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Stephen King: 12 free melhores to discover or author

Stephen King (1947 -) is a famous North American writer who stands out internationally with his romances and stories of terror, fantasy, mystery and scientific fiction.

Even though I never read his works, he will probably assist in some classic cinema or series of successes that have inspiration from the author's narratives. Confira, below, some two major successes of his career:

1. Carrie, a Estranha (1974)

Carrie, a Estranha (1974)

The first book published by Stephen King is a horror romance made up of letters and daily news that contacted the story of Carrie White, a teenage outsider. Aluna do ensino medio and solitaire and rejetado hairs seus colleagues.

At home, she lives controlled by the most extremely religious. Tudo is upset when he discovers that she has super-powers and finds a chance to I know vingar daqueles que feriram.

O livro teve a aprovação do Público, later being adapted for cinema by Brian De Palma (1976) and by Kimberly Peirce (2013).

2. A Black Tower (2004)

A Black Tower (2004)

To Black Tower It is a literary series that combines various styles such as fantasy, far-west and scientific fiction, and has been appointed as one of the author's works-firsts. Compost for free, a saga began to be published in 1982 and just ended in 2012.

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Or segue entanglement or fate of um solitary gunman who faces a travessia desert hair, rumo to a powerful tower. Not the seventh volume, which has the same title, you see the influences of terror that cross my narrative.

Here, as the protagonist, a young man named Jake Chambers, has the help of Father Callahan to defeat a group of vampires that is back or chaos.

3. O Enlightened (1977)

O Enlightened (1977)

Either King's third book is a horror romance that you planned or his work for international fame. A plot tells the story of Jack, a writer in crisis who is fighting against alcohol. When the oil works, num hotel isolado nas montanhas and he moves to the family, seems to have found an opportunity to recommend.

Not so, as a passage of time, or a local begins to affect the mind of the protagonist, who is assuming increasingly perverse and erratic behaviors, placing everyone's life on the edge.

In 1980, the history of Stanley Kubrick's cinema world was eternalized, becoming one of his most iconic films of all times.

Trust also nossa film analysis O Illuminated.

4. It: a Coisa (1986)

It: a Coisa (1986)

Another work of terror that entered for our collective imagination, To Coisa explore something common for many people: or half of palhaços. A narrative and starring a group of children who begin to be chased by a creature that amazes and intends to devour them.

Pennywise, um be alien that assumes the form of um palhaço Terrible, he tries to attract them for the esgotos of the city and, for the longest time, two adults, he will nourish two serious bodies and do so that they are sentenced. Or vilão marched to popular culture and became one of the two most famous and appearing in his time.

Among the various adaptations of the work, the telefilm of Tommy Lee Wallace (1990) and the longa-metragens of Andy Muschietti (2017 and 2019) stand out, which will disclose the story together with the gerações mais jovens.

5. Misery: Louca Obsessão (1987)

Misery: Louca Obsessão (1987)

A work of psychological terror tells the story of Paul Sheldon, a writer of romances from Vitoria who suffers a car accident at a remote road. Before embarking nessa viagem, he published a work that encompasses his most famous literary saga, Misery.

Apos or disaster, or homeme rescued between life and death by Annie Wilkes, a former nurse who reveals a fervent fã two serious works of him. She or she goes home, where she continues to take care of him and places various questões on his writing about him.

Gradually, the situation ends up becoming a kind of sequestration and a woman unwrap an obsessão hair author that is found in a vulnerable position. O romance was adapted for a cinema in 1990, by Rob Reiner.

6. Dead Zone (1979)

Dead Zone (1979)

A work of scientific fiction tells the story of Johnny Smith, a homem who spent five years in a coma. When he wakes up, I discovered that I had supernatural powers, as to clarity and ability to foresee or future, housed in a great part of his mind that he is "dead zone".

Daí em diante, the item to use your new dons to fight or evil that appears not on your path, in the form of an assassin in a series of Greg Stillson, a politician on the rise.

Além de bater records de vendas no ano do seu lançamento, o livro também was adapted for the cinema in 1983, by David Cronenberg, as a title Na Hora da Zona Morta.

7. A Dança da Morte (1978)

A Dança da Morte (1978)

Or entanglement of fantasy and post-apocalytic terror passed in the 80's, when uma doença come to devastate humanity. A biological weapon raised by government hair was accidentally released. In the sequence, only a small percentage of the population manages to survive.

Starting today, these individuals split into groups that began to fight each other. We all have the same reminiscent dreams. Em um deles, são chamados by a mulher idosa, Mãe Abagail, to join her farm. No outro, it is a shadowy figure entitled Randall Flagg who summons you.

In 1994, the work was adapted for television, as a North American miniseries produced by ABC broadcaster.

8. À Espera de um Milagre (1999)

À Espera de um Milagre (1999)

Also known as Or Corredor da Morte, or romance was originally published in six volumes. A work and narrated in the first person by Paul Edgecombe, a homely man who is recording his memories of him during the days he is in asylum.

Also, a major part of the plot happens not past, during the Grande Depressão, when he worked as a prison guard and coexisted with him. condemned to death.

It was at that time that she created a friend with John Coffey, a prisoner who seemed to be supernatural. A dramatic story was adapted for cinema, in 1999, by Frank Darabont.

9. Jogo Perigoso (1992)

Jogo Perigoso (1992)

Jessie and Gerald accompany a work of psychological suspense, a couple that travels to an isolated place, to relax and spend romantic days.

Numa cabana perto do lago, or even try to reacceed to paixão do casamento. Contudo, when he feels bad and succumbs, his wife ends up ficando prey na bed.

In panic, a woman feared to deal with memories and old traumas, but all the piora when a sinister figure invades the local and begins to observe her.

10. Sleeping Belas (2017)

Sleeping Belas (2017)

Written in partnership as your filho, Owen King, a work of fantasy and terror is the most recent that integrates our seleção. Na plot, or world and invaded by uma epidemic that places as women no deep sound.

A estranha doença, girl "Aurora", raises patients to a state of fury always some tenta awakens them. Além da fantasia, o livro também carrega mensagens sociais, since this unusual event led to important reflections on the role of women in contemporary reality.

11. O Cemitério (1983)

O Cemitério (1983)

Considered a two most repentant books by Stephen King, or horror romance following the passes of Louis Creed and his family, who moved to a rural region In search of a more calm rotina.

Or comfort and initial peace is transformed when they come to live several unexpected setbacks. It is here that I discover that, immediately afterwards, there is an improvised cemetery, where local children are buried and dead domestic animals are buried.

Em 2019, a historia chegou aos cinemas, com o film Cursed Cemetery, directed by Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer,

12. A Hora do Vampiro (1975)

A Hora do Vampiro (1975)

A Hora do Vampiro, also known as SalemIt was the second book on King's career, which he claimed to be two of his favorites. Na plot, or protagonist is Ben Mears, a writer who decides to return to his native city, several years later.

Já em Jerusalem’s Lot, elect to repair in various events pending. In little time, or author discovers that some cities become vampires. With the help of Susan and Mark, that he knows this time, he procures him a little stop and revert to curse.

The work was adapted to the formats of series, minissérie (1979) and telefilm (2004), on North American television.

Take the opportunity to see also:

  • Complete and commented horror stories
  • Fantasy books that are true classics
  • Melhores free of suspense that you need to read
  • Horror films that you need to watch
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