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The 60 best Art phrases

Undoubtedly, it is through the use of arts such as music, painting or sculpture that the human being has managed to express himself in a totally complete way, a activity thanks to which over time he has been able to immortalize some of his deepest thoughts or some bucolic situations of his life everyday.

There are many thinkers and artists who at some point in their lives have decided to pronounce on what it means for them to carry out this activity, that is why we have decided to make a brief selection with the best famous quotes about art.

Famous phrases and quotes about art

In addition, we have also decided to make a brief description of each of them in which we will reveal which one it is. our personal interpretation, its meaning and what the artist wanted to communicate to us when making that comment concrete.

1. Music is synonymous with freedom, to play what you want and how you want, as long as it is good and has passion, that music is the food of love. (Kurt D. Cobain)

Music has always been a great escape route for many people and at the time, this too It was the only escape a Washington-born young man named Kurt Cobain could find. (Nirvana).

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2. Music is to the soul what gymnastics is to the body. (Plato)

It is thanks to music that many of us are able to get in touch with some of our most intense emotions, something that in practice will allow us to live a series of experiences that can even change us as individuals.

3. The world is full of little joys: art consists in knowing how to distinguish them. (Li Tai-Po)

Art is the gift of knowing how to see beauty even in the smallest things, although on the other hand, it is also true that this highly developed level of sensitivity ends up transforming many artists into truly people unfortunate.

4. I think that a life dedicated to music is a life beautifully spent, and that is what I have dedicated mine to. (Luciano Pavarotti)

Music was always his great passion for Pavarotti, the only activity to which he was totally willing to dedicate his entire life.

5. The good thing about cinema is that for two hours the problems belong to others. (Pedro Ruiz)

Thanks to some arts such as cinema, many people manage to forget even for a minute some of our most unwanted problems, without a doubt that is why this art each year that passes counts more millions of adepts.

6. Without music, life would be a mistake. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Even the pragmatic philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche surrenders to the benefits of music, a type of art that can certainly greatly influence the lives of millions of people.

7. If inspiration doesn't come to me, I go out to meet it, halfway there. (Sigmund Freud)

Without inspiration, no artist is capable of making a great work, which is why many spend a large part of their lives looking for it with great effort.

8. Sometimes you have to spoil the painting a little to be able to finish it. (Eugène Delacroix)

The errors of a work are sometimes its greatest virtue, because only by possessing these defects that work has been able to end up becoming something truly unique in the world.

9. Whoever cultivates fantasy in art is a bit crazy. His problem is to make that madness interesting. (François Truffaut)

Although all artists have his particular point of view, only some of them have a point of view that is attractive to others, usually it is that simple fact that ends up differentiating a bad artist from a good artist.

10. Inspiration and genius are almost the same thing. (Victor Hugo)

Only with great inspiration can truly important works of art be created, whether by a recognized genius or a mid-level artist.

11. It is not necessary to believe in what an artist says, but in what he does. (David Hockney)

As David Hockney reveals in this quote, a person can become a great artist and not for that reason become a good person in the private sphere.

12. Women and music should never be dated. (Oliver Goldsmith)

For Oliver Goldsmith, women and music were always his two great passions, two interests that this writer undoubtedly shared with a large number of men today.

13. Music is the most direct art, it enters through the ear and goes to the heart. (Magdalena Martínez)

Certainly, as they say, music has the power to tame beasts, even the toughest man can cry when he hears some of his favorite songs.

14. I'm sure that with good music life gets longer. (Jehudi Menuhin)

Listening to music can lower our blood pressure, lower our stress levels and greatly increase measure our feeling of happiness, characteristics that undoubtedly in the long term can help us live much longer weather.

15. Music is the heart of life. Through her love speaks; Without it there is no good possible and with it everything is beautiful. (Franz Liszt)

Thanks to arts like music, human beings can successfully deal with some really complicated personal situations. Something that would otherwise be very difficult to do without the help of an expert psychologist.

16. Hearing the music is not enough; you also have to see it. (Igor Stravinski)

In order to fully enjoy a song we must stop and listen carefully, otherwise, we will only be staying with those most basic aspects that it offers us.

17. Composing is not difficult, the tricky part is dropping superfluous notes under the table. (Johannes Brahms)

Musical composition is an art available to only a few, an art for which sometimes we must learn to get rid of everything that does not really add anything to our song.

18. Nothing is more damaging to creativity than the fury of inspiration. (Umberto Eco)

An excessive inspiration can lead us to create a work that is too convoluted, so it is convenient, that after a few hours after its completion, let's spend some time reviewing it to be able to eliminate everything that you don't really need.

19. Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknown. (Leonard Bernstein)

Some songs are capable of transmitting us a series of truly incredible experiences, something that with simple words could certainly never be achieved.

20. When I was young I almost always read to learn; Today, sometimes, I read to forget. (Giovanni Papini)

Reading is an activity that can provide us with a great source of wisdom and at the same time allow us to forget even if it is only for a second the world around us, something that without a doubt no other form of artistic expression is capable of doing.

21. Anyone who listens to music feels that his loneliness, suddenly, is populated. (Robert Browning)

Thanks to music we can feel accompanied even in the most remote place in the world, it is because This is why many people who live alone usually have a team of high fidelity.

22. Music is an echo of the invisible world. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

Music can transmit us a series of emotions that transport us to fantasy worlds, a sensation with which many of us can get to travel metaphorically without leaving the comfort of our own home.

23. Who gets angry at the criticism, admits that he deserved it. (Tacit)

The most painful criticisms will always be those that we recognize as true, because we must recognizing as individuals it is sometimes difficult to come to terms with some of our most flawed unwanted.

24. The first merit of a painting is to be a feast to behold. (Eugène Delacroix)

If a painting is not beautiful and impressive it is very difficult for it to come to be valued as it should, that is why as we Delacroix comments in this quote an aspect that is essential for any good painting is always to be striking for the viewer.

25. In music all feelings return to their pure state and the world is nothing but music made reality. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Through music, many artists are able to faithfully express some of their feelings deeper, something that usually generates in the listener an instant spiritual connection with the artist.

26. A bad writer can become a good critic, for the same reason that a bad wine can also become a good vinegar. (François Mauriac)

We are all capable of being very skilled when practicing a certain activity, which many times It usually happens, is that many people have not yet found what is that activity that is really given to us well.

27. No young writer wants constructive criticism as much as praise. (William Hill)

We all want to be praised when we begin our professional careers and like most of us we usually discover, praise in the workplace is usually the unequivocal cause of great learning previous.

28. With the stones that critics throw hard at you, you might as well erect yourself a monument. (Immanuel Kant)

Thanks to criticism we can know what our mistakes are and with it, learn how we should solve them in order to become a better version of ourselves in the future.

29. There are only two rules for writing: have something to say and say it. (Oscar Wilde)

Two basic rules that every writer should always remember, as they say colloquially, think first and then act.

30. Reading a book teaches more than talking to the author about it, because the author, in the book, has only put the best thoughts of him. (Rene Descartes)

By reading a writer we are able to get into his mind, a walk through his thoughts thanks to which we may be able to discover some of his most interesting values ​​and principles.

31. The criticism must be done on time; do not get carried away by the bad habit of criticizing only after the facts have been completed. (Mao Tse-Tung)

Constructive criticism can greatly help an artist, sometimes vitally important information thanks to which he can avoid making an unnecessary mistake.

32. Art is not something that can be taken and left. It is necessary to live. (Oscar Wilde)

As the great writer that Oscar Wild was, art was a whole way of life, something he was simply never willing to live without.

33. A good wine is like a good movie: it lasts a moment and leaves a taste of glory in your mouth; it's new with every sip and, like movies, is born and reborn in every savor. (Federico Fellini)

Fellini was undoubtedly one of the greatest geniuses of the known as the Seventh Art, a true master Thanks to which today we can enjoy great films such as Casanova, Amarcord or La Dolce Vita.

34. Works of art are always born from those who have faced danger, from those who have gone to the extreme of experience, to the point that no human can exceed. The more you see it, the more your own, the more personal, the more unique a life becomes. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

In order to make a work of art, we must first make a great inner journey, a day of reflection. through which we can find all the inspiration we need to be able to express ourselves as we wish.

35. Music is a higher revelation than any philosophy. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Music has the intrinsic power to give us a new way of seeing the world around us, something that philosophy according to Beethoven had never managed to possess.

36. If I paint my dog ​​exactly as he is, naturally I will have two dogs, but not one work of art. (Goethe)

This quote reveals that for this famous 19th century German playwright, the best artistic representation was always one that did not represent reality with great accuracy.

37. Learning music by reading music theory is like making love by mail. (Luciano Pavarotti)

As Lucano Pavarotti points out in this sentence, only through constant practice can an artist become a great musician in the future.

38. The purpose of art is to embody the secret essence of things, not to copy their appearance. (Aristotle)

Art does not have to be a reliable representation of reality, since on many occasions it is this clear lack of reality that gives a work the category of art.

39. Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso was always an artist very dedicated to his art, thanks to working for long hours this painter managed to make some of his most recognizable works.

40. Music is the arithmetic of sounds, just as optics is the geometry of light. (Claude Debussy)

Music is much more complicated than it may sometimes seem at first glance, I encourage you if you are interested in the musical world you learn to play an instrument so that you can see all the complexity that can exist behind a simple song.

41. In truth, if it weren't for the music, there would be more reason to go crazy. (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

It is thanks to music that many people manage to put their emotions in order in their day to day, something that as Tchaikosvki tells us in this quote, these could not be carried out if it were not for his existence.

42. No great artist sees things as they really are; if he did, he would cease to be an artist. (Oscar Wilde)

All great artists tend to have a way of seeing the world around them in a really peculiar way and only by having such an eccentric point of view, they are able to contact the art that characterizes.

43. The talented man is naturally prone to criticism, because he sees more things than other men and he sees them better. (Montesquieu)

Sometimes having a great talent for a certain art will also allow us to see the defects that others they possess when doing it, although it will always depend on us in the last instance to communicate their errors or the fact of not do it.

44. To notice life while it is lived, to catch a glimpse of the implacable greatness of it, to enjoy the time and the people who inhabit it, to celebrate life and the dream of living, that is his art. (Domenico Cieri Estrada)

Living life at its best can be considered an art in itself, a very interesting art that all of us should start practicing as soon as possible.

45. Musicians are terribly unreasonable. They always want you to be totally mute at the very moment that you want to be completely deaf. (Oscar Wilde)

Some musicians do not know how to receive constructive criticism, a very negative way of being that in the long run always ends up causing great damage.

46. Our criticism consists in reproaching others for not having the qualities that we think we have. (Jules Renard)

As the saying goes, whoever is free from sin should cast the first stone. Who are we to discredit the art of others? This is a question that we should all ask ourselves before making any kind of criticism.

47. In art as in love, tenderness is what gives strength. (Oscar Wilde)

Great works of art have usually been made thanks to the great sensitivity that its creator possessed or possesses, something which shows us that in many cases to be able to perform great tasks we will need a large dose of tenderness and patience.

48. All artists have in common the experience of the unfathomable distance that exists between the work of their hands, however successful it may be, and the dazzling perfection of the beauty perceived in it. fervor of the creative moment: what they manage to express in what they paint, sculpt or create is only a faint reflection of the splendor that for a few moments has shone before the eyes of their spirit. (John Paul II)

Art is a form of expression with which we can capture some of our thoughts more far-fetched, an act that only with the simple use of the word we would never be able to cape.

49. Without art, life would be a mistake. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Life without art would undoubtedly be much more gray and anodyne, a situation of great negativity in society that many of us wish we had to go through.

50. Bad books make bad habits and bad habits make good books. (Rene Descartes)

The search for inspiration has led a large number of artists to develop addictions, something that for example happened to Heminway, Van Gogh or Janis Joplin.

51. The art of music is the one that is closest to tears and memories. (Oscar Wilde)

Certainly music has the power to take us temporarily to some of the important moments of our life, that is why some of our favorite songs will accompany us until the last of our days.

52. A painter is a man who paints what he sells. An artist, on the other hand, is a man who sells what he paints. (Pablo Picasso)

For Pablo Picasso his art was above all, whether or not his works were liked by the public or not for him was simply irrelevant.

53. What is in the background to act, but to lie? And what is to act well, if not to lie convincing? (Sir Laurence Olivier)

All great artists know very well that they must internalize their art if they want to be able to represent it at its best. A very complicated fact to achieve in practice, that in order to achieve it we will have to ask ourselves some existential questions.

54. The great elevations of the soul are not possible except in solitude and silence. (Arturo Graf)

Some artists need to isolate themselves from the world in order to connect with their art. A practice that Da Vinci, Dalí, Hemingway and Warhol used for example.

55. Painting is silent poetry; blind painting poetry. (Leonardo da Vinci)

As the great Leornado Da Vinci tells us in this quote, each art gives us people a totally unique way of expressing ourselves

56. Music composes decomposed spirits and alleviates the works that are born of the spirit. (Miguel de Cervantes)

Music has the power to heal our hearts and encourage us to live our lives with greater intensity. There are many people who could not live their day to day in a normal way without having music in their life.

57. Architecture is a frozen music. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Architecture is undoubtedly a really beautiful art, only through it we are able to move to fantasy worlds even when we are awake.

58. Reviews will not be pleasant, but they are necessary. (Winston churchill)

A constructive criticism can help us greatly in our ascent, only if we know how to accept and internalize them will we be able to become the great artist that many of us want to be.

59. Music begins where language ends. (E.T.A. Hoffmann)

Music is an art that has the ability to awaken in us some really intense emotions, something that with words would be practically impossible to replicate.

60. The art of conducting consists of knowing when to abandon the baton so as not to disturb the orchestra. (Herbert Von Karajan)

As this famous conductor tells us very well, sometimes the best we can do is not disturb the artist when he is displaying all his talent.

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