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The best 12 Psychologists in Sincelejo

The psychologist Maria Guadalupe Bohórquez Espitia She has a Higher Degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and a Graduate in Alternative Gestalt Psychotherapy.

In her consultation you will find a quality professional specialized in serving children of all ages online, as well as adults, couples and families who request her services.

Besides that, some of her main intervention specialties are relational problems, anxiety, stress, family conflict, anxiety, codependency and deficits in the management of go to.

The Clinical Psychologist Melissa santamaria She is one of the most recommended professionals in Colombia and currently her services are offered online to adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, with great empirical evidence, with which he successfully attends the cases of anxiety and depression, addictions, low self-esteem, family conflicts, stress and personality disorders.

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Melissa Santamaría has a degree in Psychology from Atlantic International University, she has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and she also has a specialization in the treatments of anxiety and stress.

The clinical psychologist C. Miguel Galvan Doria is a specialist in serving adults, couples and also families through the application of therapy Cognitive-behavioral integrated together with the systemic approach, adapted to the particular needs of each person or people served.

He is the ideal therapist to go to in case of a relationship problem or family conflict, as well as anxiety, depression, sexual difficulties, cases of alcoholism, stress and grieving processes pathological.

This professional offers face-to-face or home care and also has a Master's Degree in Family Psychology and Couple, he is an expert in Virtual Higher Education, Pedagogy and is also a University Professional specializing in education.

The psychologist Eduardo Linares placeholder image He is another of the most outstanding professionals in Sincelejo and his intervention is offered to both adults and couples, telematically with all the care for the person attended.

Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, Eduardo Linares has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and is a specialist in Brief Advanced Therapy, among other therapies with proven efficacy.

Over more than 20 years, this therapist has gained knowledge and experience to successfully treat cases of depression and stress, grieving processes, emotional dependence, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and cases of abuse sexual.

The Clinical Psychologist Vanessa Garcia Quijano She is a specialist in Child Neuropsychology, couples therapy and also family therapy.

The main tools that he masters to carry out his interventions are Brief Therapy, Family, Business and Team Coaching, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and also Therapy Gestalt.

In addition to that, among his intervention specialties, learning disorders, disorders eating behavior, depression, emotional dependence, cases of ADHD, bullying at work or at school and stress.

The clinical psychologist Carlos Daniel Herazo He also cares for adults individually, couples, families and support groups, in his private practice in Sincelejo.

In addition to that, Carlos Daniel Herazo is also a specialist in offering an orientation service professional training, business training and psychometric tests using the best tools psychological.

Her intervention is based on Brief Therapy, one of the most applied by professionals around the world, and some of the areas that this professional successfully addresses are: eating disorders, anxiety, emotional dependence, work problems, parenting problems, stress and difficulties sexual.

The psychologist Ilse Cecilia Villamil Benitez She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and a Master's degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, another TECH Master in Psychotherapy studied in Spain and is a specialist in Humanist Therapy Existential.

This Clinical Psychologist offers her services to adults of any age, both in person and remotely and being some of her main areas of intervention, cases of depression and stress, grief, adjustment disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and disorders of anxiety.

The Clinical Psychologist Maria Claudia Ganem Luna She is an expert in Humanistic Psychology, Coaching, Mindfulness and EMDR Therapy, therapies that she applies in an integrated way in her Montería consultation.

This professional serves adults, couples, families and also offers a Business Coaching and Training service, Team or Family Coaching, for those who request it.

Likewise, some of the main areas that this professional addresses in his workplace are the cases of depression, stress problems, anxiety disorders, social phobia, and stress disorder post-traumatic.

The psychologist Rafael Diaz He has a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of San Buenaventura and is a specialist in both Neuropsychological evaluation and cognitive rehabilitation, services that he offers in his office in Montería.

Her intervention is offered to children and adolescents as well as to adults and older adults, some of the areas that she successfully addresses are the problems of attention or memory, accidents caused by brain trauma and also psychological problems such as anxiety, depression or emotional problems of all.

The psychologist Eliana Munoz She is a specialist in offering a Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation service to people of all ages.

Some of her intervention specialties are cognitive problems of all kinds, mainly those related to attention, memory, or language, as well as autism spectrum disorders, disability, and disorders neurodegenerative.

The Clinical Psychologist Isabel Cristina Lafont Montoya Throughout her career she has specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families through cognitive-behavioral therapy.

His intervention is offered both in person and remotely and the main areas that he successfully addresses are the cases of anxiety and depression, autism spectrum disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

The Clinical Psychologist Yanin Santoya He is also a specialist in Neuropsychology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and also Vocational Guidance and Business Training.

His intervention is aimed at adults individually, couples and also businessmen or professionals and the main areas It treats are generalized anxiety disorders, bulimia nervosa, stress, conduct disorders, and dysthymia.

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