Livro A Revolução dos Bichos, by George Orwell: summary and analysis
Animal Farm (in Portuguese A Revolução dos Bichos) is a dystopian fable by the English writer George Orwell. A history of criticism of Stalinism through animated characters representing social types.
The allegorical book was written and published during World War II and has a strong questioning character.
O work is considered a work-first of the author and chegou to be adapted for the audiovisual two times. To Time magazine elegeu Animal Farm like uma das cem melhores works of English language published between 1923 and 2005.
Summary of A Revolução dos Bichos
A story told by Orwell is passed to Granja do Solar, a farm in England that he has as owner or Senhor Jones. Galinhas, pombas, porcos, puppies, cavalos, goats, donkeys, ovelhas and cows são os personagens centris dessa narrativa. You animais na ficção do English writer have human characteristics, face dense, philosophical, political and identity questions.
They are organizing and trying to raise a utopian society with harsh criticism of homem, in this case represented by the figure of Senhor Jones:
Or Homeme the only creature that I can eat. It does not give leite, it does not hold eggs, it is too cold to plow or plow, it does not run or enough to reach a hound. Likewise, he is or senhor of all you cheer up. He põe-nos to work, give us a minimum to avoid inanição e fica as the rest. We work alone or alone, we squeeze or fertilize and, however, we do not have the ability to peel ourselves. So cows, here I look at my front, how many liters of milk produced this year? And what happens to this leite, which should be feeding robust bezerrinhos? Desceu peels throat two nossos inimigos. E so galinhas, how many eggs will I put this year, how many will be transformed into pintinhos? The remaining foram for the market, fazer dinheiro for Jones and serious homens.
A fala acima foi dita velho Major hair, a porco já con certa idade and possessor of a deep sense of justice. O Major tinha as the greatest ideal of life to turn you into the farm rich and free beings. Second ele, all of you homens were enemies and all of you animated were comrades and equals.
O Major deu or initial pontapé to the movement on the farm that was intended to bring you together and incite a rebellion. However, he ended up dying three days after taking the first steps towards his sonhada egalitarian society.
Quem assumiu or command post após a morte do Major foram os porcos Bola de Neve, Garganta e Napoleão. The three of you will organize your Major's teachings in a shamed thinking system Animalism.
O Animalism is Orwell's present fictitious political theory that would be asserted in the real world to what would have been or Stalinism. O Major from the beginning to the revolution embora he has not been chegado à vê-la. The basic principle of Animalism is summed up in a single sentence:
four pernas bom, duas pernas ruim
Bandeira da farm was replaced no novo regime. A nova was made in green cloth (to make reference to the field) and carried two prints: uma de um chifre and uma de um helmet (elements that allude to the animal world).
You are animated by ganharam um hino entitled Bichos da England, which sublims hope and desire for equality and freedom among all.
Foram instituted in the new society of the seven mandates that North America or Animalism and life together:
l. Qualquer coisa that walks on duas legs and inimigo.
2. Anyone who walks on four legs, or has handles, my friend.
3. Nenhum animal will wear roupas.
4. Nenhum animal will sleep in bed.
5. Nenhum animal will drink alcohol.
6. Nenhum animal will kill another animal.
7. Everyone cheers up são iguais.
The bugs will become friends of comrades and all the subjects of collective interest were raised to vote in Assembleia. Numa das first reuniões was discussed, for example, if at times it was me or two friends. Together, they will also vote on the housing option for each kind of animal and will decide to establish a literacy classroom for everyone.
Foi during you were so hidden that a great rebellion was planned. One day, or Senhor Jones drinks too much and the scheme of giving food to the animais. Foi o estopim e o princípio de uma nova era. The bugs, during the promotion and injustice, join together and create a great revolution expelling humans from the farm.
As fast and substantial changes are made: home from Senhor Jones and his wife Viviam Virou a museum, or no property was altered from Solar Farm to Bugs Farm
A life to rural property ran from behind to revolution, it is better to sublimate that, in spite of all trabalharem, Mimosa and the cat dodge two afflictions, appearing barely an hour after refeições.
You are also not working properly, just directing and supervising or working two others. They affirmed that, as we were gifted with higher knowledge and forerunners of the revolution, it was natural for them to assume leadership.
Snowball, Garganta and Napoleão gradually formed gaining privileges in the community. Or it was disappearing and ended up being found in the food of two pigs, as most of them were collected in South Korea and left in the deposit of ferramentas to be consumed also pig hair. Small privileges are being practiced by those who consider themselves intellectual workers.
Um belo dia, o senhor Jones turned to return to the farm. Armed and with more than one duzia of colleagues, the return to the farm with one espingarda na mão. You are encouraged, porém, you will be able to meet to expel the old property.
Bola de Neve, trying to optimize the production and supply of electrical energy to the farm, for the purpose of building a moinho. O projeto avançou, but gerou high misunderstandings at the top of the group. Finally, during a non-celebratory meeting, Bola de Neve ended up being expelled by Napoleão.
Porcos they moved to the house where Jones lived, which initially intended to serve as a museum. Napoleão, ambitious, decided to carry out businesses with other vizinhas farms, ensuring that you encourage yourself to increase much to production.
Or to be able to go up to the head of the porco and to a considerable situation: the other critters have less and less food and more and more work. O chegou leader to prohibit that you encourage you to sing to music that so much gostavam (Bichos da Terra) claiming that the song was only served for the tempos da revolução.
Napoleão achou to be able to negotiate the products of the farm with the homens, among them Frederick, who ended up by giving a blow to the farm. A mishap was transformed into a real conflict that led to the invasion of property and the death of many animals during the brigade.
As a tempo, at a growing farm you are animated by giving young. The bugs will transform the space into a republic and Napoleon, or the only candidate for office, was elected.
Due to his business relationships as homens, he created the ties with which he burned so much hate and was placing in practice methods that facilitate production, or control of expenses as a ratio and as hours of work.
Or because I was gaining human characteristics, becoming corrupt as a former farm owner. O final da historia traduz essa symbiose between o porco e o ser que el before so much detestava: o homem.
There was no dúvida, now, how long will happen to two pigs physiognomy. As creatures of fora olhavam from um porco to um homem, from um homem to um porco and from um porco to um homem another time; but it will become impossible to distinguish what was homem, what was porco.
Analyze A Revolução dos Bichos
Second or own author, To revolution two bugs face reference to events that will follow the Communist Revolution (1917) and the Stalinist era in the Soviet Union. Through two animals, we learn more about life in an egalitarian community.
It was Orwell's wish to denounce the terrifying position established by Stalin coming to power. In the narrated story, we see through Napoleão how or being able to rise to the head and as or position of It leads the way that a supposed representative of the power to use his post to obtain pessoais benefits.
We witness how Napoleão is gradually corrupted: o porco começa a furtar leite, a ter acesso exclusive As maças and ends up moving home to two Jones, which should be kept as a museum by decision collective.
Through his literature, or an English writer criticizes, for example, or cult of personalities and censorship. Napoleão, at a certain time of history - when you perceive its influence on the community -, you are encouraged to sing to music that makes you happy. Apart from censored serem, nem os animais e nem o leitor ficam to know properly or exato motive da proibição.
Either it seems to be a vigorous message against totalitarianism and oppression, the narrative awakens us as we are all corrupt and how authoritarianism can be harmful to life in society.
A manipulation of information and blackmail, two of Orwell's greatest concerns, also appear in fiction: at the end of tentarem keep you alive United around an egalitarian life, you will always be reminded of your comrades as it was terrifying to reality on the farm at the time of senhor Jones.
As an easy and accessible language, humor, or free, try to meet all kinds of readers, having been a succession of bands at the time of publication and subsequent reissues. Curiously, A revolução dos bichos remains an extremely current work, which deals with questões that I will not lose to validate as a game of power, to censorship and to manipulation of masses.
Personagens principais
Senhor jones
He was or dono da fifth. He explores you to obtain the best possible profit and not to provide them with the best living conditions. Let me say that the personagem was inspired by Nicolau II, or the last emperor of Russia, who was an alcoólatra (also like Senhor Jones) and detestava or povo.
Velho Major
Bearded pig, tall counted among you, never with a certain maturity given to experience two seus 12 years. He was cheio of ideas and was the first to try to reunite or group in an autonomous and egalitarian society. Pray to Lenda that the personagem ter had been inspired by Marx, an idealist who mobilized the masses and failures to see the fruits of the revolution that he sought to establish.
Snowball, Garganta e Napoleão
They were pigs that Senhor Jones raised to sell. As the death of Major they ended up assuming leadership of the community when it was established.
The brigades portrayed between Bola de Neve, who had an expansionist profile, and Napoleão, who was clearly an editor, remeteriam as brigas de Trotsky e Stalin, Two skeleton idealists who diverge in ways that should be implemented or regimen.
Or because Napoleão can be representative of a series of editors such as Stalin (in the Soviet Union), Augusto Pinochet (not Chile), Mao Tse Ting (in China) and Salazar (in Portugal). Costuma-se associate more frequently with the figure of Porco Napoleão à Stalin because he had brought the principles of the revolution and possessed a violent personality.
Or why would Throat be representation of publicity feita hair governo, always dited in an eloquent way as a goal of keeping order.
Ferrabrás, Lulu and Cata-vento
The three puppies give property.
Sansão and Quitéria
Two cavalos de tração, Sansão especially was a tireless worker, an example to be followed by hair dwellers of the Farm. Faithful to the world of work and to a social commitment, he was considered or model worker da farm.
Uma egua branca that tinha like fraco a vaidade e a glula, ela é uma representation of the bourgeoisie. Mimosa gostava very much to walk with food and eat torrões de açúcar. Mimosa represents in a certain way or egoism and or individualism by placing her many of her in front of the necessities of two other animais.
A white goat.
O donkey, animal more idoso da farm, and or more moderate, represents the weighted sages that we will learn through experience two years.
A domesticated corvo alcoviteiro who lived with the Jones family, in a work of art representation of igreja.
Analyze the main phrases
All of you cheer yourself up, plus some cheer you up more than others.
In conclusion, it happens at the end of the release that the lack of communion and freedom and corroded by the ambition and hair can reach porcos hairs.
If the rules were not initially clear (such as, "nenhum animal will sleep in bed"), they will end up by transforming allowing doubtful gaps. A proibição to sleep in bed turned quickly "nenhum animal will sleep in bed with lençóis". As gaps it was not by chance that porcos hairs were taken advantage of.
Thus regras universais passed to be particularized depending on what it was, corrupting or a system that promised equality for all.
Retire-dinner is given or Homeme because the main cause of the promotion and the work overload will disappear forever.
A topical phrase does not begin with freedom, when or Major still tends to convince you of the need to free yourself from the domain of Senhor Jones.
During his speech he tries to persuade his companions as to how they are explored and how Senhor Jones makes the most of the situation of two animals. O Major identifies or homem as the cause of all evil and intends to establish a different society, based on new values.
Historic context
Written in the middle of World War II (between November 1943 to February 1944) and published on August 17, 1945, in England, or with clear political references.
Over the years we see an obvious criticism of the Stalinist dictatorship from a period in which the Soviets were still allies of the West.
It is worth noting that Stalin was relatively beloved by British hair (and also by government), a situation that left the writer George Orwell in deep discomfort. Not by chance or free was I challenged by a series of publishers, many publishing houses may have retaliation for publication.
A curiosity: Orwell chose to act as a fighter in the Spanish Civil War, so that he knew of Stalin's Soviet army or war. The author also works with the BBC, I felt the need to ask for demissão in order to save a freedom to denounce what he accredited to be the real character of the Stalinist regime. A work, which is an acid satire, was many times used as a harsh criticism against Stalinism.
Envelope or book
A work composed by George Orwell, which was reviewed by various publishers, was published by a small publishing house in the year 1945.
Year to raise To revolution two bugs, or English writer fez a mix of genres: on one side it is possible to find traces of Moorish fables, those whose most famous representative was AesopIt is political satire.
![First edition of Animal Farm.](/f/5e89a8825b5ae3f3b6cacb4ff1b0fdfb.jpg)
Film adaptations
1954 film
The first adaptation of George Orwell's work-debut was made in 1954 in the form of an animated design, a British-American co-production. The pioneering directors of the longa metragem foram John Halas and Joy Batchelor.
The film was important to the history of cinema in England. Animal Farm foi a second animation longa-metragem produced in the country (first, Handling Ships, dates from 1945). The film was indicated to Bafta de melhor animação in 1956.
1999 film
A second adaptation for the cinema was directed by John Stephenson and released in October 1999. Essa nova montagem was quite different from the first one, especially since it was animated by reality or the opposite of animated.
Leia na whole
To revolution two bugs Find-it is available for free download in pdf format.
Discover George Orwell
Eric Arthur Blair, a little guy born in Montihari (a small city in Bengal) escolheu or pseudonym George Orwell to work as a day laborer, essayist and romancist.
Born on June 25, 1903, Orwell was the son of an English colonial official, an agent of the British Department of Ópio.
Before being a writer, Orwell was a Polícia Imperial da Índia. He did not last a long time because I quickly realized that he wanted to dedicate himself exclusively to words.
In his thirties, he moved to the French capital where he had a bohemian life full of prazeres. In 1936 joy ended when Eric embarked for Spain to fight against the Franco regime (dictated by Francisco Franco).
In 1933, Orwell published or seu first book, entitled Na pior in Paris and London. In 1945, he launched that which would become one of his first works, To revolution two bugs.
![Portrait of George Orwell.](/f/31d5d3e465e758453c74d37752f90ea8.jpg)
A personal life or writer was married to Eileen, as he loved a boy named Richard Horatio Blair. Richard saw to be his only descendant of him.
Orwell had lived very much, with barely forty-one years. Depressed as he lost, he moved to a run-down house in the city, located on the Scottish island of Jura.
Five years later, he was attacked by the tuberculosis, or writer not resistant and failing, leaving an important literary work produced.
Conheça also
- Livro 1984, by George Orwell
- George Orwell's 1984: o Livro Explained