Education, study and knowledge


12 poems about life written by famous authors

Apart from inspiring us with its beauty and sensitivity, poetry can also help us to reflect on th...

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Tobacco Poem by Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa) analyzed

Tobacco Poem by Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa) analyzed

Tobacco um a long and complex poem, where or heterônimo Álvaro de Campos raises the central quest...

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12 precious poems by Mario Quintana analyzed and commented

Mario Quintana (1906-1994) was one of the two greatest poets of Brazilian literature and his vers...

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Cora Coralina: 10 essenciais poems to understand the author

Ana Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto (August 20, 1889 - April 10, 1985) was the name of the poet Cora C...

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10 imperdíveis poems from Portuguese literature

Portuguese language literature offers us a wealth of precious talents! But how many desses gênios...

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The 12 most famous poems of Brazilian literature

In Brazilian literature we find a sea of ​​poetic poems by Isso, credit, compor this list with ba...

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Analysis and interpretation of the poem Presságio by Fernando Pessoa

Analysis and interpretation of the poem Presságio by Fernando Pessoa

Dated April 24, 1928, or poem "Presságio", popularized as "O amor, quando se reveals", is a compo...

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Analysis and meaning of the poem "O Tempo" by Mario Quintana

Analysis and meaning of the poem "O Tempo" by Mario Quintana

Popularly known as "O Tempo", or a poem by Mario Quintana, its original title was "Seiscentos e S...

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25 fundamental Brazilian poets

25 fundamental Brazilian poets

The universe of Brazilian poetry is extremely rich and multifaceted, going through several secles...

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Poem No Meio do Caminho by Carlos Drummond de Andrade: analysis and meaning

Poem No Meio do Caminho by Carlos Drummond de Andrade: analysis and meaning

Or poem No Meio do Caminho It is a two works-firsts by the Brazilian writer Carlos Drummond de An...

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The 13 greatest love poems of all times

Quem é what, no boom da paixão, I never wanted to send a love poetry? Ou, what do you know, screv...

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Sonnet of Fidelidade, by Vinicius de Moraes: Análise e Interpretação

Sonnet of Fidelidade, by Vinicius de Moraes: Análise e Interpretação

Or poem Sonnet of Fidelidade is authored by Vinicius de Moraes and addresses the sentiments of lo...

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