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The 26 Best Psychologists in Los Angeles (California)

The Psychology Clinic Healthy Center has a team of highly qualified multidisciplinary therapists specialized in caring for children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples.

The services of the center are adapted at all times to the particular needs of each client and based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by professionals around the world. world.

In this clinic you will find a team of psychologists specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, relationship problems, self-esteem deficits, weight problems, learning disorders, cases of ADHD and stress.

The psychologist Margalida serra She graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master in Child and Family Psychology, another Master in Clinical Adult Psychology, a Master's Degree in Parental Coordination, a Postgraduate Degree in Legal Psychology and a Master's Degree in Conflict Resolution Teenagers.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving children and adolescents of all ages, as well as adults, families and also couples who request her services, all online with all the comforts and guarantees possible.

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Her intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy and some of her most notable specialties are divorce processes, family conflicts, infidelity cases, anxiety, depression, gender-based violence and reporting expert witnesses.

The psychologist Monica Dosil She has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's Degree in Social Gerontology from the same university, a Master in Eating Disorders, a Master in Child and Adolescent Psychology and a Training Course in Coaching in Results.

Throughout more than 25 years of experience, this professional has specialized in applying diverse therapies adapted to the client's needs, such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Coaching or Psychology Positive.

Her services are offered online to people of all ages, as well as couples and families who can have anxiety or depression problems, low self-esteem, stress, sexual difficulties, and emotional problems around kind.

Nancy Carolina Damian She is one of the most recommended psychologists and with a more distinguished career that we can find in Los Angeles.

She cares for both adults and young people and infants in any type of psychological difficulty that may arise. You can contact her to receive more information and to get an appointment to start your therapeutic process.

Maria Sol Stagnitto She is a psychologist specialized in anxiety problems and in psychotherapeutic care for the adult population, as well as a trainer in workshops and courses on emotion management. She works from cognitive therapy, Mindfulness (Mindfulness) and meditation, effective tools for a wide variety of problems that are easy to adapt to each case.

This professional has a lot of experience in the intervention of problems such as anxiety problems, work stress, low self-esteem, insomnia, poor regulation of anger, and more. On the other hand, she also offers job counseling.

The psychologist Dove king It is another of the most recommended options where to go to request an online psychological care service aimed at people of all ages and also couples.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in applying the cognitive-behavioral approach, with high proven evidence, with which treats cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, relationship problems, emotional dependence, ADHD and disorders of learning.

Paloma Rey has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities and a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology.

The online psychotherapy center Psychology 360 serves children, adolescents, adults and also couples in online sessions with all possible comforts and an affordable price.

The team of professionals at this center has the highest standards of professional qualification and the main therapies they apply, adapted at all times to the client's needs are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Brief Therapy, Mindfulness and Therapy Humanistic.

Regarding the areas that the therapists of this center successfully address, eating disorders, depression, stress, anxiety, sexual difficulties, stress and work problems, low self-esteem and conflict relatives.

The Clinical Psychologist Lorraine gonzalez She graduated in Psychology from UNED and is a co-founder of the online psychotherapy center Serena Psychology, where she attends to women of all ages together with a team of multidisciplinary therapists and specialists in various areas of intervention.

Her sessions are based on the Cognitive-behavioral approach, widely applied among therapists around the world, with which she treats anxiety disorders and depression, relationship or family problems, orientation in the care of children and problems of all kinds derived from motherhood, pregnancy or Birth.

Lorena González has a Master's Degree in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse, she is a Senior Technician in Family Mediation and has a Postgraduate Specialist in Psychopathology and Health and with another Postgraduate Specialist in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Childhood and Adolescence.

Arodi Martinez She graduated with honors from the InterAmerican University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, she has a Ph.D. in Psychology, a Master of General Psychology from the same university and also has certifications in various areas and techniques specific.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in applying an integrative therapy in which he adapts various therapies of proven efficacy to the interests of each person served.

Her services are offered online to children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may have problems with anxiety or depression, low self-esteem, alcoholism, internet or video game addiction, sex addiction or cases of abuse sexual.

The psychologist Esther Julia Throughout his career, he has specialized in providing an online psychotherapy service aimed at adults of all ages, from a comprehensive point of view.

Esther Julia has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Les Illes Balears, she has a Master's Degree in Coaching and Mentoring from UNIR and another Master's Degree in Sports Psychology from UNED.

Some of the areas that this professional attends in her private practice are anxiety and depression disorders, emotional management problems, self-awareness deficits, low self-esteem and problems in managing go to.

The psychologist Juliet Araoz runs one of the best psychology centers in Spain, the center Psychologists Majadahonda, where she serves people of all ages offering an online therapy service together with the multidisciplinary team of professionals at the center.

This therapist has more than 10 years of experience and is a specialist in caring for adults of all ages and also couples who may be going through a bad time in their relationship, applying for each case the best therapies adapted to the customer.

Among her intervention specialties, anxiety and depression disorders, work problems, deficits in social relationships, personality disorders, low self-esteem, cases of infidelity and deficits in the management of go to.

The Clinical Psychologist Maria de jesus gutierrez She is a specialist in serving children, adolescents, adults and also couples through an online therapy service with all possible comforts and attention.

Throughout more than 10 years of career, this professional has specialized in treating cases of ADHD, spectrum disorders autism, anxiety and depression, codependency, addictions and also cases of separation, divorce and also on call and custody.

María de Jesús Gutiérrez is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, she has a Diploma in Sexology Medical, another in Developmental Disorders, a Diploma in Couple Breakup and a Postgraduate in Legal Psychology and Forensic.

The General Health Psychologist Nuria Miranda She has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands, has a Master's degree in Child Neuropsychology, a Diploma in Solution-Focused Therapy and a Higher Degree in Brief Systemic Intervention Focused on Solutions.

For more than 15 years, this professional has specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults and also families and currently she offers her services online.

Her intervention is based on the integration of various therapies of proven efficacy in order to attend with success with self-esteem problems, family conflicts, stress, addictions and dependency emotional.

The psychologist Isabel Zanon She graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the same university, she says with a Postgraduate Specialist in Gender Discomforts and has great mastery when it comes to applying the cognitive-behavioral approach and Mindfulness.

His intervention is offered online with all possible comforts and is aimed at women who may have any type of problem, both individually and in the therapy modality of couple.

This professional is an expert in female emotional well-being and emotional intelligence and her intervention is based on the integrated application of various therapies highly effective, with which it deals with cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, trauma and violence problems of gender.

The General Health Psychologist Javier Ares Throughout his career, he has specialized in serving teenagers, adults and couples who are going through a bad time online.

His intervention is integrative and is based on the integrated application of various effective therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach or Mindfulness, with which treats cases of anxiety and depression, family or partner conflicts, shyness, social phobia and deficits in the management of go to.

Javier Ares has a Graduate in Psychology from the UCM, has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, another Master's Degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and a Training Course in EMDR Therapy.

The psychologist Melisa Mirabet She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Belgrano, she has a University Postgraduate Degree in Psychopathology and Cognitive Psychotherapy and she also has a Training Course in Mindfulness and another in Psychopharmacology in Psychology Clinic.

Its services are offered online and with all possible comforts to adults, couples and also families who may have problems with anxiety, depression, stress, low self-esteem, deficits in sports performance or problems relational.

His intervention is based on the joint application of various effective therapies, among which Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Brief Therapy stand out.

The psychologist Melissa santamaria throughout her career, she has specialized in offering a psychological care service to people of all ages, as well as well as families and couples, and currently provides an online therapy service in Los Angeles with all the comforts possible.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology from Atlantic International University, this therapist has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy from the same university and she also has a specialization in Treatments for Anxiety and Stress due to IAEU.

Melissa Santamaría integrates in her interventions various therapies of proven efficacy such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or the Mindfulness, with which she treats cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, personality disorders and addictions.

The psychologist Aribeth San Martin Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults and couples online.

Her intervention integrates various therapies adapted to the particular needs of each client and among her intervention specialties include cases of alcoholism, substance abuse, codependency, anxiety, low self-esteem and addiction to the internet or to video game.

Aribeth San Martín has a degree in Psychology from the Villa Rica University, has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy She is psychoanalytic from the Intercontinental University and a Diploma in Child Psychotherapy from the Centro de Estudios Psychological.

The psychologist Marta Valmaña Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults, seniors, couples, and also families. Currently its services are offered online with all possible comforts for the client.

If you wish to request their services, in your consultation you will find a highly qualified therapist specialized in treating cases of anxiety or depression, family conflicts, low self-esteem, relationship problems, school difficulties, learning disorders and cases of ADHD.

The psychologist Marcelo sitnisky He has a Bachelor of Psychology from the Maimonides University and also a Bachelor of Administration from the University of Belgrano.

Currently, this professional offers an online therapy service aimed at adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who may be going through a bad time in their relationship.

His intervention integrates therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Mindfulness or EMDR Therapy, tools with which he attends to the addictions, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, codependency, deficits in social skills and orientation problems labor.

The Clinical Psychologist Diego Tzoymaher He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of Belgrano and another Postgraduate Degree in Anxiety Disorders.

For more than 17 years, this professional has specialized in serving people of all kinds online the ages, that is, to children, adolescents, adults, elderly people and also couples who request their services.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, a therapy of proven efficacy that she integrates together with other psychological orientations, with which she attends to the cases of anxiety and depression, stress, relational problems, internet addiction, stress, insomnia problems and deficits in the management of go to.

Roberto Vado She graduated from Argosy University of Southern California in 2011 so she is a psychologist with almost 10 years of experience.

This psychologist specializes in treating adolescents between the ages of 14 and 19 and adults has a great deal of experience in treating problems such as anxiety disorders, adolescent obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

Roberto Vado also has services of sports psychology for professional and semi-professional athletes who need them.

Edna lopez she is another licensed psychologist from Argosy University of Southern California. She has several specializations including emotional disorders and emotional assistance for people from the LGBT community.

This psychologist may be the professional you need if you have racial identity problems, low self-esteem or you find yourself in a relationship feeling codependent on your partner. Among the services that she offers are also coaching and self-improvement psychology.

Lupita kirklin She has a degree in Psychology from California Lutheran University, and she already has more than 15 years of experience in the field of mental health, in addition to also having a master's degree in Clinical Psychology.

The average cost of her sessions is 225 dollars and in them she can help both children and adolescents with learning disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and brain trauma childhood. She speaks Spanish and English.

Tamara goldstein She graduated from California Lutheran University in 2006 and also has a master's degree in Clinical Psychology from the same institution.

This psychologist offers help to both children and adolescents, adults and the elderly and is an expert in helping couples who are in times of crisis or some of the breakup for reasons such as infidelities, depressive disorders, moments of low self-esteem that lead to toxic situations and parenting problems with sons.

In Lincoln Heights, near Dodger Stadium, we can find another of the best psychology professionals in Los Angeles, Yadira Enriquez.

She received her BA in Clinical Psychology from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor in 2010 and has several her formations of interest among which stand out that of emotional disorders of anxiety and depression and that of therapy of couple.

This psychologist is an expert in treating people from the LGBT community and can also assist people who are grieving for the loss of loved ones.

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