitude is a wild beast or a god.

Loneliness is a difficult situation to cope with, but if we learn to live with it, we become much more complete and independent people.

31. If we want to accomplish things that have never been accomplished before, we must employ methods that have never been tried before.

Big problems always tend to demand big solutions, although sometimes these solutions may seem not to be initially within our grasp.

32. Silence is the virtue of fools.

As the saying goes, it is much better to remain silent and appear foolish than to open your mouth and confirm your suspicions.

33. Champagne for my true friends, true pain for my fake friends.

A phrase with which perhaps many of us agree because as human beings, the vast majority of us always tend to wish the best for all our loved ones.

34. The remedy is worse than the disease.

A quote that many of us have probably heard from this famous writer. Some solutions sometimes end up being more painful than the problem itself.

35. The fewer people talk about her greatness, the more we think about her.

As readers we must never forget the great authors, no matter how much society seems to have decided to forget some of them.

36. For friends... look at the good books: they are true friends, who will neither flatter nor disguise.

A good book It can be without a doubt a great company and even in many cases, this may be the best company that some of us have.

37. There are two ways to spread the light... be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

It is our altruistic acts and the good actions of those around us, which in practice will allow us to create a better society in the future.

38. It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to all others, and still unknown to him.

There are many people who throughout their lives do not dedicate enough time to introspection to to be able to know themselves, a situation that as we see in this quote was seen as very sad by this Writer.

39. Read not to contradict and refute, or to believe and take for granted... but to think and consider.

Reading is an activity that can undoubtedly open our minds to a great extent, although we must bear in mind that we do not always have to take everything we read a book for granted.

40. By far the best proof is experience.

Some activities can only be carried out by very experienced people, as we must be very clear that the experience has always been and always will be the best of the teachers.

41. It is impossible to love and be wise.

Decisions made for love are usually totally antagonistic to those made with wisdom, it is up to us to weigh whether it is reason or love that directs our life.

42. There are only two tragedies in life: one is the inability of one to achieve a heart's desire: the other is having it!

Love is a very difficult emotion to bear and even more so, when we discover that it is not reciprocated.

43. For the light to shine so brightly, darkness must be present.

In the universe, ambiguity is something that is always present, since absolutely everything that surrounds us always has both positive and negative aspects.

44. Imagination was given to man to make up for what he is not; and a sense of humor to comfort him for who he is.

Thanks to imagination and a sense of humor, human beings are able to lead very happy actually possessing very little, an ability that some people seem to be losing in present.

45. Older people object too much, consult too long, venture too little, regret too soon and seldom run the business to an end, but are content with a mediocrity of success.

With the passage of time our perspective on life will inevitably change, and our way of making decisions will obviously also change with us.

46. Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.

Certainly this is a trend that usually occurs in a large number of people, it is always much easier to believe in something positive than in something negative.

47. He who has a wife and children, he has given hostages to fortune; because they are impediments to large companies, either by virtue or malice.

Having a family is something that consumes a lot of time for anyone, that's why in this quote this famous writer explains that if we want to be successful we must be very clear about our priorities.

48. The general root of superstition: namely, that men observe when things strike, and not when they fail; commit to remembering one, and forget and step over the other.

Superstition and the human being have always gone hand in hand, although luckily, in Francis Bacon's time this was something that was beginning to be part of the past.

49. A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy.

It is known that the declared enemy can be seen coming with tremendous ease, but instead against the false friend it is very likely that we have not lifted defensive measures in a timely manner necessary.

50. He who does not apply new remedies must expect new evils; because time is the greatest innovator.

Over the years we will always find new problems in the course of our lives, difficulties to which we will have to find a solution if we wish to be successful.

51. Seek first the good things of the mind, and the rest will be provided or its loss will not be felt.

The most powerful tool that all human beings have will always be our mind, that is why as individuals we should all learn to use it in the most efficient way possible.

52. If a man begins with certainties, he will end in doubts; but if he is content to begin with doubts, he will end with certainties.

Life will always bring us a lot of unknowns, we must learn to find solutions if we want to be more successful people in the future.

53. Age is better in four things: old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.

Although age tends to deteriorate all things, as Francis Bacon well knew, sometimes it can even be beneficial.

54. To say that a man lies is as much as to say that he is brave with God and cowardly with men.

The lie It is something that unfortunately is very present in our society, and it is something that we should undoubtedly learn to get rid of.

55. Revenge is a wild justice king.

Revenge is certainly a form of Justice tremendously wild and even, sometimes this is usually worse than the initial act that produced it.

56. Human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion (either as received opinion or by being pleasant) draws all other things to support and agree with it.

When we create an opinion, many of us tend to look for arguments to support it, an act that sometimes even many of us tend to do completely unconsciously.

57. The artist's job is always to delve into the mystery.

The only way to create a great work of art is by doing something that has never been done before, a task that in practice can be really difficult to carry out.

58. Because no one can forbid the spark or say where it may come from.

You never know what life has in store for you, simply because it is impossible for anyone to predict with certainty what will happen tomorrow.

59. Money is a great servant, but a bad teacher.

Possessing great economic wealth is undoubtedly a characteristic that can greatly cloud our understanding.

60. A wise man will have more opportunities than he finds.

Only by being wise and complete people will we be able to glimpse all those opportunities that life really offers us over time.

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