Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychology Courses in Colombia

Narrative Therapy and Minimalism Course offered by Prenlu is taught by the Psychotherapist Diego Horna Alva, a professional trained in different university of Latin America and specialized in Narrative Therapy, an approach focused on solutions and Gottman method.

The course is aimed at all those students and professionals who want to acquire the knowledge Theoretical-practical ones on Narrative Therapy and Minimalism, and therefore incorporate them into your practice daily clinic.

Activital organizes a very interesting Acceptance and Commitment Therapy course. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is one of the most used psychological intervention orientations today by professionals around the world, due to its strong scientific evidence and positive customer outcomes.

This is one of the best ACT courses in the online modality that we can find today and it is aimed at psychologists, psychiatrists and other health professionals who are interested in training in the best way in this therapy so helpful.

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The course consists of both theoretical and practical contents and its teachers are the psychologists Joan Rullan Pou and Sofía Rodríguez de la Plaza, both Graduates in Psychology and Experts in Therapies Contextual.

Personal Resources proposes the course The Secrets of Motivation. Motivation is one of the main tools that human beings have to achieve our goals. objectives, modify aspects of our lives or achieve various goals in the workplace or in the social relationships.

This course is aimed at all those people who want to change something in their lives or achieve certain objectives, making use of motivation and applying different tools and basic knowledge associated with the herself.

In this course you will find 5 explanatory videos offered in the online mode, with unlimited access to the web from the center and with the possibility of making online consultations to qualified professionals from Personal.

The University Institute of Dynamic Psychology offers its students this Specialist course in Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy, a very effective guidance in obtaining significant therapeutic changes in a short period of time.

The course is 100% online and consists of 250 hours of duration, with permanent access to the course contents and with the assignment of a personalized follow-up tutor with which to solve any type of Doubts.

The course also consists of a highly specialized syllabus of 11 theoretical modules, with theoretical and practical questions at the end of each of them and with a final section of clinical cases.

The Course on Gender Violence at Nebrija University It is another of the recommended options to consider. This online course on Gender Violence consists of 200 hours, as well as 8 Credits ECTS and is aimed at all those professionals who wish to train in this field of intervention.

With the completion of it, each student will receive an Accredited Degree by the Antonio de Nebrija University, with which they will be able to access job boards and multiple hiring possibilities.

The course agenda consists of 10 very complete units with which all participants will know the theoretical bases of gender violence and its treatment modalities.

University Institute of Dynamic Psychology proposes this Specialist course in Family Therapy and Couples Therapy. Family and Couples Therapy is one of the most used forms of psychotherapeutic intervention in the Today, and for any professional interested in learning its essential mechanisms, training is necessary quality.

This course is especially aimed at all those professionals interested in integrating the theoretical and practical bases of this type of intervention in their daily professional intervention. The course consists of 10 modules of theoretical and practical training with the most important contents in the field of Family and Couples Therapy, all in a total of 220 hours.

This course of Diploma in Psychological Attention in Mental Health by the Catholic University of Colombia It is aimed at any professional who wishes to train in the main current clinical intervention skills, as well as in the design of the best strategies for each case.

This Diploma is offered online and consists of 7 specialized courses in various fields of intervention, all of them of short duration and taught by the best teachers of the Catholic University of Colombia.

The Specialist course in Applied Sports Psychology organized by the University Institute of Dynamic Psychology it is also highly recommended. Sports Psychology has experienced a real boom in recent years and currently has acquired an importance analogous to that of any of the classical areas of psychological intervention.

This course is totally online, it consists of 250 hours of duration and its content is theoretical-practical, with 12 modules that condense the main contents of Sports Psychology.

This course on Feminisms and Gender Approach by the Universidad de Los Andes It is taught by Ana Lucía Jaramillo and Elvira Vargas Trujillo, teachers specialized in Feminism and Gender.

The course consists of 4 credits and is divided into two parts: the first on methodological and conceptual tools of the feminism and the gender approach, and the second, which is about narrative, bodily and media.

The course Interventions for Health Promotion of the University of Los Andes It is led by Associate Professor Carolyn Flinck, and it will work on promoting healthy habits from evidence-based approaches from health psychology.

The course consists of 3 credits and its contents are theoretical-practical.

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