Education, study and knowledge

The best 11 Psychologists in Floridablanca (Colombia)

The Psychologist and Neuropsychologist Leandro Fernandez He is Graduated in Psychology from the Santiago de Cali University, has a Master's Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the San Buenaventura University and has a Postgraduate Specialist Evaluation and Diagnosis Neuropsychological.

In her consultation you will find a professional with more than 11 years of experience and specialized in attending to online way to children, adolescents, adults, elderly people and also couples who request their services.

His intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with the most advanced neuropsychological techniques and other effective therapies, with the aim of attending to cases anxiety and depression, developmental disorders, learning disorders, low self-esteem, stress, emotional problems and relationship problems.

Fabian Pineda Acosta placeholder image is a well-known Colombian professional who has a degree in psychology from the University of Santander, in addition to having completed a master's degree in philosophy from the UIS, and being a specialist in sexual therapy and couple.

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During her professional career, she has had the opportunity to treat patients affected by different types of pathologies, among which the following stand out. problems of emotional dependence, inhibited sexual desire, and female sexual dysfunction, having obtained very good results in his patients.

Dayra Dayana Gómez Marín She has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, in addition to having a master's degree in clinical psychology from the Universidad del Norte, being a specialist in the application of evaluation strategies and diagnosis.

He is an expert in the field of clinical psychology, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, having treated patients in grief situation with the loss of a loved one, with anxiety disorders, and with sleep disorders such as insomnia.

John Fredy López Pabón He has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga and specializes in clinical and health psychology, having improved the psychological well-being of many people.

Throughout his career as a psychologist, he has treated people in a situation of grief over the loss of loved one, and patients with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Ariosto Ibañez Rivera is a psychologist residing in Colombia who specializes in treating patients with psychological problems, being an expert in health psychology and educational psychology.

She stands out for being a specialist in treating people with autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, and poor school performance.

Hernán García Sarmiento She has a degree in clinical psychology from the Universidad del Norte, in addition to being a specialist in clinical psychology, with a professional career of 30 years, improving the psychological well-being of many people.

She is an expert in the field of sexual and couples therapy, having treated patients with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other types of sexual disorders, in addition to being a specialist in the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress.

Pilar Maria Restrepo Iguaran She has a degree in psychology and throughout her career as a psychologist she has treated patients between adolescence and adulthood, having obtained very good results.

She is a specialist in the area of ​​clinical psychology, in addition to having treated people with addiction to addictive substances such as alcohol and tobacco, with behavioral disorders, and different types of phobias such as fear of spaces open.

Natalia Guerrero Solano she has a degree in psychology and during all these years she has had the opportunity to treat children, adolescents and adults who were suffering from some type of disorder, carrying out a case-by-case treatment depending on the characteristics of each person.

Among the treatments that she has carried out the most during all these years are anxiety disorders, depression and stress, different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, and sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Maria Alejandra Alvarez Franklim She is a well-known Colombian psychologist who has a degree in the field of mental health and is specialist in clinical psychology, carrying out treatments according to the environment and the needs of each person.

She stands out for having carried out a large number of interventions to people with disorders related to anxiety, depression and stress, with different types of phobias such as fear of flying, and in a situation of duel.

Blanca Libia Briñez She is a doctor in psychology and stands out for having a trajectory of more than 20 years in the field of mental health, and always seeking the emotional and psychological well-being of her patients.

During all these years she has specialized in treating grief situations in the face of loss. of a loved one, in behavioral disorders, and in patients with behavioral disorders food.

Leonardo Castellanos Suarez is a well-known Colombian psychologist who specializes in the field of psychotherapy and clinical psychology, having obtained very positive results.

His professional career is very broad, and you can find numerous success stories in treating patients affected by panic disorders, with problems in relationships, and with sleep problems such as insomnia.

Psychologist Gloria Martínez Martínez

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