Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Psychologists in Tecate

Victor Fernado Pérez López He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Grijalva and has a Master's degree specialized in the area of ​​Business Management, which was awarded by the Spanish study center EUDE Business School.

Over time, this specialist has been able to deal with some difficulties on more than one occasion. psychological disorders such as very high levels of work stress, phobias, depression or anxiety.

Located in Mexico City D.F., Emotional Astronaut is a therapeutic center formed by a large multidisciplinary team of psychology professionals.

Either in person or via video calls, it is important to note that in this center we can put everything into practice type of methodologies regardless of whether we are adults or if we are in the stage of adolescence.

Chronic depression, anxiety disorders, phobias, stress, or sleep problems, are some of the difficulties that we can deal with very effectively together with this team of specialists.

Valentin Sebastian Velazquez Cortazar

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She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the Universidad del Valle de Grijalva and after obtaining her academic qualification, She decided to deepen the study of Clinical Psychology, so she did a specific Master's degree through the CECIP study center of Mexico.

Together with this specialist we will be able to treat very efficiently a wide variety of possible difficulties, Some examples of these may be anxiety disorders, drug addiction or problems of the sleep.

Grisel Castellanos placeholder image She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México and has a Diploma issued by the International Center Postgraduate degree, which formally accredits her as an expert in intervention in possible situations of mistreatment or abuse childish.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a situation difficult of codependency, a stage with very low self-esteem or a crisis within our relationship of couple.

Miguel Angel Caamal Martin He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Yucatán and also has a Master's degree issued by this same university, specialized in the correct application of Clinical Psychology in Adults.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most, is in the treatment of difficulties such as depression, alcoholism, anxiety disorders, very low self-esteem or conflicts between relatives.

Oscar Villicaña Garcia He graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California and after spending some time, he had the opportunity to be able to specialize in the field of Child Assessment through a Master's degree that was taught by the study center CEGESTA.

This psychologist is an expert treating some difficulties such as mismanagement of the emotion of anger, lack of control over impulses, anxiety disorders or conflicts between relatives.

Israel Lafebre Garcia He has a degree in Psychology and also has a Master's degree specialized in the use of Gestalt Psychotherapy awarded by the Humanist Institute of Gestalt Psychotherapy of Mexico.

Over the years this psychologist has been able to acquire great skill in treating some difficulties such as distress, anxiety disorders, chronic depression, or behavior suicide.

Diana Espino Noriega She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California and has a Master's degree specialized in the specific area of ​​Education, which was taught by the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.

His remarkable academic training allows this specialist to be very efficient in treating some difficulties such as learning disabilities, adolescent depression, phobias or problems related to the dream.

Lucina gomez He graduated in Psychology at the Universidad Univer de Guadalajara and later, thought that he should specialize in the practice of Sexology, so he studied a specific Master's degree through the Center for Sexology and Psychology Space.

In the consultation of this specialist, some psychological difficulties such as suicidal behavior, work stress, chronic depression or lack of libido are treated very frequently.

Edwin zuniga He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California and it is also important to mention that this specialist has more than 3 years of experience practicing psychotherapy in people of all ages. ages.

During all these years this psychologist has been able to treat some difficulties on more than one occasion. such as adolescent depression, developmental disorders, phobias, or attention deficit (ADHD).

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