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Cora Coralina: 10 essenciais poems to understand the author

Ana Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto (August 20, 1889 - April 10, 1985) was the name of the poet Cora Coralina, a Brazilian woman who began to publish her works when she was 76 years old.

In literary terms, she is frightening as a woman who attended a third series of the primary course and had created such precious verses.

To earn a living, Cora Coralina worked as doceira enquanto levava written as um hobby parallel. A poet chegou to be invited to participate in the Modern Art Week, but she cannot join her peers due to the limitations of her husband's imposts.

Her poetry is based on a number of daily writings, of miudezas, and characterized by a delicacy and by a knowledge of how to pass through life and observe every detail of the path. In short: a lyric by Cora and impregnated with history that a doceira viveu.

Despite the late start in the literary career, Cora Coralina donates a consistent production and has become one of the most celebrated poets of the country. Her verses ganharam fãs world afora e a Goian lyric, subtle and ao same powerful tempo, we see being increasingly popularized.

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1. Aninha e Suas Pedras

Don't let yourself be destroyed ...
Adding novas pedras
and building new poems.
Recria your life, always, always.
Remove stones and roseiras plant and face doces. Recomeça.
Face of your mesquinha life
a poem.
And you will live not heart two young people
in the memory of the gerações that you have to live.
This fountain is for the use of all those who sit.
Take your part.
Go to these pages
I have not used it
years that you have been headquarters.

Um two more conhecidos poems by Cora é Aninha e Suas Pedras. Nele we see a eu-lyrical disposto a give conselhos ao leitor, raising with an audience um space of intimidation e partilha.

Informal and colloquial language can be perceived as not taken from written orality. The non-imperative verbs suggest quase an order (recria-remove-recomeça-face), sublining the importance of what is said to be necessary to follow in front.

Or poem deals with frontality to questão da resilience It is urgent to try another time when the plane is not true, just as it seems that there is no more force.

Confira or poem Aninha e Suas Pedras recitation:

Falada Poetry | Falado Poem | Aninha e suas pedras - Cora Coralina

2. Aninha's Conclusions

We were standing there. Husband and wife.
Wait or car. And so I saw that that da roça
shy, humble, sofrida.
He told me that he was hot, longe, he had burned his ranch,
I know what's inside
She was there, she did not trade, asking for an aid to lift
novo ranch and buy suas pobrezinhas.
Or homem ouviu. I opened a carteira tirou a cédula,
I gave you sem word.
A mulher ouviu. She perguntou, inquired, speculated, aconselhou,
I know how I saw and said that Nossa Senhora had to help
It did not go public.
What two dois ajudou mais?

O stretch above the initial part of Aninha's Conclusions and tells a small daily story, so frequent in cities, when a humble person interrupts or walks from a house to the car and can help to explain his personal situation.

Com uma colloquial linguagem e marked orality, or poetic subject introduces us to dinner and the way each two people behaved.

Or husband offers your financial help, but I did not enter in the community with the person who requested, nem serocou a word. A woman, for the same time, does not offer anything, but we should be outed and empathized with the one who is in a vulnerable situation. Either section is closed as a question semresponse, which face as the reader reflects on or behavior two anonymous persons.

3. Mulher da Vida

Mulher da Vida,
Minha irmã.
Of all the tempos.
Of all you povos.
From all latitudes.
Ela vem do fund imemorial das idades
e load heavy load
two more clumsy synonyms,
nicknames and nicknames:
Mulher da zone,
Mulher da rua,
Woman lost,
Mulher à toa.
Mulher gives life,
Minha irmã.

Mulher da Vida - or title of the poem - is an informal expression that is used in a costumeiro way to name prostitutes. Year inverse of launching on these women um olhar contaminated with preconceit and distancing, or that the eu-lyrical face sublinhar a comunhão that is like her.

Nem or eu-lyrical nem a mulher da vida são nomeados no poem. When she says "Mulher da Vida, minha irmã", Cora stands out or that has empathy and sense of union between the duas: despite terem escolhidos different paths são irmãs, parceiras, desejam or bem uma a outra.

Known as the oldest profusion of the world (and the verses portray that ancestrality when they affirm "Ela vem do imemorial das idades fund "), as prostitutes are identified no poem also hair place where they are: na zone, na rua.

In spite of being in different spaces and having different behaviors, the two people are identified from what they are common, or fate of several women.

4. Offers by Aninha (Aos moços)

Eu sou aquela mulher
at what tempo
muito ensinou.
I taught to love life.
Do not give up da luta.
Recommend defeat.
Give up negative words and thoughts.
Accredit our human values.
Be otimistic.
I believe numa força magnetically
that I am linking to the human family
luminous current numa
of universal fraternity.
He believed in human solidarity.
He believed in overcoming two errors
and anxieties of the present.
Credit us boys.
I exalt your confidence,
generosity and idealism.
He believed us miraculous gives science
e na descoberta of a prophylaxis
future two mistakes and violence
do present.
I learned that it is better to fight
do that recolher dinheiro easy.
Before accrediting do than doubting.

O poem acima was built based on affirmation of an identity: ao long two verses we see or eu-lyrical to emphasize aquilo that became.

The poem contemplates the same time in three seasons: either past, where he acquired experiences, or present, where he declares with pride that he is what he, or future, is here that he wishes to become.

As a very simple construction and a desire to approximate the maximum possible reading, we find a eu-lyrical honest and dismissal of shame, that reflects on the rumors that your life took. As an ever-solar and otimistic stance, the verses incite us to be melhores creatures.

To author sublinha em Offers from Aninha (Aos moços) - It is generally a year long for all his poetry - a need to be resilient, to persevere, to tempt another time.

5. Goiás scholarships

Becos da minha terra ...
I love your sad landscape, absent and suja.
Teu ar grim. Tua velha umidade raggedy.
Teu black mud, greenish, escorregadio.
This is the sunshine that ao-midday descends fugidia,
e semes dourados polmes no teu lixo poor,
calçando de ouro to sandália velha, jogada I do not mount.

I love silent prantina do teu fio de água,
I descend from fifth excuses sem pressa,
Depressure was supplied to the gap of a velho cano.
I love a delicate avenue that is reborn
Na frincha de teus walls pawned,
e a plantinha desvalida de caule mole
who defends himself, viceja e floresce
I am not blessed with your deep shadow

Os verses acima foram withdrawn from a poem more extensive present no livro Os Poemas dos Becos de Goiás e Estórias Mais, published in 1965.

O poem é um praise à terra by Cora Coralina and pretends to fazer um portrait of the landscape with um olhar in a hurry e turned to or detail. Or honest record contemplates or beme or bad: a umidade, or mud, but also sol e a vitality represented by the avenca that is reborn.

The verses go from small to large, from detail to a wide landscape, it is enough to observe how the water runs and the logo seems to be lost in perspective, giving rise to visão do cano velho.

As a visceral writing, Cora calls attention to what we habitually suffer from, and that goes unrecognized: the walls bent, a plant that is still dead as a caule mole.

Here we also see a characteristic forte da lrica da poeta from Goiana: apesar da paisagem inhospitable, there is a desire for resistance, perseverance, or as Cora would say, to defend oneself, vicejar and to flourish.

6. Meu Destino

Nas palmas de tuas mãos
I read as linhas da minha vida.
Lines crossed, sinuous,
interfering with your destiny.
I did not procure you, you did not procure me -
We were sozinhos by different roads.
Indifferent, we crossed
Passavas as a bundle gives life ...
I ran to or found you.
Sorri. Falamos.
That day was marked
com to pedra branca
da cabeça de um peixe.
And, since then, we walk
together pela vida ...

Meu Destino é, before tudo, um poem by um serene love, bem happened and duradouro. The verses são um portrait gives life before, during the depois do found as a partner.

For the first four verses we see or get married together: as linhas das mãos, or destiny two lovers are confused, the life of one is mixed as another. Depois seems to have a recuar no tempo and we are transported to a tempo in which you do not yet know.

For the sake of chance, apparently, as lives crossed, and she goes em direção ao beloved. Or I find that it is described by two singel verbs: "Sorri. Falamos. ". All of it is narrated with profound naturalness and it seems that the destiny of the house was all directed in such a way as two years together forever.

7. Ressalva

This book was written
by uma mulher
that does not take life
recreates his own poetry

This book
it was written by uma mulher
what a climbing fez gives
Montanha da Vida
removing stones
e planting flowers.

This book:
Verses... No.
Poetry... No.
A different way of counting velhas estórias.

Os verses acima inauguram o livro Poems dos Becos de Goiás e Estorias Mais, released for the first time in 1965. It is about a deeply autobiographical and metapoetic poem, which uncovers the backstage of writing. Cora Coralina published or her first book of poetry when she had a certain life -to be more precise, the poet had 76 years at the time-, Ressalva.

TO life experience It marks the poetics of Cora and fica clara also verses us acima. We quickly notice that the words were written by someone with deep experience and that they took advantage of the time to colher wisdom.

Em Ressalva We find a metaliterature, isto é, a text that is false about itself, that it goes inside, for or its own content, and or comments. No poem or eu-lyrical I say here what do you think about your own criação: não são verses nem poetry, é "a different way of telling velhas estórias".

8. All Lives

Live inside me
uma cabocla velha
from mau-olhado,
acocorada ao pé do borralho,
olhando para o fogo.
Benze broke.
Feitiço boot ...
Ogum. Orixá.
Macumba, terreiro.
Ogã, pai de santo ...

Live inside me
to lavadeira do Rio Vermelho.
Seu cheiro gostoso
d'água e sabão.
Rodilha de pano.
Trouxa de roupa,
anil stone.
Soft green são-caetano coroa.

Live inside me
to mulher cozinheira.
Pepper and cebola.
Quitute benfeito.
Earthenware panel.
Taipa by lenha.
Cozinha antiga
all pretinha.
Bem cached by picumã.
Pontuda stone.
Coconut cumbuco.
Stepping on alho-sal.

Live inside me
to mulher do povo.
Bem proletária.
Bem linguaruda,
unused, sem preconceitos,
from casca-grossa,
from chinelinha,
e filharada.

Live inside me
to mulher roceira.
- Enxerto da terra,
meio casmurra.
De pé no chão.
Bem parideira.
Bem criadeira.
Seus doze filhos
Seus twenty net.

Live inside me
a mulher gives life.
Minha irmazinha ...
Feigning joyful seu sad fado.

All the lives within me:
Na minha life -
to life mere dark days.

All Lives é two most celebrated poems by Cora Coralina. Long year two verses we see identity question as a two northmen gives the lyrics of the Goian poet.

We also observe how everyday images The small objects are cast a year long two verses and help to characterize the characters that the eu-lyrical wishes to illustrate. A chinelinha, for example, is a symbol of mulher do povo that helps us to visualize this personagem more precisely.

In the absence of her own identity, Cora ends up addressing a complex identity of women who will live between the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century in Brazil. Raised to be wives and more, muitas abandoram to school (case of Cora, who attended only third series of primary course) and ficaram inteiramente turned for family life.

Em All LivesHowever, we see that women are going to be very happy that has been planned for them. In reading two verses, we see the mastery of a woman who has not given up on the world of literature, but now she has been deeply encouraged to abandon this path. With a simple and marked linguagem pela oralidade, Cora em All Lives covers as suas multiple facets.

9. Cora Coralina, Quem É Você?

Sou mulher as outra qualquer.
Venho do seculo passedado
I drink all things with me.

Nasci numa rebaixa de serra
between mountains and hills.
"Longe of all the places".
Numa city of onde levaram
o ouro e deixaram as pedras.

Next to these decorreram
to minha infância and adolescência.

Aos meus anseios respondediam
rugged cliffs.
E eu dated within imensa serrania
that was blue in the distance

Numa ânsia de vida eu abria
or vôo nas asas impossíveis
do sonho.

Venho do seculo passedado.
Pertenço a uma geração
get on, enter libertação
two slaves and free worker.
Enter monarchy
fall of the republic
that was installed.

Everything or ranço do passado was
To brutality, to incomprehension,
to ignorance, or carrancism.

Os verses acima fazem part do extensive and fundamental poem Cora Coralina, Quem É Você ?. We do not decorate the child, we see a portrait of historical and cultural context that provided or birth of a great poet.

We learn from her specific family context as well as the difficulties she faced in getting to study. We revisit even the political condition of the country, marked by a moment of transition.

As we advance our verses, we discover not only the personal path of Ana Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto a long time ago two different periods of her life (infância, adolescência, adult life e velhice), as well as unveil the habits of her region, not internal do Brasil.

10. Assim Eu Vejo a Vida

A vida tem duas faces:
Positive and negative
O passedado was hard
more deixou or seu legacy
Knowing viver é a great wisdom
That eu possa dignify
Minha condição de mulher,
Oil your limitations
And me fazer Pedra de Segurança
two values ​​that are falling apart.
I was born in rude times
Oil contradictions
lutas e pedras
as lições de vida
and of them I serve myself
I learned to live.

Or poem, autobiographical, narrates the struggles and difficulties experienced by this mature woman. How is Cora Coralina, not at the end of her life, she goes back and reflects on the paths that she has taken over a long period of time.

Em Assim Eu Vejo a Vida é sublinhada to capacity for improvement, from resilience and force to overcome obstacles. Either eu-lyrical observes or his principle of him-os "rudes tempos" -e ponders the decisions that he took até chegar onde chegou. Até em situações más, or poetic subject manages to extract something bom: "o passedado foi dura, mas deixou o seu legado".

As stones, which or eu-lyrical mentions, são or symbol of adversity. Elas têm um meaning to the same positive and negative tempo: on the other hand são terríveis because they atravancam or path and provocam sofrimento, by another são essenciais because it serves as a lição de vida e learned.

Conheça also

  • Saber viver: commented poem by Cora Coralina
  • Os mais beautiful poems written by Brazilian authors
  • You write short poems
  • Fundamental Brazilian poets
  • Poems about life written by famous authors
  • Os melhores poems by Hilda Hilst
  • The best love poems from Brazilian literature
  • The great poems of Manoel de Barros commented
  • 25 poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Enchanting Poems by Adélia Prado
  • Poem O Tempo, by Mario Quintana
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