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The most powerful kings in history

The most powerful kings in history - Find out who they are

The history of humanity is full of powerful leaders, people who not only influenced the world of their time, but performed feats so magnificent that they have reached our time. Some of these rulers came to have much of the known world at their feet, others They changed the world through their decisions, and others won battles that are still remembered in the present. Today in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about the most powerful kings in history, to tell you the life of some of the most influential men.

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  1. The most important of the Old Age
  2. The most important kings of the Middle Ages
  3. The most important kings of the Modern Age and Contemporary Age

The most important of the Ancient Age.

It is worth mentioning that when referring to the most powerful kings in history we are going to talk about the political leaders of the states, some possessing the title of emperor or pharaoh, but having the responsibilities and functions of the Kings. First of all we are going to talk about the most powerful kings in the Ancient Age.

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The best known king of the ancient city of Babylon. He ruled from 630 BC. C until 562 a. C. Among his great feats, it is worth mentioning the conquest of Judah and Jerusalem, two events that caused the Bible to give a negative image of him. Another important fact about Nebuchadnezzar is the construction side of him, since throughout his reign he tried to convert Babylon in a city full of wonders, such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.

Ramses II

Ramses II was the third pharaoh of the XIX Dynasty of Egypt, being one of the best known pharaohs, due to the large number of feats that he performed throughout his almost 70 years of reign. For many Ramses is the last great pharaoh of Egypt, among other things because of his great expansion campaigns and because of his great constructions in Egypt.

Alexander the Great

For many he is the best general of all time. Alexander the Great he was king of Macedonia, pharaoh of Egypt and king of Media and Persia, founding numerous cities in all his territories, such as the great Alexandria. His empire stretched from Greece to the Indus Valley and into Egypt, and his victories over other civilizations are still studied in military academies. The importance of Alexander is demonstrated by the great influence that he has had in history, being the example to be followed by many of the most powerful kings in history.


Trajano was emperor of the Roman Empire for almost 20 years, being the first Hispanic emperor of the Empire. The importance of him lies in the fact that during his rule, Rome had the greatest expansion in its entire history, being considered by some historians as the last great conqueror of Rome.

The most powerful kings in history - Find out who they are - The most important of the Ancient Age

The most important kings of the Middle Ages.

We continue with this lesson talking to you, now, of the most important during the Middle Ages. They are as follows:

Justinian I

Justinian was emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. His reign was marked by the reconquest of part of the territories of the Western Roman Empire, lost during the barbarian invasions. His victories against the Ostrogoths and Vandals demonstrate the great power he came to have.

Genghis Khan

When speaking of the most powerful kings in history, we must not forget those of the East. Genghis Khan was the leader of the great Mongol Empire, the empire continued with the longest extension in all of history. The territory conquered by Genghis stretched from the easternmost part of Europe to the Pacific Ocean, and from Siberia to the Indochina Peninsula. Genghis died before he could invade the rest of Europe, but his exploits and his empire prove that he is one of the most powerful leaders in history.


Saladin was a sultan of Egypt and Syria who faced Christianity during the Crusades. His victory over the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin has made him considered one of the great Islamic leaders. His best known exploits are those surrounding the Third Crusade, where he faced Richard I of England, who wanted to regain the Holy Land.


Charlemagnehe was King of the Franks and Emperor Augustus. During his reign he faced Muslims, Slavs and Saxons, conquering territories that were unified with the rest of Charlemagne's domains in the so-called Carolingian Empire. His conquests have led some historians to call him "the father of Europe", since without his exploits the later European monarchies could not have existed.

The most powerful kings in history - Find out who they are - The most important kings of the Middle Ages

The most important kings of the Modern Age and Contemporary Age.

During the Modern Age and the Contemporary Age, there are three monarchies that brought together the most powerful kings of the time. Each of the monarchies had a period of splendor, in which they had more power than the other two. These stages are marked by the government of some of the most important kings in history.

Spanish monarchy

The period of greatest splendor of the Spanish monarchy was during the 16th century, during the reign of Carlos V of Germany and I of Spain, and of Felipe II. Both monarchs were known as the "Greater Austrias”And during her reign, Spain achieved its peak period, becoming the greatest power in the world at that time.

The inheritance of Carlos I, which brought together the domains of the Habsburgs and the Trastamara, and the conquest of America, led Spain to be the Empire where the sun never set. In this other lesson we discover a summary of The Habsburgs and the Bourbons.

English monarchy

We can speak of two predominant dynasties in the history of the English monarchy, which are:

  • The Tudor House: The Tudor House achieved great power in the years when it took over the British crown. Henry VIII established himself as supreme head of the English Church, breaking with the Roman Catholic Church, and managing to strengthen the royal power. The other important monarch of the Tudors was Elizabeth I, it was during her reign that England lived a time of economic and social development, and in which it became a rival of the monarchy Spanish.
  • Hannover House: During the reign of the Hannovers, England became a great world power. It is worth noting the reign of Victoria I, since during her reign, England reached its maximum economic potential possible, thanks to the Industrial Revolution, and the British Empire became one of the largest empires in the world. story.

French monarchy

As for the French monarchy, we must speak of two people, a king and an emperor. During the reign of both, France became the first world power. These rulers are as follows:

  • Louis XIVNicknamed the Sun King, he ruled France for 72 years. His reign is marked by an increase in the influence of France in Europe, achieving great military victories against other European states.
  • Napoleon bonaparte: Emperor of France and King of Italy. During his rule as emperor he managed to take control of almost all of Europe. He is considered one of the great military geniuses in history, revolutionizing the military systems of the time.
The most powerful kings in history - Find out who they are - The most important kings of the Modern Age and Contemporary Age

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