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Poem No Meio do Caminho by Carlos Drummond de Andrade: analysis and meaning

Or poem No Meio do Caminho It is a two works-firsts by the Brazilian writer Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

The verses, published in 1928 na Anthropophagy Magazine, we tackle the obstacles (stones) that people find to life.

No Meio do Caminho

No meio do caminho tinha uma pedra
tinha uma pedra no meio do caminho
tinha uma pedra
no meio do caminho tinha uma pedra.
I will never lose my mind from that event
In the life of my tired retinas.
I will never think that I do not walk
tinha uma pedra
tinha uma pedra no meio do caminho
no meio do caminho tinha uma pedra.

Analysis of the poem No Meio do Caminho

As mentioned above, in this poetry, they can be classified as obstacles or problems that people encounter in life, described in this case as a "path". These stones can prevent the person from following or following your course, ou seja, the problems can prevent us from advancing in life.

The verses "I will never get out of this event in the life of my retinas so fatigued" transmits a feeling of tiredness on the part of the author, and of the event that will always make the memory do poet. Also, the stones mentioned can also indicate a relevant and significant event for the life of a person.

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Criticisms of the poem

Assim that posted, or poem No Meio do Caminho foi deeply criticized for its simplicity and repetition. As the tempo passes, the verses are being understood by the public and by the critics. Currently, a poem is a kind of postal card from the work of Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

For some, No Meio do Caminho It is considered as a product of a genre, for others it is described as a monotonous poem and meaning. It is possible to affirm that the criticisms and offenses against the author foram pedras no meio do seu caminho.

Biographical interpretation

Uma das teorias sobre a gênese do poem No Meio do Caminho It goes back to Carlos Drummond de Andrade's own biography.

Drummond married on February 26, 1926 with his beloved Dolores Dutra de Morais. Um ano depois nasceu or first filho do casal: Carlos Flávio. By a tragedy of fate, or boy he survived barely for half an hour.

Between January and February 1927 I was entrusted to the writer a poem for the first issue of the Revista de Antropofagia. Drummond, imerso na sua tragédia pessoal, mandou então o tal controversial poem No Meio do Caminho. A publication of the saiu magazine is not to be followed, in 1928, consecrating the poetic work of the author.

Or theorist Gilberto Mendonça Teles sublinha or fato da palavra pedra contains the same letters of the lost word (treats-presença da hypértese, a figure of language). Or poem had been in a kind of burial mound for or filho and also a lição de como o Drummond escolheu process this sad pessoal event.

Or poem opposed to or Parnassianism

No Meio do Caminho is a creation of Drummond that dialogues as a sonnet Nel mezzo del camin ..., written by the Parnassian poet Olavo Bilac (1865-1918).

Olavo Bilac's sonnet also uses a repetition resource, but follow a much more elaborate aesthetic, with a shaved linguagem and a very calculated structure.

A creation of Drummond is a kind of deed to Parnassian poetry. Or modernist poet face use of a simple, everyday, clear language, through a semi-rhyming structure, musicality or meter. The aim of Drummond is to produce a more pure poetry, more turned to essence.

Many theoreticians interpret that at Drummond's path we were Parnassians, who impeded the development of an accessible and innovative art.

Both Drummond and Olavo Bilac created his poems inspired by the most famous Italian creation Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). The phrase “No meio do caminho” is a present verse, I don't sing. Divine Comedy, written in 1317.

About a publication of the poem

Or poem No Meio do Caminho It was published for the first time in July 1928, number 3 of the Revista de Antropofagia directed by Oswald de Andrade and caused controversy, receiving harsh criticism.

Many of the criticisms eram became a fate of the poet to use redundancy and repetition: A expressão "tinha uma pedra" is used in 7 two 10 verses of the poem.

Or poem, later, I saw to integrate or free Some poetry (1930), or first published by a poet and characteristically drummonian: com uma simple linguagem, colloquial, an accessible and stripped speech.

Ouça or poem No Meio do Caminho

How about ouvir the classic Drummond verses recited?

Reading of the poem "No meio do caminho"

Discover Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Born on October 31, 1902 in Itabira, in the interior of Minas Gerais, Carlos Drummond de Andrade was the two greatest names for Brazilian poetry.

His first childhood was spent not inland, in Itabira, next to two countries, the rural owners Carlos de Paula Andrade and Julieta Augusta Drummond de Andrade. Many years later, Drummond would give the second time to give me a tribute to his mother.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade is the only filha, Maria Julieta.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade e a filha, Maria Julieta Drummond de Andrade.

At the age of 14, Drummond went to Belo Horizonte where he joined an internal college. Four years later I was instead moving to Nova Friburgo, not Rio de Janeiro, in search of better ensino opportunities.

O young poet ended up being trained in the Farmácia da Escola de Odontologia e Farmácia de Belo Horizonte course, he has been invested since 1921 in his journalistic and literary career.

Lançou em 1925 A Magazine, Essential Publication of Mineiro Modernism. He published Diário de Minas later that he saw himself as an editor. Later, he saw him become a civil servant.

He did not serve publicly, at first, as a cabinet assistant to the Secretary of the Interior. Depois he assumiu to chefia do cabinet do Ministério da Educação. Between 1945 and 1962 he served as an official of the National Historic and Artistic Service.

Sendo um two nomes more conhecidos do Brazilian modernism, Carlos Drummond de Andrade marked Brazilian literature for expressing in an inspiring way the deep concerns that torment the human being.

Na personal life or poet married with Dolores Dutra de Morais and foi pai de Maria Julieta Drummond de Andrade and Carlos Flávio Drummond de Andrade.

Or poet faleceu in Rio de Janeiro in 1987. Let me say that his death had been in some way influenced by the failing of filha, that he died just twelve days before his father.

Published works

  • No Meio do Caminho, 1928
  • Alguma Poetry, 1930
  • Poema da Sete Faces, 1930
  • Cidadezinha Qualquer e Quadrilha, 1930
  • Brejo das Almas, 1934
  • Sentimento do Mundo, 1940
  • Poems and José, 1942
  • Confissões de Minas (ensaios e chronicles), 1942
  • To Rosa do Povo, 1945
  • Poetry até Agora, 1948
  • Clear Enigma, 1951
  • Apprentice Counts (prose), 1951
  • Purse Viola, 1952
  • Passeios na Ilha (ensaios e chronicles), 1952
  • Fazendeiro do Ar, 1953
  • Cycle, 1957
  • Fala, Amendoeira (prose), 1957
  • Poems, 1959
  • A Life Past a Limpo, 1959
  • Lições de Coisas, 1962
  • A Bolsa e a Vida, 1962
  • Boitempo, 1968
  • Cadeira de Balanço, 1970
  • Menino Antigo, 1973
  • As Impurities do Branco, 1973
  • Speech of Spring and Outras Shadows, 1978
  • O Corpo, 1984
  • Loving is Learned Loving, 1985
  • Elegia to Um Tucano Morto, 1987

Conheça also

  • Poesia Os Ombros Suportam o Mundo by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Os melhores poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Love poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poem Congresso Internacional do Medo, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poem of Sete Faces, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poem Quadrilha, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Pedras no walk? I keep all of them. One day you will build a castle.
  • Poem E agora, José, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Rebecca Fuks
Review by Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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