Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Ramos Arizpe (México)

The psychologist Mariana gutierrez She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León and throughout her career she has specialized in the field of Clinical Psychology and Occupational Psychology.

Her intervention is individualized from the first session, offered online and is based on the identification of the main causes of each of the problems or ailments that adults may present individually or in the field of couple.

Consult with this professional if you are interested in starting a specialized therapy in the problems of self-esteem, addictions, depression, anxiety, divorce processes and work problems of all.

The psychologist Victor Fernando Perez He has been serving adolescents, adults, seniors and couples who may have any kind of problem in their relationship for more than 15 years.

Currently, his services are offered online and are based on the application of Brief Systemic Therapy, a proven highly effective guidance, which he integrates together with other tools adapted to the needs of each client.

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Víctor Fernando Pérez has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, has a Certification in Coaching Transformational and is a specialist in dealing with cases of gender violence, codependency, addictions, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.

Emotional Astronaut is a highly prestigious psychotherapeutic center whose services are offered through sessions online to adolescents who may have any type of consultation, as well as to young people, adults and couples

The multidisciplinary team of professionals of the center is specialized in attending to the problems emotional or behavioral, impulsivity, anxiety, depression, insomnia and cases of stress.

The main therapies applied by the psychologists of the Emotional Astronaut Center in their sessions are the focus cognitive-behavioral, Brief Therapy or Humanist Therapy, all of them adapted to the needs of each customer.

The psychologist Patricio madrigal has more than 20 years of experience behind him, in which he has specialized in applying various effective therapies to care for adolescents, adults and also the elderly.

The main therapies that this professional integrates in his sessions are the cognitive-behavioral approach, Mindfulness and Mindfulness Therapy. Acceptance and Commitment, with which he deals with codependency, addictions, ADHD, stress and deficits in the management of go to.

Patricio Madrigal has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México, has a Master's Degree in Sciences of the Education, a Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology, a Postgraduate in Existential Psychotherapy and a Training Course in Mindfulness.

The Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist Valentin Sebastian Velazquez Cortazar offers its services online to people of all ages, that is, to children, adolescents, adults and also the elderly.

Graduated in Psychology from the Valle Grijalva University, this professional has a Certification in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Level I, a Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and also has a Training Course on Behavioral-Contextual Intervention in Population Infantojuvenil.

His intervention is based on the application of various therapies based on the scientific method, including which highlights Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or the Mindfulness.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending to behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, insomnia, cases of sexual abuse, self-harm and ideations suicidal.

The psychologist Lewis Alcantara He has a Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Intercontinental University, and a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy with Logotherapeutic, a Postgraduate in Existential Philosophy and also has Diplomas in Couple Therapy, Psychogerontology and Thanatology and Duel.

Throughout his career, this professional has specialized in serving adults, couples and also families online. applying in an integrated way various effective therapies, such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Humanist Therapy or the Neurofeedback.

The main alterations that Lewis Alcántara addresses in his consultation are cases of anxiety and depression, codependency, family conflicts, low self-esteem, insomnia, infidelities and stress.

The Forensic Psychologist Juan Francisco Cruz Govea He has more than 15 years of professional experience behind his back and currently serves teenagers, adults, seniors, couples and families through video calls.

Graduated in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, this professional has a Master's degree in Thanatology, as well as Diplomas in Forensic Psychology, Multidimensional Family Therapy and Intervention in Crisis and Brief Therapy.

Her intervention is of an integrative nature and some of her main specialties are cases of domestic violence, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, family conflict, and addictions.

The Clinical Psychologist Montserrat Martinez She has a degree in Psychology from UNAM, she has a Master's degree in Behavioral Medicine from the same university and has a great experience when applying Cognitive-behavioral Therapy.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending online cases of anxiety and depression, chronic illnesses, behavior problems, obesity and stress.

The psychologist Sandra Miranda Herrera Throughout her career, she has specialized in providing a psychotherapy service to children, adolescents and also adults.

In her office you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of anxiety and depression, bullying and grieving processes.

The psychologist Marcela Camacho González She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma del Noreste and throughout her career she has worked in different mental health centers.

His intervention is offered online to adults and adolescents over 16 years of age who may present cases of depression, aggressive behavior, stress, grieving processes, codependency or phobias.

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