Education, study and knowledge

The best 14 Psychologists in Cartagena de Indias

Manuel Duarte He has a degree in Psychology from the Santo Tomás de Aquino University and also has a Higher Degree in Family Consulting Specialist from the University of La Salle.

Throughout more than 20 years of professional career, this therapist has specialized in caring for people of all ages, as well as couples, parents and also families, both in person at their consultation and on-line.

Some of his intervention specialties are infidelity cases, divorce proceedings, family and marital problems of all kinds and also school difficulties in children and teenagers.

The psychologist Leandro Fernandez He has specialized in providing a psychology and neuropsychology service to people of all ages and also couples.

Her services are offered online and some of the areas that she successfully addresses are disorders of learning and development, marital problems, neurocognitive disorders, brain damage, anxiety and depression.

Leandro Fernández has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Cali, he has a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the San Buenaventura University and she is a specialist in Evaluation and Diagnosis Neuropsychological.

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The therapist Hilda sanint She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Manizales, she has a Postgraduate Specialist in Consulting and Systemic Therapy from the same university and she has extensive experience at the Clinical and Organizational.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in applying various therapies of proven efficacy to treat with success various problems and disorders, among which are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Systemic Therapy and Therapy Gestalt.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online, it is integrative in nature and some of its main specialties are addictions, anxiety, emotional problems, depression, family conflict and low esteem.

The Psychologist and Coach Catalina Munoz Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving adults individually, couples and also groups, both in person and online.

Her therapeutic process focuses on Being, Feeling and Doing, applying different therapies for each client. coming from Psychology, Coaching and spirituality, all of them adapted to the specific needs of person.

Among her main intervention specialties, stress cases, addictions, impulsivity, family conflicts, low self-esteem, emotional problems and divorce.

Susana Castilla she has a degree in psychology and a master's degree in educational neuropsychology from the university Internacional de la Rioja, becoming a great specialist in the field of neuropsychology childish.

She is an expert in clinical psychology and educational psychology, having treated patients affected by dyslexia, encopresis and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD.

Maria Jose Agresott She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, and she has a Master's degree in Systemic Family Therapy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She specializes in the fields of clinical psychology, family therapy, and sexual and couples therapy, having she treated patients with obsessive compulsive disorder, affected by bullying or bullying, and with anxiety disorders and depression.

Juliana Cepeda She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, and is a specialist in Clinical Psychology and Child Development from the same organization.

Throughout her career as a mental health professional, she has specialized in pediatric psychology, clinical psychology and in humanistic therapy, treating patients with dysthymia, anxiety and depression disorders, and attention deficit disorders, among others.

Maria Camila Bustillo She has a degree in Psychology from the University of San Buenaventura and is specialized in the field of educational psychology, family and couples therapy, and psychotherapy in adults, adolescents and kids.

Among the psychological pathologies that he has treated the most, the behavioral disorders, the situations of low self-esteem and depression, and addictions to different types of substances such as alcohol and tobacco.

Oswaldo Ortiz He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, in addition to being a specialist in psychotherapy, in the field of neuropsychology and in neurolinguistic programming.

He is a great expert in clinical psychology, in psychological evaluation and in psychotherapy, having treated patients with panic disorders, anxiety disorders or social phobia, and obsessive compulsive disorder, known by the acronym of TOC.

Victoria Lozano Maldonado She has a degree in Psychology and a specialist in the treatment of patients with mental disorders, family and couples therapy, and diagnosis and intervention in children and adolescents.

She is a great expert in pediatric psychology, couples and sex therapy, and family therapy, having treated patients with learning problems, affected by workplace bullying, and anxiety, stress and depression disorders, among other types of pathologies psychological.

Scarlett rodriguez She has a degree in Psychology, and is specialized in clinical psychology for children and adolescents, specifically in the approach she is a cognitive behavioral therapist, having improved the psychological well-being of her patients thanks to her therapy sessions.

He is an expert in conduct disorders, depressive disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, among other types of psychological problems.

Jaime Enrique Acosta placeholder image He has a degree in Psychology and is a great expert in the area of ​​clinical psychology, therapy family and sexual and couples therapy, being one of the most recognized professionals in this countryside.

During his career, he has been able to treat patients affected by sexual and relationship disorders, sexual dysfunctions, and disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Andres Alvarez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenaventura, in addition to having completed a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Abbreviated Therapy and being one of the best specialist in depression disorders.

Throughout his professional career, he has specialized in the area of ​​family and couples therapy, treating people with anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and situations of low self-esteem and depression.

Ricardo Enrique Lozano placeholder image He has a degree in Social Psychology and Psychooncology from the Fundación Psicooncológica del Caribe, in addition to be an expert in couples therapy, personal growth, self-esteem and different types of pathologies psychological.

Since its inception, it has specialized in social psychology, family therapy, and sexual and couples therapy, having treated patients affected by panic disorders, sleep disorders, and personality disorder dependent.

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