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The 13 best Psychologists for Couples Therapy in Bogotá

The psychologist Maria Guadalupe Bohórquez She is one of the most prominent professionals in the field of couples therapy and her sessions are They offer both in person and remotely, for those who cannot travel.

Graduated in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, this professional has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Diploma in Alternative Therapies and a Graduate in Gestalt Psychotherapy Integrative.

His intervention also integrates therapeutic modalities such as the Cognitive-behavioral approach or Relational Therapy, with which he successfully attends relationship and communication problems in the couple, deficits in anger management, anxiety, emotional dependence and conflict relatives.

The psychologist Manuel Antonio Duarte She has a degree in Psychology from the Santo Tomás de Aquino University and has a Higher Degree in Family Consulting Specialist.

That is why this professional has extensive training in serving families of all kinds and also couples who are going through for a bad time and present emotional, relational or behavioral problems, as well as problems with children or cases of infidelity.

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Throughout more than 20 years of experience, this professional has perfected an intervention based on commitment to the client and offered both in person and remotely.

The psychologist Catalina Munoz She graduated in Psychology from the Envigado University Institution and has a Higher Degree in Professional Coach from Axon Training.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adults of all ages, couples and also groups. Her intervention is based on the integration of various psychological therapies together with Coaching and spirituality in order to carry out a holistic and comprehensive treatment.

Catalina Muñoz attends both in person and online, and her specialties include addictions, codependency, low self-esteem, stress, family conflicts, emotional problems and cases of divorce.

The psychologist Yoana Andrea Losada Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving couples of all ages and currently her services are offered both in person and online.

Her intervention integrates various highly effective therapies, all of them adapted to the particular needs of each couple and being the most notable, the cognitive-behavioral approach, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness.

In your consultation you will find a therapist specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, emotional dependence, relationship problems, divorce processes and conflicts relatives.

The psychologist Johana Caro Garcia She is a specialist in serving couples of all ages who may be going through a bad time right now.

Her intervention is based on permanent collaboration between client and therapist throughout the process, and some of its main specialties are emotional problems, addictions, cases of anxiety or depression and deficits in skills social.

The psychologist Mauricio Saenz He has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia, he has a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology by the International University of Valencia and has two Postgraduate Degrees in Epidemiology and Psychology Occupational.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in serving people of all ages, as well as also couples, both in person and by video call, depending on the needs of each customer.

Her intervention is based on the integration of various effective therapies, with which she attends to cases of anxiety and depression, relationship problems, addictions, trauma, eating disorders and disorders of the personality.

The psychologist Yorleny urquijo She is a specialist in serving adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families, both in person and online with all possible comforts.

Her intervention is based on the application of the best therapies of proven efficacy adapted to each couple, among which are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with family conflicts, cases of anxiety and impulsivity, depression, low self-esteem, suicidal ideations and problems emotional

The psychologist Elsy Vargas Vergara She has a degree from Sanitas University, a specialist in Sexual and Couples Therapy, a Master's in Higher Education Teaching and a Diploma in Clinical Sexology and Human Sexuality.

Her intervention is aimed at adults, couples and also families, being some of her specialties, the cases of emotional dependence, sexual dysfunctions, cases of sexual or gender-based violence, bereavement and low esteem.

Her sessions are also offered in person or remotely for those clients who request it.

The psychologist Cecilia Zamora Espitia she serves people of all ages, as well as families and couples, in person and online.

Graduated in Psychology from the National University of Colombia, this professional has extensive training in Systemic Therapy, Psychoanalysis and also in Family and Couple Therapy.

His intervention specialties include depression, grief processes, personal stress or labor, couple conflicts, eating disorders, breakups and dysfunctions sexual.

Francy Pastaz Guevara She is an expert in family and couples therapy, as well as in dealing with problems in the relationship or raising children.

Her intervention is also offered in the telematic modality and some of the areas that this professional tackles with success are: depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, addictions, emotional dependence, and disorders food.

In addition to that, her main degrees are a Bachelor of Psychology from the Incca University of Colombia, a Master's Degree in Clinical and Family Psychology and a Specialization in Psychology of Organizations.

The Clinical Psychologist TO. Marcela Ruiz Gutierrez She has extensive experience in the intervention in children, adolescents, adults and also couples, for all kinds of disorders and emotional problems, in person or by video call.

Graduated in Psychology from the Santo Tomás de Aquino University, this professional also has a Master in Clinical Psychology, a Specialty in Regressive Therapy and Intervention Training in Crisis.

Besides that, some of her specialties are Sexual Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Domestic Violence, Grief, and Eating Disorders.

The Clinical Psychologist Diana Marcela Cante Ruiz She has a degree in Psychology from the Minuto de Dios University and is a specialist in Clinical Hypnosis, Gestalt Therapy and Family and Couples Therapy.

In his consultations, also offered online, this professional attends dependency cases emotional, alcoholism and addictions of all kinds, obsessive-compulsive disorder, jealousy and depression.

The psychologist Andres Rivera He has a degree in Psychology and Literature from the Universidad de Los Andes and also has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology.

Throughout his career, this professional has specialized in cases of mismanagement of personal relationships, depression, addictions, emotional dependence, anxiety and adjustment disorders, through face-to-face sessions or on-line.

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