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16 short love poems that are beautiful declarations

Poetry has the power to, many times, translate in a sincere and profound way some two more intense feelings.

For this reason, many apaixonados e apaixonadas procured love verses to make romantic declarations, saying in a lyrical way how beautiful or how they are involved in their relationships like being loved.

Assim, we selected 16 short poems that are about love and caring and are going to start sighs.

1. Não quero ter você, Rupi Kaur

I don't want to know you
for preencher minhas parts
I want to be full sozinha
I want to be complete
that could illuminate the city
it's there
I want to see you
because we do together
we put out fire in all

Rupi Kaur is a young poet born in 1992 in Japan, in India, and based in Canada. Some of her poems are about the universe of women from a feminist and contemporary perspective and I see them doing a lot of success.

I do not want to see you I was posted in Other things to use by mouth (2014) he appoints or wishes for a mature love, not which woman is with him, pre-ignited self-love.

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By isso mesmo, this woman can live an intimate relationship with some form burning, fuller.

2. Or the last poem of the last prince, by Matilde Campilho

He was able to cross the city on a bicycle to see you dance.
And isso
diz muito on minha caixa torácica.

Tida as a revelation of contemporary poetry, to the Portuguese Matilde Campilho (1982-) lives in Brazil and released in 2014 her first book, entitled Jóquei.

O poem mais curto da publicação é Or last poem of the last prince, which exhibits availability and use against love. Here, the author reveals how an attitude, an action, says a lot about or what is passed in our hearts.

3. Small Arias. For Bandolim, by Hilda Hilst

Before the world ends, Túlio,
Deita-te e prova
Esse migre do gosto
That fez na minha boca
Enquanto or world screams
Bellicose. E ao meu side
You fazes Arab, I faço Israelite
And we charged ourselves with beijos
E for flowers
Before the world ends
Before it's over with us
We wish.

Or poem on the face part of the book Jubilee, memory, novitiate da paixão (1974).

A São Paulo writer Hilda Hilst (1930-2004) is known for her cheios texts of paixão, eroticism and daring. Nesse little poem we realize that the author provokes her loved one, even giving him or her own, and or invitation for or love.

Even if the world is in conflict, she is looking for a loving relationship to give vazão aos prazeres when you have desired, trazendo a noção de urgência and pressa de amor.

4. As Sem-Razões do Amor, by Drummond

(...) Eu I love you because I love you.
You don't need to be a lover
e nem you always know I know.
Eu I love you because I love you.
Love and state of grace
e com amor is not paid. (...)

The consecrated poet from Minas Gerais Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987) is two genres of Brazilian literature and has several poems dedicated to love.

Um, give them As Sem-reasons do Amor, launched in 1984 not released Corpo. Let us trace the first stanza of the poem, which attempts to explain that to love não é necessary ter "motifs", or love just shows up and it is not known or why.

Dessa form, many times, just as it is not reciprocated, this "state of grace" is kept from being beaten.

To confer a poem in its entirety, access: As Sem-razões do Amor, by Drummond

5. Love like em Casa, Manuel António Pina

I return to wander ao teu
I grin as I went home. Faço de conta que
I don't eat anything. Distracted percorro
or family path gives saudade,
little things, I'll turn on
One afternoon, no coffee, a light. Ramble
I love you and at the same time depressa,
my love, and at the same time it is faço coisas that I do not devour,
I return to wander to your house,
I buy a livro, I enter not
love like at home.

O português Manuel António Pina (1943–2012) was a renowned poet and journalist. In 1974 he published or poem Love like home, what traced or love like um feeling that awakens a night of comfort and comfort, even if there is also a saudade and a pressa.

Assim, or the author's understanding about this relationship and what belongs to and spontaneity, because how being loved gets to "feel at home".

6. It is very clear, by Ana Cristina Cesar

it's very clear
to ficar
nesta varanda uncovered
to get dark over the city
in construction
about a small constriction
I don't know you
anguish of happiness
car lights
riscando or tempo
quarries of works
I repouse
sudden recuo da plot

Ana Cristina Cesar (1952-1983) was an important poet of Marginal Literature for two years 70 in Brazil.

His intimate verses and full of images of daily life reveal a poetry with freedom and spontaneity, but also very well built.

Em I am very clear, Ana C. how she was kid, she said about um ravishing love, that chega in an urban cenário and I draw happiness, but also anguish.

7. O tempo não passa? Não passa, by Drummond

(...) O meu tempo e o teu, beloved,
transcend any measure.
Além do amor, there is nothing,
loving him or sumo gives life. (...)

We select a fourth stanza from OR tempo no passa? No pass, by Drummond to show more of a romantic poem that expresses everything or feeling of completeness that love provokes.

In this section we see the importance that the author gives to a loving relationship, elevating-to as or "supreme gives life", ou seja, as to essence of existence.

8. Sonnet of total love, by Vinicius de Moraes

(...) I love you very much and amiúde,
What a day in your body suddenly
Hei de morrer de amor as much as I could.

Um two most famous love poems from Brazilian literature and Sonnet of Total Love, by Vinicius de Moraes (1913–1980).

We present here the last stanza of this poem, published in 1971, which exhibits a romantic love cheio delivery, in that or little subject I felt that from so much loving I could tie the same, in a figurative sense, to undermine our arms of the beloved.

9. Poem, Mário Cesariny

You are with me as I am, I am not berço
as a tree over his crust
how or ship did not found the sea

O Portuguese surrealist painter and poet Mário Cesariny (1923-2018) writes this beautiful poem in the 50s and o lançou no livro Capital punishment (1957).

Or poetic text of barely three verses achieves in a singela way to simplify a complex feeling like love, tracing the idea that or being loved is present in any circumstance.

How is the existence of love fosse tão forte quanto a nature e trouxesse comfort e pertencimento.

10. Night Watchmen, Mario Quintana

You that fazem love is not faze just love,
is giving corda to the world’s religion.

The gaucho poet Mario Quintana (1906–1994) is two maiores nomes da poesia nacional. Known for its simplicity, Quintana published in 1987 or free Preguiça as a Method of Work, what plot or poem Night Watchers.

Here, the author presents a curious image about love and intimate love relationships. You are in love são placed like uma força that drives the world, which gives meaning to human existence and face to "spinning world machine".

11. Sem title, by Paulo Leminski

Eu tão isosceles
Você angle
About meu tesão

Theses syntheses
Vê bem onde pises
Can be my heart

Paulo Leminski (1944-1989) was a writer and poet with an intense and significant work on Brazilian poetry. His style is marked by trocadilhos, word games and cheios cheios of humor and acidity.

No poem em questão, or author includes various mathematical concepts to represent a love problem e, final year, warn you to be loved to take care of your feelings.

12. I procure you, by Alice Ruiz

I procure you
nas coisas boas
em nenhuma
I found inteiro
in each uma
I inaugurate you

Alice Ruiz (1946-) is a composer and poet from Curitiba with a vast production of more than 20 published books.

In her poetic work, Alice explores a lot of linguagem do haicai, a Japanese style of short poems.

No poem in questão, the author addresses or sentiment that takes a few dazed people, when seek to be loved in everyday experiences And, even when there is no direct relationship, he invents a new way of planting the person.

13. Secret Ocean, Lêdo Ivo

When i love you
obedeço às estrelas.
A number presides
we found na treva.
Come on and turn
How are you days and nights?
as estações e as marés
to water and to terra.
Love, breath
do nosso ocean secret.

The Alagoan writer and poet Lêdo Ivo (1924-2012) was an important expoente da chamada Geração 45 da national literature. Explore many languages ​​of writing and leaving a great legacy.

Or poem Secret Ocean I was published I do not release Civil Twilight (1990) and traced the image of a love affair as a natural and organic activity as marés e os cycles da natureza. Assim, Compare or love your own life, sublime and mysterious.

14. You were also a little folha, by Pablo Neruda

You were also a little folha
that tremia I do not meu peito.
O vento gives life pôs-te ali.
At the beginning I did not see you: no soube
What are you eating?
I tied that as you root
travessaram o meu peito,
they will join the fios do meu sangue,
falaram pela minha mouth,
flowersceram with me

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) was a Chilean poet and diplomat of enormous importance in Latin America.

Many of his poems are about love, tracing a romantic perspective that generally mixes with aspects of nature.

Em You were also a little girl folha, A loved one and described as part of a plant that I want to see was rooted, I don't peito de poeta, sprout and crescer um love true and intense.

Read me too: Lovely love poems by Pablo Neruda

15. Um jeito, by Adélia Prado

Meu love and assim, sem nenhum modesty.
When I want to, I cry out to janela
- ouve quem estiver passing -
ô so and so, see me depressa.
Tem urgência, half of broken charm,
It's hard as it is hard.
Ideal eu tenho de amor as quem diz coisas:
I want to sleep like you, straighten your hair,
espremer de suas coasts as montanhas pequenininhas
of branca material. For an hour I scream and scare.
Few gosta people.

A writer from Minas Gerais Adélia Prado (1935-) was one of the two great names of modernism in Brazil. His writing of her was developed in various languages ​​and one of the foi a poetry.

Em Um jeito, Adélia reveals to us a little of her playful, colloquial style and free to express herself. Nesse poem or love is shown as urgency and intensity, it is imported a little com a opinião alheia.

Ela ainda stands out like this simple things and you will correct them like all of love, like um cafuné, a partilha gives bed and or espremer de cravos, atos that can only be feitos na mais complete intimidade com o outro.

16. Teu corpo seja brasa, by Alice Ruiz

Teu corpo seja brasa
e o meu home
that is consome no fire
fire enough
to consummate that game
uma fogueira chega
pra eu jump de novo.

Another poem by Alice Ruiz that traced a love theme and Teu corpo seja brasa.

O fogo is a symbol frequently used to represent paixão. Here, a poet makes explicit burning relationship and desire that it takes with two lovers.

Alice also relates or loving involvement with something "perigoso" like "jumping with fire", making a set of words and senses that presents a proper tension of the paixão.

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