Education, study and knowledge

Learn history online for free

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Do you want to learn history online? Then you are in the right place! At unPROFESOR we put at your disposal a wide variety of free history notes so that you can study and prepare your homework. You can also attend online classes conducted by qualified teachers and history specialists. In this way, you will be able to do a good review of history and study more and better without having to leave home. We offer classes for all levels, from elementary to high school, and covering all periods of history: Ancient, Middle Ages, Modern Ages, Contemporary Ages... We also have a section on the History of Spain and America so that you can deepen your knowledge.

  • a teacher
  • social Sciences
  • Story
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What is the Odyssey

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "What is the Odyssey ".What is the Odyssey. The...

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Biography of Attila, King of the Huns

Biography of Attila, King of the Huns

Image: Cinema DiaryAttila was the most powerful king and the last of the Huns, a nomadic people f...

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The Fall of Constantinople: Summary

The Fall of Constantinople: Summary

Image: Taringa! The fall of Constantinople marked the end of the last vestige of the Eastern Roma...

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