Education, study and knowledge

Top 9 Psychologists in Yuma (Arizona)

Oscar Villicaña Garcia She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California and has a Diploma issued by the Institute of Integrative Systemic Therapies, specialized in the specific study of Cognitive Psychotherapy Behavioral.

This professional psychologist has great ability to deal with difficulties such as developmental disorders, low self-esteem, mismanagement of the emotion of anger or depression.

Maria Jesus Gutierrez Tellez She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the University of Barranquilla and later, she specialized via Diploma in the implementation and application of Medical Sexology.

This psychologist often treats patients who are experiencing difficulties in her consultation such as depression, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), substance abuse, or codependency.

Mily gomez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Northern Arizona and has a remarkable experience of more than 15 years, in which this specialist has continuously exercised the exercise of psychology.

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Her preferred methodology is cognitive behavioral therapy, a way of proceeding that to date has has ensured great results when treating difficulties such as anxiety, depression or stress labor.

Zayro Jimenez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona and it should also be noted that this specialist has extensive experience in the use of therapy cognitive behavioral and also in the specific treatment, of the psychological difficulties that sometimes those who belong to the community suffer LGTBI.

We can go to her consultation if, for example, we are going through a serious depression, an anxiety disorder, a possible phobia, an insomnia problem or even, if we are immersed in a stage with a very low esteem.

Iris Alvarez placeholder image She is a chartered psychologist who is an expert in the practice of EMDR therapy and in the specific treatment of psychological difficulties of a sexual nature.

This specialist has the ability to perform therapy in both English and Spanish and in addition, she also offers everyone her patients the possibility of receiving treatment through video calls in the event that they cannot travel.

He often deals with difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, codependency or family conflicts.

Frania Sortillon She graduated in Psychology from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico and after spending some time, she took the decision to specialize in Mental Health by completing a Master's degree through Grand Canyon University of Arizona.

At present we can go to your consultation if we find ourselves suffering from an anxiety disorder, depression, a codependency problem or if, for example, we have been victims of a case of violence at some point in our lives domestic.

Claudia Patricia Lopez She graduated in Psychology through Arizona State University and later, she gradually specialized in little with the passage of time in the correct application of psychotherapy in both children and adults or teenagers.

Where this specialist undoubtedly possesses greater skill is in the specific treatment of psychological difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression or trauma.

Carolyn M. Guajardo She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona and has an experience of almost 8 years, in which this psychologist has worked continuously in the field of mental health.

Throughout her professional career, this specialist has been able to treat on more than one occasion some difficulties such as mismanagement of the emotion of anger, anxiety disorders or postpartum depression.

Jetzabel Morales-Pastrana She earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Phoenix Arizona and since then, it is worth mentioning that she has accumulated a great experience in the use of Art therapy and in the implementation of therapy EMDR.

She is an expert treating difficulties such as chronic depression, job stress, anxiety disorders and general lack of motivation.

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